The Purgatorians 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries

Saph💮 for Sophia Anderson

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sophia Anderson
Paid: Flat Rate 20 GBP
Role assigned to: Saph💮

Sophia Anderson

Sophia is a typical child. She gets bored very easily and really dislikes school. She loves her parents and always tries to behave herself.

Accent allowed - American or British – Preferably with as little dialect as possible but not posh.

Age range – 8-10

Sophia needs to be able to portray love, warmth, friendliness, happiness, and fear.

Line 1 - This is to show me how you can immediately switch emotions. Excited to begin with into feeling down that you wish your dad could be there with you on Christmas Day.

Line 2 - Sophia knows her father is upset but has no idea why. She needs to show concern as a child would while trying to cheer her father up.

Line 3 - The cycle is ending and death is imminent. The winds are strong. Sophia is terrified and is holding on for dear life, if she lets go, she's gone for good and she knows it. This needs extreme fear and sadness in her voice. Her mums just died and now she may too. This scene needs to be very tense and dramatic.Think of a disaster movie when the disaster hits. Sophia needs to be extremely terrified as to what is happening. Crying, extreme fear. Put yourself in her shoes. How would your react as a child?

  • english
Voice description:
  • voice actor
  • child
  • 8-10
  • female child
  • british
  • many ranges
  • american
  • (Very happy) Yay, Christmas. I love Christmas.(A little down) I never see daddy at Christmas though, he works all day. I wish you could spend one of them here with me.

  • (Concern) What's wrong daddy. It's Christmas Eve. Nobody should be unhappy at Christmas time.


The Purgatorians 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries
Serenity Solo Studios

The final line is basically a set up for Mason as all he wants to do is make everyone in the world smile. It seems to be the 6 year olds favourite word in the main show lol.

Don't worry if you don't get a role right now. I am also eyeing up whether I can add more children in the show for the future too, as an orphanage story-line will be taking place. I just struggled to cast a little boy, so now I'm testing girls.

Line 1 - At first I thought it sounded a little anime but it sort of dropped to a more realistic tone. I really don't want anime lol.

Line 2 - I loved this delivery, I honestly did. Realistic and the tones were fantastic. It was a little quiet though.

Line 3 - I really liked this one but it needs a little more urgency. The cycles end scenes need to be really tense and have the audience on the edge of their seats. The storm is raging behind your voice, people are dying all around and Sophia is hanging on for dear life, because if she lets go she will most likely die. Needs more fear than upset and sadness.

Don't worry. The final script does tell you the intensity of the storm as the scenes change.

Overall. I did like it. It was a great audition.

    Serenity Solo Studios

    I am currently shortlisting. Could you please send another take of line 3 before the 30th December following the feedback given? You have a good voice for the character but I really need to hear fear in her voice. The audience need to know she is terrified right now.


      Sorry for the late reply! I got caught up in Christmas celebrations. I hope you're having a good one!

      Thank you so much for your feedbacks! I really appreciate it. I'll be sure to take these into account. ^^ I should've probably toned down the way I said "Yay! Christmas!" lol. Listening back to it, it does feel kinda anime

      And yes, of course! I think I can send another take later this evening my time. Would you like me to redo all three lines, lines 1 & 2, or just line 3?

        Serenity Solo Studios

        No problem with the delay. I never expected anyone to audition on Christmas Day.

        If you could do line 1 and line 3 please.

        Line 1 being excited at the beginning to try to lose that initial anime sound in her voice up to 'I love Christmas'

        Line 3 - Adding absolute fear and terror in her voice, losing the sadness

        Thank you


          Alright, will do! I'll delete the submission I just sent then so I can put them all in one audio file (unless you have already listened to it)

            Serenity Solo Studios

            I didn't listen to it. I replied to your comment when i had just woke up and it took far too long for my medication to wear off. I'm just getting to the new auditions now :)

            Serenity Solo Studios

            For some reason, the audio file was still in my not yet viewed submission section. Yes, like that but more tears as she is terrified. I want the audience to feel exactly what she feels :P

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