The Purgatorians 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries
Lunae 🌟🍁 for Sophia Anderson
Sophia Anderson
Sophia is a typical child. She gets bored very easily and really dislikes school. She loves her parents and always tries to behave herself.
Accent allowed - American or British – Preferably with as little dialect as possible but not posh.
Age range – 8-10
Sophia needs to be able to portray love, warmth, friendliness, happiness, and fear.
Line 1 - This is to show me how you can immediately switch emotions. Excited to begin with into feeling down that you wish your dad could be there with you on Christmas Day.
Line 2 - Sophia knows her father is upset but has no idea why. She needs to show concern as a child would while trying to cheer her father up.
Line 3 - The cycle is ending and death is imminent. The winds are strong. Sophia is terrified and is holding on for dear life, if she lets go, she's gone for good and she knows it. This needs extreme fear and sadness in her voice. Her mums just died and now she may too. This scene needs to be very tense and dramatic.Think of a disaster movie when the disaster hits. Sophia needs to be extremely terrified as to what is happening. Crying, extreme fear. Put yourself in her shoes. How would your react as a child?
- english
- voice actor
- child
- 8-10
- female child
- british
- many ranges
- american
(Very happy) Yay, Christmas. I love Christmas.(A little down) I never see daddy at Christmas though, he works all day. I wish you could spend one of them here with me.
(Concern) What's wrong daddy. It's Christmas Eve. Nobody should be unhappy at Christmas time.

Line 1 - Started out well but after the unneeded long pause it sort of descended into not sounding as natural as I would like. She is down but not as down as she sounds here. Lower this emotion slightly as it sounds as though she is going to burst into tears. This more down disappointed rather than down extremely upset.
Line 2 - This was good but lost some of the concern in the second half. She got rather excited here, like 'stuff you daddy, I don't care about your feelings. It's Christmas' lol.
Line 3 - I can hear upset which this needs but not really much fear. She would be absolutely terrified with what is going on around her, everybody dying, the raging storm and knowing she could be gone at any second if her father does not help her immediately. These cycle end scenes need to be very dramatic, they need to have the viewers on the edge of their seats. The negative emotions really need to let the viewers hear exactly what Sophia is feeling.

Thank you so much for such swift feedback! If you're okay with it, I'm happy to rerecord with your direction. If not, that's fine, too! But If you are, please let me know where to send the retakes to you! Thank you kindly and happy holidays!

Of course. I always welcome people to resubmit auditions if they follow feedback. Just put it up here again please because if cast it's simpler to add you to the cast roles section this way.
Happy Holidays to you too.

Understood! Thank you very much. I'll rerecord as soon as I can. I appreciate you so much!

And I appreciate you for giving me some of your time during this holiday season. Thank you.Auditions close at the end of December 30th UK time (GMT)

You're welcome! I'm happy to have auditioned. I sent in my retake. Thank you again for the opportunity and the notes.