The Purgatorians 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries
Megan Feighery for Patricia Anderson
Patricia is Ronalds’s wife and Sophias mother. She is a kind and caring woman who only wants the best for her family.
Accent allowed - American or British – Preferably with as little dialect as possible but not posh.
Age range – 32-40
Partricia needs to portray love, compassion, concern, fear, and should be able to create a believable, not anime, painful scream.
Line 1 - Say this with worry in your voice. Your husband is about to get involved in something very dangerous that could get him killed.
Line 2 - The city is being attacked, the ferals are trying to break the door down. This is a very scary and deadly situation. Patricia is terrified and is trying to protect her daughter. Think of if your life is in very serious danger right now and these moments could be your last.
Line 3 - I will regret this over this next month. A very pained scream as you are being ripped apart. It must be full of terror and pain.
- english
- american
- voice actor
- british
- 30-40
- female adult
- All ranges
(Worried) Please be careful. Don't let her know what's happened. I'm sure we're not the only ones who heard that broadcast.
(Just give me a very pained, very frightened scream as you are killed. Realistic, not anime or panto style))

Line 1 - I loved it, I honestly did. Both take one and two were great. Take 3 sounds a little out of place for the situation, but I understand that you don't know the situation that is happening. You only had an out of context line on a screen.
Line 2 - Loved it. I could hear the fear and urgency in your voice.
Line 3 - Please offer your neighbors my sincerest apologies for making you do that. I liked it but they will have to be dragged out a little as you are being ripped apart by the ferals.
I did notice an American accent. This was my only problem as Patricia is supposed to be British. I will definitely be shortlisting you though when the time comes.

Can you handle the darker stories? One of the darkest of season 1 is needing a recast due to IRL issues getting in the way of recording so she has left the show.
Faith Parker will be up for grabs, a mentally unstable mother of a 6 year old boy. If you want more information on the darkness of the story, please DM me.

Totally interested! Just sent you a DM