The Purgatorians 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries
Meghan Laughlin for Sophia Anderson
Sophia Anderson
Sophia is a typical child. She gets bored very easily and really dislikes school. She loves her parents and always tries to behave herself.
Accent allowed - American or British – Preferably with as little dialect as possible but not posh.
Age range – 8-10
Sophia needs to be able to portray love, warmth, friendliness, happiness, and fear.
Line 1 - This is to show me how you can immediately switch emotions. Excited to begin with into feeling down that you wish your dad could be there with you on Christmas Day.
Line 2 - Sophia knows her father is upset but has no idea why. She needs to show concern as a child would while trying to cheer her father up.
Line 3 - The cycle is ending and death is imminent. The winds are strong. Sophia is terrified and is holding on for dear life, if she lets go, she's gone for good and she knows it. This needs extreme fear and sadness in her voice. Her mums just died and now she may too. This scene needs to be very tense and dramatic.Think of a disaster movie when the disaster hits. Sophia needs to be extremely terrified as to what is happening. Crying, extreme fear. Put yourself in her shoes. How would your react as a child?
- english
- voice actor
- child
- 8-10
- female child
- british
- many ranges
- american
(Very happy) Yay, Christmas. I love Christmas.(A little down) I never see daddy at Christmas though, he works all day. I wish you could spend one of them here with me.
(Concern) What's wrong daddy. It's Christmas Eve. Nobody should be unhappy at Christmas time.

The auditions end in 5 hours from this reply so you made it just in time :D
Line 1 - A little more excitement at the beginning until the end of 'I love Christmas' Then sound down after this, not so upset you're going to burst into tears, just like a childlike depression.
Line 2 - This one was fine.
Line 3 - More fear in the emotions, trembling voice and crying, that sort of thing. This is a crucial scene to get correct.
You may have gone a little too aggressive with trying to keep noise clear from the file as the voice sounded a little hollow in parts. This can be a little too much noise reduction for instance, before it starts that garbled interference noise. You didn't have the garbled noise btw.

Alright, I can do that. As for the audio, I am sorry about that thank you for letting me know what I am doing wrong with the audio editing. I am glad that I am not too late I almost forgot the time difference. Do you want another take or is this ok? I feel bad for butchering the audio.

Since I mistakenly trusted someone in 2015 saying they could fix their audio if cast but never did, I have to go on the audio I hear here. It would need working on unfortunately.
As I said on Twitter/X, I'm also not that good with audio, I can only go on what I've figured out through trial and error myself lol.
Never mind the time difference, you almost never knew about it at all thanks to Twitter/X not pushing the casting calls and nobody retweeting them either :P

Alright, I understand that. Thanks next time I will not be so aggressive with it for future auditions. I am glad I got to audition anyway on time, I liked working on it even if I made a mistake with audio. Also thank you for the direction, that really helps.