The Purgatorians 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries
King Of Red for Trevor Longstrom
Trevor is a friendly and polite young man who fears Elena. He works on the farm and is a hard worker.
Age range – 21-26
Accents allowed – British, Welsh, Irish, American, Australian.
Trevor needs to be able to portray friendliness and nervousness mixed with fear
Line 1 - Elena is talking to them and Billy calls her by her first name. Trevor knows the council are strict and can be dangerous so this worries him about possible repercussions.
Line 2 - Farm work can be tedious and repetitive. The boredom in Trevor's voice reflects this.
Line 3 - Trevor is defending himself against Billy's mocking in a friendly manner. Just imagine a friend has mocked you in friendly banter and how your reply would come across. Don't come across as angry, make it sound friendly.
- english
- male adult
- british
- ausrtralian
- nervousness
- friendly
- voice actor
- american
- welsh
- irish
- boredom
- 21-26
(shocked and a little scared) Billy! No, you can't call... You just called her Elena.
(Boredom) The same as everyday. Planting seeds and tending to the animals. Why do they need so many fields for so few people. We need more help here.
(Friendly, jokingly) I wasn't scared. I was cautious. There's a big difference. I'd like to keep my head on my shoulders, thank you very much.

Line 1 - Yes, this was good. You can hear the panic in his voice.
Line 2 - No problem with this one either.
Line 3 - This was fine too.
No problems with this and it didn't have that 'compression' quality of the one I have just given feedback on.

Thank you very much! And might I add that you're going real hard giving full feedback on everything. Seeing this is a first for me. These lines being a fair bit quieter than some of my other auditions let me record a lot closer to the mic, so distortion wasn't as prevalent here. Again, I am kicking the live noise reduction off my workflow anyway, so it's less of a concern now.

Thank you. If I never gave feedback I wouldn't have some of the wonderful cast I have now. Some of those required a few retakes. This is why I give feedback. Not only is it fair for me to give some of my time to those who audition giving me theirs. It's also because these are just lines out of context on a page to you, you don't understand them as I do. So i try to guide those who audition into my vision to give them the best possible chance.