The Purgatorians 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries
MysteriousBeing for Edward McDonald
Edward also works on the farm, but he often tries to find other duties to get out of doing the hard work, such as going for supplies or food and drinks. He does not like farm work much. He is a friendly guy however, who finds opportunities to mock his friends in a friendly way.
Age range – 25-30
Accent allowed – Scottish – Edinburgh
Edward needs to portray friendliness and mocking in a teasing friendly manner up to absolute terror and agonizingly pained screams that sound realistic, not over the top anime style
Line 1 - Edward has just discovered Trevor's dead body. Imagine how you would react if you found one of your friends murdered dead body.
Line 2 - Edwards head is in the guillotine as his execution is nigh. An attack has happened upon the city and ferals are killing all they come across. As help to rescue him failed, everyone has abandoned him to his fate. He knows death will be much more painful than the execution itself. He is absolutely terrified.
Line 3 - I will honestly regret this but I need to hear agonizing and terrified screams of pain as you are ripped apart by the feral's. Try to make it realistic, not anime or pantomime please.
- english
- 25-30
- male adult
- voice actor
- scottish (edinburgh)
- All ranges
(Upset and fearful) Oh my God. Trevor! What's happened. Answer me... He's stone cold. He's dead. I'd better go get some help.
(Extremely terrified) No, please don't leave me... Come back... COME BACK YOU TWATS AND HELP ME... HELP ME, DON'T LEAVE ME... NO, NO... NOOOOO.
(All I want here are agonizing screams of pain)

A slight hiss behind your voice that would need eliminating. I only heard it in line one for some reason.
Line 1 - Starts out sounding Scottish but this diminishes as the line goes along. So does the emotions. He has just found one of his best friends murdered. I'm thinking more of a reaction than this would be realistic.
Line 2 - This Scottish accent sounded very forced and kept coming and going. The delivery was better than line one but this is the very first horror scene of the show and the terror and urgency in Trevor's voice as he is trapped in the Guillotine as he was awaiting his execution, and the ferals are advancing towards him quickly. He is absolutely terrified that he will die an agonizing death.
Line 3 - This was fine. I would say make it sound as agonizing and terrifying as possible. Absolutely bloodcurdling is what I'm looking for. the viewers need to know how painful and scary this is. It was good for a first try though.

So do you want me to try again?

If you are sure that you can maintain a Scottish accent, taking feedback on board, then by all means try again. I shall link you the best one we have so far. You need to beat that. Hold on while I find it. This is the one you need to beat. look at the feedback i gave also.

I did a resubmit. You can check it whenever.