The Purgatorians 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries
Carson norling for Tony Barker
Tony has been sentenced to death for trying to survive. He is confused as to why he got such a sentence and fears the day his execution arrives.
Accent required - British, Welsh, Irish, American, Australian - I would prefer none British or American but these are perfectly acceptable.
Age range – 25-40
Tony needs to be able to portray worry, concern, relief, fear.
Line 1 - Tony has just been told he has been given the death sentence, even though his ruling initially was a prison sentence. Imagine the fear going through your mind if this has just been told to you and your fate is imminent.
Line 2 - Tony has just been told that there is a chance the death sentence could be lifted and the prison sentence re-enabled. Imagine how you would feel having the weight of death being lifted from your mind. He still has some worries, but now also hope.
Line 3 - After being given hope to hang on to, Tony is now being escorted to his execution. Imagine the fear that floods your mind should this happen to you. Five minutes ago you were happy with a prison sentence, now death is looming.
- english
- 25-40
- australian
- irish
- fear
- male adult
- welsh
- british
- american
- Worry
- hope
- voice actor
(Angry, Scared and Upset) Don't you dare leave us here. You must be able to do something. You can't let them get away with this. Anderson... ANDERSON, ARE YOU LISTENING... ANDERSON!
(Hope) Yeah. Please Ronald, do whatever you can I beg ya. I don't deserve this. Send me back to prison. Anything but death.
(Terrified) No please. Please don't do this. I only wanted to live. I only did what I had to, to survive. Please don't let it end like this.

I want the show to sound worthy of the bare minimum £65,000 for voice cast it is costing me for the main show per season. That's not taking into account this prequel miniseries. If the show does well and I get cast up to industry standards, the minimum cost will skyrocket. I may be indie but I'm trying my hardest to make it sound professional. Just for context, I get £1000 per month income and I'm funding this all with only my money.
They all were better and more in line with what I had in mind. Maybe it's the quality that makes it sound a little strange in some parts. I honestly wouldn't know without hearing a clear file.
Do you have a demo reel or something I can listen to?

Still trying to figure out how to set that up. In the meantime, you could listen to some of the other auditions I've done. I believe those are all in there somewhere.

I also think I'll try for Trevor.

Are they with your clear microphone? If so, I will look through your submissions tomorrow.