The Purgatorians 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries
Obie1_fish for Guard 1
This is a very small part and more suitable if you only want a small role. If you can do different voices, you can still audition for other roles later down the line. If not, I may still be able to give you another role in season 4 or above once most people forget that this was the same voice as the guard.
Accents allowed – Any but try not to have too thick of an accent if not a native English speaker.
Age range – 30+
Both guards are not in it much at all and only serve to bolster the scene they are in and allow plot developments to happen.
- english
- male adult
- Authority
- fear
- any but not too thick
- 30-50
- voice actor
(With authority) Miss Elena Stoneheart, You are to be arrested for the murders of Trevor Longstrom and Billy Castleton
(Urgency, Fear) The Purgatorians are attacking. There is an army close to our gates. We don't have much time.

Line 1 - Not Eleanor. El-(h)ay- Na. More authority in the arrest. The 2nd take was closer than the first. Take 3 sounded far too friendly
Line 2 - This line needs authority and fear, moreso fear. He is torn between doing his duty and informing everyone so they can try to get to safety, or running and saving his own life. The Purgatorians are very deadly and they could destroy the city and all those who dwell within it if they breach that gate.

Thanks! I'll take whatever you gots! I'll redo the lines as per your insructions. If it's okay, I'll get to them on the 27th.
Merry Christmas!

No problem, the auditions don't end until the 30th.
Merry Christmas to you as well :)