The Purgatorians 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries

Project Overview

I will try to keep this more brief than the last call for this project as I got so eager I filled the page with so much information. All the interviews that you find here are all part of an optional paid extra that you will be offered to take part in too if cast. If you would like to read up on the first call of this project, that gave more information, please find it here.

The Purgatorians | Original and Ambitious 5 season audio drama | Casting Call Club

This project is for what i like to call the 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries. I call it that because I had scripted up to episode 20 of the main show before deciding upon creating this one. This one was made so the story could be jumped into with barely any setup, and to show what the final few days of the deadly cycle entails. As well as showing what to expect from the main show too.

I will mostly be adding the cast interviews here, so the current cast can explain themselves their thoughts on the show and it's current progress. Firstly, what am I like to work with and is creative input allowed from the cast. Spoiler alert, yes it it.

The main show is about stopping the cycle once and for all. The prequel miniseries shows the events just before, and during, the previous cycle taking place and how deadly it it. It's not only the cycle that is out to kill though. There is also deception, betrayal and murders from both the Asylum and the City. Nobody is safe, man, woman, or child, and the cycle will not discriminate on who it claims. Expect a lot of death,thriller, horror, drama, and emotional scenes as the miniseries unfolds. Here are the current casts thoughts on the scripts of the main show.

As well as what will make viewers want to return to the show too.

This is a highly ambitious project and is due to run for many years. This will be my only project as all my stories will be poured into this show. I don't want to make a different show will the same stories being told. The prequel is the very beginning of this. If you can do different voices, you are more than welcome to audition for future roles too. All I ask is for clear audio and to be able to fit the characters, as well as meeting the deadlines for the scripts. Here are some of the casts thoughts when they originally found out how big the project actually was. It did surprise some of them.

What makes this show stand out from all the others already out there? My response is the sheer size and financial aspects of it. The show itself is costing £65,000 per season, miniseries not included in this figure, for voice cast alone. Then I need to pay musicians, singers, an audio engineer, thumbnail artists and more. I earn roughly £1000 per month, then take living costs from that. That means the show will be moving along slowly to begin with, maybe 1 episode every 2 months. If we get monetized, back pay will be paid to industry standards per line increasing the cost of the show much further. There are also the dark and gritty storylines, in which a lot of audio dramas fear to tread. I will let you hear in the current casts voices, their opinions on what makes this different from the other shows out there.

That is everything about this project as of now. Please take note before you audition that some stories may be offensive or upsetting to some. Please ask yourself if you could voice some very hard hitting stories before you audition. I honestly do not say that lightly. It will look good on your resume but the last thing I want to do is cause you any emotional distress or have you mailing me to say you're dropping out of the show. Recasting will ruin the viewers immersion. If you want to hear the casts thoughts on other aspects of the show, please see these links.

Thank you for reading, and as before, anyone who auditions will be given feedback. Please have good audio quality with only noise filters enabled to eliminate room noise and hiss/hums. The story is much darker than the trailer above too. That slap at the end is nothing compared to what poor six year old Mason has to endure over his time in the show. The adults fare far worse. I shall leave you with the other two trailers and the YouTube page link for more information.

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

Latest Updates

  • We now have a website

    I am proud to tell you that the website for Serenity Solo Studios is now live. It has been worked on for the best part of a week now, and it is fully up and running

    It has plenty of news about the show and is mostly focused on The Purgatorians, although it does also have sections for Serenity Solo Plays and Serenity Solo Reacts as well.

    It also has a huge about me section that delves more into my life, my past and how I got here today. This is so you can make your best decision as to whether you would like to work with us.

  • explanation to received complaints

    I have had a couple of complaints, one about the editing and one about the thumbnails, which I would like to address. These weren't from people in the show.


    The 2015 promos were not supposed to have proper thumbnails at all. These were uploaded to let those auditioning take a look at what to expect in the show and to find out more information about it.

    I understand how important thumbnails are to videos, I honestly do. Do I choose to forgo paying the voice actors to pay for these 'concept' videos that I created just so they may look a little more eye pleasing to people on YouTube on the possibility that they click into the video? No, I won't do that.

    I am funding this show alone so this means I have to allocate where the money is best spent. That has been on the voice actors. Without them voicing the characters, there would be no need for thumbnails at all as there would be no videos. The cast will always be at the top of my list when money needs allocating. I won't take hundreds of pounds away from them to pay for older concept video thumbnails.

    I do have someone lined up to create thumbnails for the 2025 cast promos and interviews and show but these past videos will not be getting good looking thumbnails I'm afraid.


    I can edit but only basic edits. An audio engineer will be taken on to make the show sound better than I ever could. However, I had a complaint about a previous videos edit.

    These videos were just concepts and promos for the early days. They were either 2015 cast or a mix of both 2015/25 cast. These were only created so there could be something to show those who audition what to expect and for YouTube to gather data on the videos so it knows what the channel is about once the episodes are ready to go live so it knows who to show them to who may be more likely to click on them.

    I edited all of the older videos myself because, as I said with thumbnails, the cast deserved the money rather than employing a video editor to make 'outdated' videos, in some cases, look good.

    I will be taking on an audio engineer/video editor to make these look and sound far better than I can. For the first year though I wanted the voice actors to deliver their lines and they needed to be paid for them.


    I wouldn't have minded so much if these were constructive but all it basically said is 'garbage' and that's it. That wasn't the exact thing said but I shortened it to that.

    All 2025 content will have thumbnails and an audio engineer/video editor will be employed to make things look and sound good, the episodes only. As I say though, the voice actors are, and always will be, my top priority. Getting them paid on time for their lines will always be at the top of my list above all else.

    Sorry but I just feel like that needed addressing. I am very thankful to all those who wanted to be part of the show, and to all those cast. I will not withhold payment from the cast just because people think other things should be focused on more. The voice actors are my focus and I won't let them down.

  • Casting DMs sent

    I always ask for confirmation for the role first by those I choose to cast. I have sent all of these now, so if you could let me know by the end of Wednesday 1st January that would be great so I can officially cast you.

    Maybe when your nursing the new years hangovers lol.

    Sorry to those who were not chosen. Some of these were very difficult to choose from. More auditions to come.

    Thank you everyone.

  • Auditions for the miniseries are now over

    Thank you everyone who auditioned for this show, I really do appreciate it.

    I am going through the final auditions that came in last night, then I shall be looking who to cast.

    Please expect a confirmation DM here by the end of today, as of typing this, not when it gets sent to your emails. Please confirm at your earliest convenience.

    Thank you everyone once again. More auditions to come at some point in the future for this large and ambitious audio drama, and I hope to see you there if not cast for this one.

  • Auditions almost over. What to expect next!

    We are in the final days of auditions now. They close at the end of December 30th UK time (GMT). If you would like to audition, I ask you do so as soon as you can. The later they come in, the less time you have to resubmit based on feedback if needed. I advise all new, last minute auditioners to look through previous auditions for the role you choose and look at my feedback to them as to what is right or not.

    Once the auditions close, I will be going through them and seeing if anymore need shortlisting. If I mention audio noise in the feedback, these are immediately passed by.

    Then I send confirmation emails on December 31st. This is just to make sure you agree with everything such as payment amount, as I can't increase this just yet but do want to move everyone to indie industry standards if the show does well enough to begin with, full industry standards if the show does exceptionally well, and asking you to confirm that you still want the role.

    Once I receive confirmation you are added to the roles section and a welcome email/essay will be heading your way. Believe me, it's long but does have important things in there. Then you will be asked whether you want to take part in the optional paid extra for an interview, this is the same payment as an episode. You will be sent the scripts if you choose to do this and I ask you to read through them first as the interview asks you your opinions about the themes of the show, the story, your character. It is also the only interview that allows you to promote yourself by asking you of your past and current voice acting roles and where people can find you if they want to hire you.

    The interview is done just as recording your lines are. You are sent a script, the interview questions are already recorded, and you answer the questions as though you are in a real interview. You can find some of the current interviews, cut down into some of the questions, on my project page. There are many more optional paid extras to come including more cast interviews, Q&A's, cast commentary for the episodes, outtakes and much more. All optional, all paid.

    Good luck everyone and thank you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ronald Anderson
Paid: Flat Rate 20 GBP
Role assigned to: Nelson Abrego

Ronald is a very kind and caring father and husband. He also works very closely with the Overseer, who he considers his best friend. His life is about to fall apart in the worst way possible…

No over dramatic panto acting please. I'm looking for realism.

Accent allowed – American or British – Preferably with as little dialect as possible but not posh.

Age range – 32-40

Ronald needs to portray the most emotional range. He has compassionate scenes, upsetting scenes, fear, anger, love, friendliness. He will go through hell and the voice actor needs to be able to portray this through their voice.

Line 1 - Ronald has just discovered a gruesome scene and has gone to report it to the overseer. This needs some shock, some disbelief, some fear in his voice. Imagine you have just walked in to find someone stabbed to death.

Line 2 - You are breaking the worst news to two people. Their lives will be ended. He doesn't like doing this at all so discomfort in the voice please. Imagine you are breaking the worst news possible to a friend.

Line 3 - The cycle is ending, everyone's dying and your daughter is exactly where the explosives are to destroy the tunnels. This needs panic and terror as Ronald's daughters life is in very serious danger. Imagine your child, or someone else you deeply care about is in a very dangerous and deadly situation. How would you react to this?

  • english
Voice description:
  • All ranges
  • 32-40
  • male adult
  • british
  • voice actor
  • american
  • There's blood on the walls and in the bathroom... He was slumped down near the... He had been stabbed. Multiple times. He was laying in a pool of blood. It most definitely wasn't an accident. We have a murderer roaming the city.

  • I have some bad news for you Mr Barker. The council changed their minds on your ruling. You are... (Sorrowful) You are to be executed this evening alongside Mr McDonald.

  • (Terrified) I'm here honey, I'm reach out your arm and... (Very, very terrified) Oh my God. The explosives. QUICK... (Extremely upset and terrified) SOPHIAAAAA.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Patricia Anderson
Paid: Flat Rate 20 GBP
Role assigned to: Milica Radovanović

Patricia is Ronalds’s wife and Sophias mother. She is a kind and caring woman who only wants the best for her family.

Accent allowed - American or British – Preferably with as little dialect as possible but not posh.

Age range – 32-40

Partricia needs to portray love, compassion, concern, fear, and should be able to create a believable, not anime, painful scream.

Line 1 - Say this with worry in your voice. Your husband is about to get involved in something very dangerous that could get him killed.

Line 2 - The city is being attacked, the ferals are trying to break the door down. This is a very scary and deadly situation. Patricia is terrified and is trying to protect her daughter. Think of if your life is in very serious danger right now and these moments could be your last.

Line 3 - I will regret this over this next month. A very pained scream as you are being ripped apart. It must be full of terror and pain.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • voice actor
  • british
  • 30-40
  • female adult
  • All ranges
  • (Worried) Please be careful. Don't let her know what's happened. I'm sure we're not the only ones who heard that broadcast.


  • (Just give me a very pained, very frightened scream as you are killed. Realistic, not anime or panto style))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sophia Anderson
Paid: Flat Rate 20 GBP
Role assigned to: Saph💮

Sophia Anderson

Sophia is a typical child. She gets bored very easily and really dislikes school. She loves her parents and always tries to behave herself.

Accent allowed - American or British – Preferably with as little dialect as possible but not posh.

Age range – 8-10

Sophia needs to be able to portray love, warmth, friendliness, happiness, and fear.

Line 1 - This is to show me how you can immediately switch emotions. Excited to begin with into feeling down that you wish your dad could be there with you on Christmas Day.

Line 2 - Sophia knows her father is upset but has no idea why. She needs to show concern as a child would while trying to cheer her father up.

Line 3 - The cycle is ending and death is imminent. The winds are strong. Sophia is terrified and is holding on for dear life, if she lets go, she's gone for good and she knows it. This needs extreme fear and sadness in her voice. Her mums just died and now she may too. This scene needs to be very tense and dramatic.Think of a disaster movie when the disaster hits. Sophia needs to be extremely terrified as to what is happening. Crying, extreme fear. Put yourself in her shoes. How would your react as a child?

  • english
Voice description:
  • voice actor
  • child
  • 8-10
  • female child
  • british
  • many ranges
  • american
  • (Very happy) Yay, Christmas. I love Christmas.(A little down) I never see daddy at Christmas though, he works all day. I wish you could spend one of them here with me.

  • (Concern) What's wrong daddy. It's Christmas Eve. Nobody should be unhappy at Christmas time.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dieter Schmitt
Paid: Flat Rate 20 GBP
Role assigned to: Max L

Dieter Schmitt (Dee-Ter Sh-Mitt)

Dieter is a loving boyfriend of Toby Harper. They are very happy together and in love. Dieter will do whatever it takes to keep Toby happy.

You must be comfortable playing a gay character

Accent required – German but not too thick

Age range – 21-29

Dieter needs to be able to portray love, friendliness, compassion and pained talking.

Line 1 - Dieter is in love with Toby immensely and is a little scared and very nervous that Toby will refuse the proposal.

Line 2 - Dieter knows Toby has a worry and is troubled by it. Dieter needs compassion, a little worry and understanding in his voice as he is trying to make Toby aware that nothing could stop him from loving him.

Line 3 - Dieter has been stabbed and he is sure he is dying. He starts by trying to assure Toby this was not his fault and ends in what he thinks are his final words.

  • english
  • german accent
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • 21-29
  • voice actor
  • german
  • not thick
  • Loving
  • warmth
  • Weak
  • nervous
  • Alright, here goes... (Clears throat a little. Nervous)Toby Harper. Can I please request that you make me the happiest man alive and... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you. Will you marry me?

  • (Compassionate) If something's being a burden, share it. Love isn't just about looks and sex. It's about helping each other through the tough times. Being there for each other through the good times and the bad. Please tell me Toby. I promise I won't think any less of you.

  • (Weak and in pain) How could you know?.. It came out of nowhere... If I don't make it... Always remember that... I love you Toby Harper.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tony Barker
Paid: Flat Rate 20 GBP
Role assigned to: LogicalLunatic

Tony has been sentenced to death for trying to survive. He is confused as to why he got such a sentence and fears the day his execution arrives.

Accent required - British, Welsh, Irish, American, Australian - I would prefer none British or American but these are perfectly acceptable.

Age range – 25-40

Tony needs to be able to portray worry, concern, relief, fear.

Line 1 - Tony has just been told he has been given the death sentence, even though his ruling initially was a prison sentence. Imagine the fear going through your mind if this has just been told to you and your fate is imminent.

Line 2 - Tony has just been told that there is a chance the death sentence could be lifted and the prison sentence re-enabled. Imagine how you would feel having the weight of death being lifted from your mind. He still has some worries, but now also hope.

Line 3 - After being given hope to hang on to, Tony is now being escorted to his execution. Imagine the fear that floods your mind should this happen to you. Five minutes ago you were happy with a prison sentence, now death is looming.

  • english
Voice description:
  • 25-40
  • australian
  • irish
  • fear
  • male adult
  • welsh
  • british
  • american
  • Worry
  • hope
  • voice actor
  • (Angry, Scared and Upset) Don't you dare leave us here. You must be able to do something. You can't let them get away with this. Anderson... ANDERSON, ARE YOU LISTENING... ANDERSON!

  • (Hope) Yeah. Please Ronald, do whatever you can I beg ya. I don't deserve this. Send me back to prison. Anything but death.

  • (Terrified) No please. Please don't do this. I only wanted to live. I only did what I had to, to survive. Please don't let it end like this.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Guard 1
Paid: Flat Rate 10 GBP
Role assigned to: David Wamala

This is a very small part and more suitable if you only want a small role. If you can do different voices, you can still audition for other roles later down the line. If not, I may still be able to give you another role in season 4 or above once most people forget that this was the same voice as the guard.

Accents allowed – Any but try not to have too thick of an accent if not a native English speaker.

Age range – 30+

Both guards are not in it much at all and only serve to bolster the scene they are in and allow plot developments to happen.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Authority
  • fear
  • any but not too thick
  • 30-50
  • voice actor
  • (With authority) Miss Elena Stoneheart, You are to be arrested for the murders of Trevor Longstrom and Billy Castleton

  • (Urgency, Fear) The Purgatorians are attacking. There is an army close to our gates. We don't have much time.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Guard 2
Paid: Flat Rate 10 GBP
Role assigned to: Abdul Rahman Siddiqui

This is the shortest role and more suitable if you only want a few lines. The payment is lower due to this. If you can do different voices, you can still audition for other roles later down the line. If not, I may still be able to give you another role in season 4 or above once most people forget that this was the same voice as the guard.

Accents allowed – Any but try not to have too thick of an accent if not a native English speaker.

Age range – 30+

Both guards are not in it much at all and only serve to bolster the scene they are in and allow plot developments to happen.

  • english
Voice description:
  • fear
  • voice actor
  • male adult
  • Concern
  • any but not too thick
  • 30-50
  • Worry
  • (Worry, Fear) I'm sorry Liberator. I bring news you urgently need to know. It's the new woman, the one you've been trying to break. She's escaped.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Billy Castleton
Paid: Flat Rate 20 GBP
Role assigned to: MJMcG

Billy is a friendly and polite young man, who is in love with Elena, it is totally one sided, but he can’t help how he feels. He works on the farm and is a hard worker.

Age range – 21-26

Accents allowed – British, Welsh, Irish, American, Australian.

Billy needs to be able to portray friendliness, joking, and ‘in love’ emotions

Line 1 - Trevor was terrified of Elena and Billy is mocking him in a friendly manner. Just imagine how you joke around with your friends.

Line 2 - Billy is very much in love and this line reflects this. He hopes one day they can be together and has never met anyone as beautiful as he finds Elena.

Line 3 - Billy has just seen a side to Elena that he really disliked that makes him think twice about his feelings for her. He is now torn between love and hate.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • Disappointed
  • male adult
  • 21-26
  • voice actor
  • british
  • irish
  • australian
  • loved up
  • welsh
  • joking
  • friendly
  • (Friendly mocking) Sit down and I'll tell you a recent story of how Trevor nearly wet himself in public.

  • (Loved up) She's not my girlfriend. I sure would like her to be though. I've never met such a beautiful woman with a personality like hers. She's wonderful. The perfect woman.

  • (Very disappointed, Unsure) I don't know what I think about her anymore. When she's kind and gentle, she's beautiful. I really didn't like that side of her earlier. She seemed so cold, as though she would've killed us there and then.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Trevor Longstrom
Paid: Flat Rate 20 GBP
Role assigned to: Tosata Fujinami

Trevor is a friendly and polite young man who fears Elena. He works on the farm and is a hard worker.

Age range – 21-26

Accents allowed – British, Welsh, Irish, American, Australian.

Trevor needs to be able to portray friendliness and nervousness mixed with fear

Line 1 - Elena is talking to them and Billy calls her by her first name. Trevor knows the council are strict and can be dangerous so this worries him about possible repercussions.

Line 2 - Farm work can be tedious and repetitive. The boredom in Trevor's voice reflects this.

Line 3 - Trevor is defending himself against Billy's mocking in a friendly manner. Just imagine a friend has mocked you in friendly banter and how your reply would come across. Don't come across as angry, make it sound friendly.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • british
  • ausrtralian
  • nervousness
  • friendly
  • voice actor
  • american
  • welsh
  • irish
  • boredom
  • 21-26
  • (shocked and a little scared) Billy! No, you can't call... You just called her Elena.

  • (Boredom) The same as everyday. Planting seeds and tending to the animals. Why do they need so many fields for so few people. We need more help here.

  • (Friendly, jokingly) I wasn't scared. I was cautious. There's a big difference. I'd like to keep my head on my shoulders, thank you very much.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Edward McDonald
Paid: Flat Rate 20 GBP
Role assigned to: Johto

Edward also works on the farm, but he often tries to find other duties to get out of doing the hard work, such as going for supplies or food and drinks. He does not like farm work much. He is a friendly guy however, who finds opportunities to mock his friends in a friendly way.

Age range – 25-30

Accent allowed – Scottish – Edinburgh

Edward needs to portray friendliness and mocking in a teasing friendly manner up to absolute terror and agonizingly pained screams that sound realistic, not over the top anime style

Line 1 - Edward has just discovered Trevor's dead body. Imagine how you would react if you found one of your friends murdered dead body.

Line 2 - Edwards head is in the guillotine as his execution is nigh. An attack has happened upon the city and ferals are killing all they come across. As help to rescue him failed, everyone has abandoned him to his fate. He knows death will be much more painful than the execution itself. He is absolutely terrified.

Line 3 - I will honestly regret this but I need to hear agonizing and terrified screams of pain as you are ripped apart by the feral's. Try to make it realistic, not anime or pantomime please.

  • english
Voice description:
  • 25-30
  • male adult
  • voice actor
  • scottish (edinburgh)
  • All ranges
  • (Upset and fearful) Oh my God. Trevor! What's happened. Answer me... He's stone cold. He's dead. I'd better go get some help.

  • (Extremely terrified) No, please don't leave me... Come back... COME BACK YOU TWATS AND HELP ME... HELP ME, DON'T LEAVE ME... NO, NO... NOOOOO.

  • (All I want here are agonizing screams of pain)


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