The Purgatorians 'Prequel before the sequel' miniseries
LTerms0905 for Dieter Schmitt
Dieter Schmitt (Dee-Ter Sh-Mitt)
Dieter is a loving boyfriend of Toby Harper. They are very happy together and in love. Dieter will do whatever it takes to keep Toby happy.
You must be comfortable playing a gay character
Accent required – German but not too thick
Age range – 21-29
Dieter needs to be able to portray love, friendliness, compassion and pained talking.
Line 1 - Dieter is in love with Toby immensely and is a little scared and very nervous that Toby will refuse the proposal.
Line 2 - Dieter knows Toby has a worry and is troubled by it. Dieter needs compassion, a little worry and understanding in his voice as he is trying to make Toby aware that nothing could stop him from loving him.
Line 3 - Dieter has been stabbed and he is sure he is dying. He starts by trying to assure Toby this was not his fault and ends in what he thinks are his final words.
- english
- german accent
- male adult
- 21-29
- voice actor
- german
- not thick
- Loving
- warmth
- Weak
- nervous
Alright, here goes... (Clears throat a little. Nervous)Toby Harper. Can I please request that you make me the happiest man alive and... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you. Will you marry me?
(Compassionate) If something's being a burden, share it. Love isn't just about looks and sex. It's about helping each other through the tough times. Being there for each other through the good times and the bad. Please tell me Toby. I promise I won't think any less of you.
(Weak and in pain) How could you know?.. It came out of nowhere... If I don't make it... Always remember that... I love you Toby Harper.

Line 1 - I liked it. I almost typed I can't hear much of the accent but that came through as the line went along.
Line 2 - The accent did kind of flit in and out of this line. Also, a few too many inflections. You are being very compassionate and understanding. Toby has something he needs to tell you but is scared of your reaction (It is something huge, believe me, he has every right to be scared. Not something small like cheating, oh no, far bigger). Dieter is trying to alleviate Toby's worries.
Line 3 - This was alright but I heard some American seep in instead of German. That's the only nitpick I had with this one.

Love the feedback and thank you very much for providing it! How would you like the new takes? Over email? Or would a brand new submission suffice?

Here, thanks. it makes it easier to add you to the roles section here if you are cast.