Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)

Project Overview

What is this?

A fan dub of the beloved Ace Attorney game series- specifically the second installment! This particular project is going to be edited and framed in such a way to try and remove most, if not all, of the gameplay elements such as the UI in an attempt to make the experience less invasive and more "cinematic" in a sense.

For those of you unfamiliar with the premise: the Ace Attorney series follows the life and times of Phoenix Wright, a rookie defense lawyer, as he is introduced to a colorful cast of clients who need a legal champion to stand by them and exonerate them of crimes they did not commit. Wright must face off against the cunning, intelligent, and ruthless members of the prosecution, stand by the defendants in their darkest hour, and attempt to discover the truth behind each case that will set his clients free!


Since this is a paid project that I am funding out of my own pocket: a significant level of technical and performance quality is going to be expected. Please ensure that your microphone is capable of recording your performance without picking up overwhelming background noises or excessive peaking/clipping. Simultaneously many of these roles are for larger than life characters who tend to emote HEAVILY- as such most roles will probably involve shouting and even a bit of hamming it up/overacting in some capacity at some time or another so if you cannot commit to the needs of a given role please do not audition as I cannot expect to select someone who cannot give the performance a role requires.

Casting in Regards to Payment:

As I mentioned above- this project is going to be funded directly out of my pocket and as such the audition deadline has been set significantly down the road to better ensure my ability to pay everyone who is selected.

If you are cast I will not expect you to do any recording for me until you are appropriately compensated for your time. So even when auditions are over and every role is cast: I don't want you to do any recording until you are paid.

Payment is going to be on a per case/episode basis: you will be paid for each case your role appears in. The listed price is the price of which you will be paid for their first appearance, subsequent appearances may change depending on total line count for a given case.

After castings are complete, payments will be made as the funding becomes available- this method allows me to pay more to each role as I can garner some additional savings between each pay period at work during these times.

Role Significance:

Obviously leading roles are going to be paid the highest amount as they will be appearing most frequently and deserve to be accommodated accordingly, but certain "supporting" and "minor" characters have recurring appearances throughout the game, have an incredibly important impact on the events of the story, or simply have a significantly higher amount of dialogue in the fewer instances where they appear compared to other characters of similar "significance" (example: Adrian Andrews is only in the case "Farewell, My Turnabout", but she has an incredible amount of dialogue). As such the pay for such roles may vary from other characters in the same classification. This is not a mistake or oversight: each actor is being compensated according to the requirements that will be expected of them.


Payments will be made on a per case/episode basis (i.e: when payments are made for "Reunion and Turnabout" payment for "Turnabout Big Top" will be sent some weeks later, and so on until payments for each case are complete.)

Payments will be sent exclusively through PayPal only- if you do not have a PayPal account do not expect to be paid as part of this project.

A few final notes:

1.) I'm a huge fan of this franchise and so are some of the previously cast individuals and as such we may be submitting our own auditions alongside all who wish to participate- I DO NOT EXPECT YOU TO TRY AND IMITATE OUR PERFORMANCES. Each role will have the suggested guidance and ideal performance parameters I have in mind for each character, but the beauty of acting is taking the same premise or direction and presenting it with your own unique flair.

2.) Anything in this color down below is NOT to be read when you're auditioning for various parts- this text exists solely to give context to the lines you will be reading.

3.) Discord is not required, but it is recommended as we utilize it to organize group rehearsals, deliver announcements, and distribute scripts (it's also been an incredibly useful tool for getting to know the people affiliated with the project and we've had a fair bit of fun with it).


And that's it- if more questions come up I may append an F.A.Q to this section to try and resolve any recurring questions for those reading through this project in the future.

Have fun and good luck!

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Latest Updates

  • That's a wrap!

    Thank you everyone, yet again, for all of your submissions! It made the subsequent callback and casting decisions a difficult, but worthwhile procedure. At this time I'd like to congratulate those cast in an official capacity here: With the changes to CCC recently- this page has seen it's end and will no longer be updated, but keep an eye open in the future for the inevitable "Trials & Tribulations" casting call sometime next year at which point I'd love to see some of you return and give it another go! Again: congratulations to those cast and to everyone else- be safe and take care of yourselves. Cheers, Reg
  • And Closed!

    Casting call is closed, thank you for the literal THOUSANDS of auditions! I will be spending the next several days/weeks reviewing auditions. In instances where I find multiple suitable candidates I will be contacting any short-listed individuals through your CCC inboxes or other listed means of contact for any further information I may need. Good luck! Cheers, Reg
  • Release!

    For those who want to know what they're auditioning for, I'm pleased to show you what you can expect the end result of this project to look like: That said: there are four days left to submit an audition if you haven't already. Good luck, have fun. Cheers, Reg
  • Extended deadline, release date for previous installment set!

    As I was final able to establish a release date for the previous installment, I decided to extend the audition deadline for JFA by a few days so anyone interested in auditioning could see what the finalized products of this project will look like with certainty. Additionally, the release date trailer has now been appended to the project page (hopefully) and if not, can be found here: Have a great day!
  • Justice for All!

    The original casting call was a phenomenal success and production is entering the last stages of development. As such, in keeping with last year's posting going up in February I decided that the casting call for "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney- Justice for All" would follow suit and is now available for public auditions! If you have any questions feel free to contact me and I'll do my best to get back to you. As always: good luck and have fun! Cheers, Razi
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Franziska von Karma
Paid: Flat Rate 125 USD
Role assigned to: Nightfire

Franziska von Karma is the eighteen year-old daughter of prosecuting legend (and convicted murderer) Manfred von Karma who has a longstanding rivalry with his star protege Miles Edgeworth.

Like her father, Franziska is obsessed with the idea of "perfection" in all matters. Everything she does during the course of a legal proceeding is presented and rationalized with this perception of perfection that she has envisioned in her mind. Realistically this showcases itself as her utilizing underhanded and questionable tactics in the courtroom in pursuit of convictions at all costs- even going so far as to carry a whip to discourage naysayers and dissent amongst those attending the legal proceedings that she oversees.

But even when her methods are on the up-and-up: Franziska is no slouch. She has been described by others and herself as a prosecuting prodigy which is evidenced by the fact that she appears to have become a full-fledged prosecutor at the age of thirteen!

Franziska is confident, significantly arrogant, condescending, intelligent, calculating, and ruthless when she needs to be and these traits should shine through in droves when indicated.
(SIDE NOTE: Franziska has lived and done a significant amount of growing up in Germany which might lead some to think that she should have a German accent to some extent. You're welcome to try this if you'd like, but I personally am not entirely sold on the idea)

  • (Introducing herself)
    "I am Franziska von Karma, the Prodigy. I gave up a promising career in Germany and came to this country for one sole reason: revenge."

    (Firmly, threatening)
    "I'm talking. If you interrupt again, my whip will do the speaking for me. "

  • (She has gone to the airport and is about to leave the country feeling like a disgrace and failure. The only person in the world she may give the slightest damn about [even if she doesn't show it] stands before her, challenging her to better herself, but will not cater to her or dote on her- it's something she must do on her own)

    "But I have no intention of stopping. If you say you are going to quit your walk down the prosecutor's path... Then, this is where we part ways, Franziska von Karma."

    (For the first time and only time, Franziska's icy exterior cracks and tears well up in the corner of her eyes. She fights to keep from losing her composure entirely, but she's barely succeeding)
    "... I... I... I am Franziska von Karma... Don't think I'm going to walk in your shadow forever... Our battle... begins now... so you had better prepare yourself, Miles Edgeworth!"

  • (Worried, a hole has been poked in her "perfect" theory)
    "Th-Th-That's preposterous! N-Nooooooo!"

    (Frustrated, angry, and repeatedly slamming her fist against her podium)
    "How. Can. This. Be!?"

    (Objecting in court)

    "HOLD IT!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pearl Fey
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: carimelle

Pearl is the younger cousin of Maya Fey and is an expert spirit medium despite her young age. Although she is a child, Pearl speaks with a clarity and vocabulary significantly beyond her years, but suffers from living an incredibly sheltered life which causes her not to know what a lot of simple things in life are such as bus tickets, trains, attorneys, etc.

While she is is smarter than the average eight year old and capable of learning things with admirable speed and competency, she suffers in artistic endeavors and doesn't quite grasp the intricacies of working relationships between men and women- almost always assuming it's in the interests of romantic pursuits which she is quick to chide people about.

Pearl should sound young, but reasonably well spoken. Completely ignorant in certain matters, but never dumb.

  • (Misinterpreting the relationship between Wright and Maya, enthusiastic)
    I know who you are. You're... You're Mystic Maya's... "special someone". Oh wow! It's like a beautiful fairy tale! That earnest look shining brightly in your eyes... It must be true love!

  • (Her cousin Maya, the biggest influence in her life, has been kidnapped and is being held hostage- Pearl has found out and burst into terrified tears)
    "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Mystic Maya! Mystic Mayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

  • (Angry, pulling up her sleeve)
    "And then, that snobby woman with the ruffly clothes. She had such a bad attitude! She acted like she had already decided that Mystic Maya did it! I am going to tell her what I think of her tomorrow!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Adrian Andrews
Role assigned to: saiyanserenityv

Adrian Andrews appears to be the epitome of a successful young woman. She's goal oriented, direct and to-the-point, doesn't suffer fools,  and seems to have all of her ducks in a row at all times.

In reality: Andrews suffers from a crippling dependency complex in which a significant amount of her own self-worth, motivations, and goals are attributed to someone else. Without that other person she becomes incredibly unstable and in at least one instance attempted to commit suicide following their death.

Andrews should sound confident, professional, and certain in all that she says when her manger persona is up, but have a significantly more meek, reserved, desperate, and uncomfortably exposed manner of speaking when her vulnerabilities are revealed.

  • (Having deduced that Wright is Engarde's lawyer, direct and to-the-point)
    "You were just saying that he is your client. In a situation like this, the only person who would use such a word would be his lawyer. I am Adrian Andrews, Matt Engarde's manager. I hate to waste time, so let's get down to business."

  • (Direct, straightforward: about to testify before the court)
    "I am the manager of the defendant in this case, Mr. Matt Engarde. Before we begin, Your Honor, I have one request: I'm sure everyone in this room is wondering the same thing, and would love to find out more about my relationship with the victim. After all, it was the topic of a certain weekly "magazine" recently. Yes, I was seeing Mr. Corrida. I was also aware of the rivalry that existed between Matt and Juan... But this was a private matter between Juan and myself."

  • (Wright has done digging into her past and discovered her suicide attempt and a psychological profile attached to it describing Andrews's specific case. Having been cracked open and revealed, she feels exposed, self-concious, sad, and scared)
    "It's true. I am a woman who can only live in insecurity. I'm physically small, and I don't really have a lot of self-confidence. I've pushed against all that, though... I've tried to live strongly. I never wanted anyone to find out the truth... This one thing... It's the one thing I wanted to take with me to the grave... It was my secret. Mine and mine alone."

    (She has been accused by the hitman of being her client. She is scared, desperate, vulnerable, and alone before the court)
    "I... No... Mr. Wright! You... You know the truth! Tell them! Tell them the real story... Who the real killer is... Tell them! Please... Help me..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shelly de Killer
Paid: Flat Rate 75 USD
Role assigned to: ctwvoguy

The original casting call focused on and showcased de Killer's calm, rational, and firm disposition.

This time around I need to make sure whoever is selected can hit some of de Killer's other deliveries.

[Bear in mind this franchise is known for humor so one of these may seem weird compared to lines previously provided] 

A professional assassin with a strict code of conduct that he expects his client and himself to adhere to following during the course of their business together.

Shelly de Killer is known around the world for ruthless efficiency and always leaving a literal calling card with the image of a conch shell on it. It is his hope that with a clear indication of who performed a hit that his clients can hope to escape suspicion- or at the very least be far enough removed from the hit that it becomes difficult or even impossible to implicate them legally.

I imagine that de Killer has a very posh and debonair delivery to his words as he's a man of (surprisingly) high standards and while it's not clear exactly how old he is: his appearance indicates being sufficiently far in age.

  • (Testifying to the court through a radio transceiver. He is actively providing false testimony to get his real client acquitted and Adrian Andrews convicted in his place. Very obviously annoyed)
    "You legal people and your "procedures". Is it any wonder no one likes to go to court? As I have already stated, quite a few times; Adrian Andrews is my client!"

  • (Wright is proving one of de Killer's critical testimonies false- he claimed that his alleged client, Adrian Andrews, was a man)
    Wright: "If you had ever met Adrian Andrews in person: one look would have told you that she is a woman!"

    (Pained and shocked exclamation!)

  • Edgeworth:
    "But what if that traitor was your own client? What would you do then!?"

    (Angry. He was deceived by his client and a subdued rage has begun to stir within him. It may not be INCREDIBLY obvious, but he is furious!)
    "... That's obvious. I would break our contract in that case. And then... That client would become my next target. For the honor of the De Killer name, even if it takes an eternity... I would follow that person to the ends of the earth to exact my punishment."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Matt Engarde
Paid: Flat Rate 75 USD
Role assigned to: EDCM

At a glance Matt Engarde ("On-Guard") is your stereotypical big-name young superstar: a little slow and disassociated from the reality of a given situation with an inflated sense of self-worth and a modicum of decency on display at all times.

In reality: Matt Engarde is a malicious two-faced snake of a man who only thinks of himself and presenting himself in the most positive light possible. He is motivated by the presentation of his "refreshing as a spring breeze" image to the masses and will take any shortcut to additional success and fame regardless of the people he steps on and hurts along the way. He does his best to maintain an aura of innocence during a murder case in which he stands accused, but it is eventually discovered that while he did not commit the murder; he did hire the assassin who killed one of his biggest rivals forcing his attorney to evaluate the choices and decisions he makes in his line of work.

When playing the part of an innocent young man I imagine Engarde sounds like a stereotypical California surfer dude of sorts, but once the facade drops he becomes a significantly more menacing and shockingly refined individual.

  • (Seemingly completely earnest, sincere)
    "Alright. Just so we're clear, dude, I didn't kill anyone, and that includes Juan Corrida, OK? The trial's tomorrow, right? I'm counting on you, dude."

  • (Pleading)
    "Please, Mr. Lawyer! Dude, like I said yesterday... I'm "refreshing like a spring breeze", alright? I can't let any sort of scandal ruin that."

  • (His deception and actions have been figured out, if he's acquitted at this point- the assassin he hired will hunt him down and kill him. There is nothing else he can do except live with a guilty verdict)

    (Looking around anxiously. Sweating)
    "M-Me!? My wonderful self...!? G-Guilty!? ..."
    (Breaking down, screaming and scratching his face up in panic)
    "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Guiltyyyyyyy! Guuuuuilty! G-Guuiiillltyyyy! GGGUUUILLLTYYY! GUILTY! GuiLTy! guIIIltYY! Guil-guilty! guilty! GUilTY! GUILTY!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Morgan Fey
Role assigned to: MargaretAshley

Morgan Fey is the head of the Kurain Village branch family- which is to say that she's the second in charge of the village. However, even in the absence of the village master, Misty Fey, Morgan Fey can never be the head of the village due to the fact that she has considerably weaker spiritual power than that of the main family of Kurain. Even compared to Misty Fey's youngest daughter, Morgan's spiritual power is lacking and it is doubtful that she can even channel spirits at all.

With this in mind Morgan Fey has seemingly dedicated her life to try and instate her young daughter Pearl as the master which entails soiling the name of the only main family member still residing in Kurain: Maya Fey and then waiting until Misty Fey is declared dead through absentia in accordance to village doctrine. She has no issues agreeing to work with a killer to get what she wants and setting her niece up to take the fall for a murder she didn't commit.

Morgan is an older woman who even at her most polite seems to be talking down at people. She's firm, rigid, cold, and utterly lacking in humor.

  • (Firm, harsh)
    "Is that so? Then I humbly request that you return to this "Heart of the Heartland". This is Kurain* Village. If you can not follow our traditions and rules, we request that you leave!"

  • (Loud, firm, insisting, and intimidating)
    "Step away from there! Please leave this area to me. Go quickly and inform the police!"

    (Explaining her station)
    "For a member of the branch family, no matter her spiritual power, she can never become the Master of the Kurain School however I will admit. I can not even begin to compare the lowliness of my power to the Master's."

  • (Has been arrested and placed in Solitary Confinement. Dark, ominous, threateningly to herself)
    "...My... precious Pearl... You are the only one suitable to be the Master of Kurain, dear child. I sacrificed it all... All for you... I helped that brainless nurse carry out her murder, and cooperated with that whip-happy prosecutor... It was all to unseat that annoying, witless main family girl... That Maya Fey. ...But I shall be patient, my dearest Pearl... A chance will present itself... Your time will come..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ini/Mimi Miney
Role assigned to: TheDawnCatcher

Mimi Miney was a nurse at the Grey Surgery Clinic who was on duty when an unfortunate accident caused the death of fourteen patients. Hounded relentlessly by media in the wake of the incident, Miney would eventually be greatly fatigued one night while driving home with her sister and get into an accident that would engulf their vehicle in flame.

Mimi would escape the blaze with significant burns all over her body and face. It was at this time she started claiming to be her sister Ini- who had actually perished in the accident and even used a photo of her deceased sister as a blueprint for surgeons to reconstruct her face. This decision actually served her purposes well as everyone believed the killer nurse was now dead and suspicion turned on her former employer in the wake of what was thought to be her sudden demise.

Under the guise of Ini she pretends to be an absent minded airhead who seems incapable of competent or sensical thought processes. However her original personality tends to shine through on occasions where she gets frustrated or scared and a significant vindictive quality comes out of her- I'm looking for someone who can capture those distinctive qualities well.

  • (She has just been informed that a murder has occurred)
    "Um, so, like... A murder is that thing where, like, one person kills another, right?"

  • (She was just trying to burn evidence, but was interrupted and is trying to play ignorant)
    "L-Like, huh? Oh! Like you mean... Like, I'm just totally happy and like, totally excited to be here."

    (Recalling the car accident where her sister died and she was greatly injured)
    "Yeah... I was riding... in that car... with my sister. We were... like, on our way home... I was riding in the passenger seat when I fell asleep… and then, it happened. At the time, I grabbed for my purse, and escaped from the passenger-side door. "

  • (Stressed, trying to think quickly)
    "Ummm! Umm!"
    Judge: "...Ms. Miney?"
    (Snapping loud and viciously) "I'M THINKING, DON'T INTERRUPT ME, GRAMPS!"

    (She's been identified as Mimi Miney and there's no evidence that will allow her to continue to hide and all she can bring herself to do is scream in terror)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ken "Acro" Dingling
Paid: Flat Rate 75 USD
Role assigned to: Poppletron

"Acro" and his brother "Bat" were a team of professional acrobats who regularly performed death-defying stunts for the audiences of the Berry Big Circus. However, due to an incident with one of the lions that the circus used for its performances: his brother Bat was significantly injured and became comatose while Acro himself was implied to also be injured by the lion in a way that now prevents him from being able to walk.

On the outside Acro is kind and respectable to everyone he interacts with, but there is a darker side to him that is stern, reserved, and quiet: even under extreme duress.

I have no specific tonal or vocal quality in mind for Acro: merely that his voice should be clear, calm, and understandable.

  • (Pleasant, upbeat- introducing himself)
    "Pleased to meet you. I'm Ken Dingling, but here at the circus everyone just calls me Acro."

  • (Explaining why he couldn't look down and out of the window to his room-upbeat/confident)
    "That would have been quite difficult considering the state that I'm in. Just looking outside of the window was a tough enough challenge for me."

  • (He has been convicted of murder and the circumstances surrounding his actions lead some to paint him as a victim of circumstance. He disagrees.)

    (Dejected, leaning back in his wheelchair as tears start to silently run down his face. Sad, broken, completely sincere.)
    "No... That's not what I mean. I'm nothing but a murderer. That's who I am... At first, I thought I'd kill myself. Then I pondered giving myself up... (To the police) But... I couldn't just up and leave... I just couldn't... That's why... I tried... to pin this... on Max... Max... I'm so sorry...! I just... I just... I couldn't just up and leave yet... "

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Max Galactica
Role assigned to: Kieran Regan

Max Galactica is one of the world's most renowned solo magicians who brings incredible style and pizazz to his performances.

Seemingly suave, debonair, and flamboyant- "Max Galactica" was actually born "Billy Bob Johns" and once or twice during his interactions with the Wright & Co. Law Offices- his stage entertainer persona disappears and a desperate terrified back-woods country boy breaks out in panic.

I imagine Max speaking very flamboyantly (ala Zhang He from "Dynasty Warriors") except during the one or two instances where his stage persona fades away and his country bumpkin roots are exposed.

  • (Naming the card that Maya took from a deck of cards)
    "Uh-huh. I thought you would pick that one sweetie. The ace of hearts! What can I say sweetie... You've stolen one of my most valued possessions. One of Maximillion Galactica's hearts!"

  • (Unaware that he has legitimately been arrested and suddenly realizing it's true)
    "Oh, don't be ignorant. They wouldn't arrest someone like me because I'm the fabulous Maximillion Galactica! I'm the very big star of the Berry Big Circus: I'm rich! I'm paid fabulous sums! ... Quit joking around! You've got to be pulling my magic wand! The police aren't really serious about all this, are they?"

  • (About to call Wright "porcupine head", his stage persona dropping rapidly and becoming a deep southern/country bumpkin accent- desperate)
    "Porcu... I mean, Sir. You're a lawyer, right? ... (persona drops, panicked) Please! Help me! I didn't kill nobody! I may be more spoiled than a hog in a hamburger mud pit, but a killer!? That's insane... I... I... I could never-! I swear! I just wanted to pay off my daddy's debt... he's back on the farm..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lawrence "Moe the Clown" Curls
Role assigned to: hypervoiceacting

Lawrence Curls never really did mature emotionally. He loves to listen to and deliver lame jokes and finds them utterly hilarious whether he said them or someone else did. He seems to have an awareness of what kind of response is warranted for any given situation, but has a desire to cut up and try to be funny- only for it to fail and leave him standing in the center of complete awkward silence.

Moe should sound like a typical "silly clown", except when he's forced to be serious and face the seriousness of given situations at which point he should sound like a bitter middle manager who is tired and hates everything.

  • "How'd you know I put a whoopee cushion on the chair!? You really know what it takes to be a clown, don't you? Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha!"

  • (To the tune of "the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
    "In West Clownadelphia, born and raised, on the playground is where I spent most of my- (GETS WHIPPED) ACK! O-Oh... I-I'm sorry... I'm just not used to being in court. I've never been in a courtroom in my life. I wasn't sure what joke is best suited to this sort of occasion."

  • (Trying to make the court gallery laugh)
    "OK! OK! How about this? "Have you met my proctologist? Dr. Seymour Butts!" How was that one!? Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha! (No one is laughing, the courtroom is deathly silent- miserably, disappointed, direct) Lawrence Curls. Professional funnyman, also known as Moe the clown."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Benjamin Woodman/Trilo Quist
Role assigned to: Bpjenkin123088

Quiet and mild mannered Benjamin Woodman cannot function without his dummy. When alone he can hardly get out anything he wants to say without stammering and fidgeting constantly, but when reunited with Trilo he at least seems capable of saying what he intends to say without delay. When handling his puppet "Trilo Quist" (as in "ventriloquist"), however, he utilizes the little dummy to spout all sorts of nonsense and significantly more aggressive and confrontational language.

I imagine Ben is stutter-y, soft spoken, and reserved while Trilo is shrill, loud, obnoxious, overly emotional, and confrontational.

  • (Is mistakenly identified as a carny, Ben doesn't have Trilo to hand so he's nervous and unable to communicate effectively, stuttering severely)
    "Not a c-c-carny... I-I'm a p-performer. Actually, I'm a v-v-v-ventriloquist. I-I-I'm Benjamin Wo-Wo-Wo-Woodman, but e-everyone c-c-calls me B-B-B-B-B-Ben."

    (Being hit by Franziska's whip)

  • (As the puppet "Trilo", aggressive and rude)
    "That is Mr. Quist to you, sir! Learn some manners before you just blurt out my name! Now try speaking to me again, but this time with some proper respect!"

    (As Trilo, optimistic and eager)
    "See! See! Even they are surprised by the idea! I told you!"
    (As Ben)
    "They're not the only ones! You even surprised me with your idea!"

  • (As Ben, giving up on trying out a new routine)
    "I'm trying my best, but... Trilo, this just isn't going to work."
    (As Trilo, aggressive to Ben)
    "Do you enjoy saying dumb things? You're going to have to be on your own someday and if you can't handle something as simple as this- what are you going to do then!?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
"Director Hotti"
Role assigned to: PawPaw Greg

This old creeper seems to be a resident of the Hotti Clinic ("Hot-ee") where he spends time pretending to be the director.

This weird, fidgety, old man appears to stalk young women he finds attractive whenever they're brought into the clinic for whatever reason and learns a significant amount about them and their lives.

I don't exactly know what I'm looking for with this character as I personally don't care for him: I imagine he should sound dim-witted, slow, and creepy- and that's just about the best direction I can provide at present.

  • "Hmm, yes? Uh, huh? I'm Director Hotti. Hoh, hoh. "

  • (Excited to be talking about Ini Miney)
    "Now you're talking! Hmm, yes. That girl, she was transferred from the general hospital. "

  • (Still pretending to be a doctor)
    "See, there's this thing about how doctors aren't allowed to talk about patient stuff. It's in all those TV shows too, right? You've seen them, right? Hmm, yes? "

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Regina Berry
Role assigned to: jinkiesbinx

Regina Berry is the young and completely naive animal tamer. The only existence she's known is the circus and even then it's been an incredibly sheltered existence as she doesn't understand the ramifications of death or severe injuries like that of the young comatose acrobat Sean "Bat" Dingling.

Regina should sound young, spunky, energetic, and perpetually amused. She lacks a real emotional depth or understanding of the events taking place around her and it makes her seem blissfully ignorant of the serious events unfolding around her.

  • (Wright and Maya just had a close encounter with one of her tigers. Chipper, positive)
    "Hah! He wasn't anywhere close to getting hurt, let alone dying! This little tiger hardly ever bites people. And besides, people normally never get to play with a wild tiger, right? So if you think about it, you're actually really lucky!"

  • (Talking to Maya about her robes, chipper)
    "Your costume- It's cute. I wanna try it on!"
    Maya: "C-Costume? You mean my clothes...? Uhh... I guess not..."
    "REALLY!? Hehehehehe! You're the best!"

  • (She's been made to understand the severity of the situation around her- she no longer has the curtain of ignorance to protect her, crying loudly like a child)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Turner Grey
Role assigned to: PrestonDCale

Short-tempered and spiteful; Dr. Turner Grey is completely absorbed in his own problems and appears to have a miserable personality which really makes you wonder about his bedside manner.

Dr. Grey is rude, crass, and indifferent to anything that isn't his problems and should sound miserable and bitter at all times.

  • (Trying to drum up a response from Wright who doesn't seem as upset as he is)
    "It's really quite upsetting. Did you hear me!? UPSETTING!"

  • (Explaining events from his skewed perspective)
    "The one that screwed up was that nurse! It was her that got the medications mixed up and killed those 14 patients! And yet! Now listen good! And yet! That nurse had the nerve to go and die before admitting to her wrongdoing!"

  • (Angry that it's a nice day because the weather forecaster said it would rain)
    "No, not at all. That stupid weather girl made the wrong call again. "It will rain cats and dogs today!" she said with a straight face. I can't believe they allow such misguided reports on the public airwaves!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Russell Berry
Role assigned to: kpoplyk

The ringleader of the Berry Big Circus, Russell Berry was well loved and respected by the performers in his circus.

Unfortunately it didn't prevent him from being the victim of a murder.

  • "Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and girls! Welcome to the show! Prepare to witness a man who has mastered the wonder of flight... The World's Greatest Magician! The one! The only! Maximillion Galactica!"

  • "Sorry Max. I have something I must attend to right now. Do you mind waiting for me right here?"

  • (When asked where his coat is because it's cold outside)
    "It's alright. I'll be right back. It should only take about 10 minutes."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Phoenix Wright
Role assigned to: Nick Eriksen

Phoenix Wright is the titular character of the Ace Attorney franchise: he is a young lawyer who is easily jarred when things tend to get rocky, but can ultimately buckle down, think things through to their logical conclusion, and stand his ground when his clients need him to do so. He has striven to be a lawyer since he was a child and aims to stand by those who have no one else in their corner and aspires to help them as best he can.

He is very much the "straight man" of the Ace Attorney universe who reacts to the absurdity of the situations around him with the most accurate responses. I'm looking for someone with a clear and pronounced voice capable of speaking loudly and confidently showing the ability to stand firm in the face of adversity while simultaneously having an inner monologue that may sound nearer to breaking down into a panic.

Please read the direction on each line/section carefully- the instructions there are meant to help me hear how you handle these particular inflections as they come up several times in Wright's lines. I need to hear how he thinks inside his own head, how he reacts to embarrassment/shock, how he intimidates and mocks witnesses with baiting statements, and how he uses his voice to take command of a given moment. This is THE titular character: show me what you can do with him!

Please read at least one line from the first two boxes and all of the lines in the third box. You may read every line in every box if you wish to, but it isn't required.

  • (Thinking to himself)"No one is as sad as a person without any friends. I know... I've been there. A long time ago. Why did I become a lawyer in the first place...? Because someone has to look out for the people who have no one on their side."

    (Looking at the bookshelf behind his desk and thinking to himself)"Difficult-looking legal books stand in a formidable row. They mock me. I tried reading one, and it made my head hurt. When I closed it, it slipped out of my hand. (slightly embarrassed at the memory) Then my foot hurt too."

  • (Pressing hard on a shady witness, mocking)"Miss May, I think it's high time you went shopping for a better excuse...? (Brief silence, mocking more strongly) Oh? Excuses not on sale today?"

    (Loudly drawing everyone's attention to the witness's obvious irritability upon questioning)"Your Honor, look at the witness's face! Does she seem amused to you!?"

  • These are some of Wright's most signature phrases- deliver them with the intensity they require
    (Presenting decisive evidence to the court)"TAKE THAT!"

    (Interrupting a witness)"HOLD IT!"

    (Presenting evidence that contradicts a witness statement)"OBJECTION!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Miles Edgeworth
Role assigned to: Razi the Red-RW Estep


Miles Edgeworth is a cold and calculating court prosecutor who makes it his personal mission to ensure every defendant he indicts is found guilty during a trial. While he would never go so far as to falsify evidence he is not above using under-handed tactics to bait his opposition into looking foolish by allowing them to follow a line of thought (that he has already considered or examined) and soundly snapping it shut around them like a visceral trap.

As time goes on he is forced into circumstances that cause him re-evaluate his position as a prosecutor and his personal "mission" in the courtroom. He gradually comes to warm up to others considerably, but not so much that he loses what could only be described as a "detached" personality.

Like most interpretations of Edgeworth: I perceive him as having a slight English accent (not to the extent of sounding overly "posh"- just a tendency to pronounce vowels more muted/flatly) as well as a calm and calculated delivery on most of his lines that give him a slight air of sophistication, harsh indifference, and mild smugness.

  • (Slightly irritated and attempting to take the wind of Wright's sails- firm and cold)"Amateurs, amateurs. Listen to me, Mr. Wright. In the courtroom, proof is everything. Without it, you have nothing. You ARE nothing."

    "The guilty will always lie, to avoid being found out. There's no way to tell who is guilty and who is innocent! All that I can hope to do is get every defendant declared "guilty"! So I make that my policy."

    (Silence- he says nothing more)Judge: "Yes, Mr. Edgeworth?""I was hoping to come up with a question while I was objecting, Your Honor... I didn't."Judge: "I see... Very well.""OBJECTION! Your Honor! I request that the witness testify again!"
    Vasquez: "You are the prosecutor, are you not? Why are you badgering me? I'm your witness!"
    "I... I just want to hear your testimony again."Vasquez: "Does this make any sense to you, Your Honor? I don't see that we have anything to gain by repeating the last several minutes."
    Judge: "Mr. Edgeworth... I, too, see little point in making Ms. Vasquez repeat herself. What exactly did you want her to testify about?"
    (Trying to think of something quickly- a rare instance of not being prepared)
    "Mmmph! Well, yes, um... Indeed! Verily, I say... Ergo! I want to hear about what happened... after they found the body!"

  • "Will the witness declare her name?"
    (The witness makes an irrelevant comment)
    "... Y-your name, please."
    (The witness makes more irrelevant commentary and appears to be smitten with Edgeworth who is having none of it- he ultimately ends up slamming his hand on his desk and cutting them off harshly)
    (The witness answers, but goes on to discuss more irrelevant topics)
    "OBJECTION! O-objection! I... object to the witness's talkativeness!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Maya Fey
Role assigned to: CaitlinDiVA

Maya is a young and inexperienced spirit medium who tends to leap before she looks. She frequently leaves Phoenix confused when her emotional state and leaps of logic jump astronomically out of proportion at an incredibly rapid pace. Despite having a significant unfamiliarity with the world outside of her home village she rapidly adjusts and arguably becomes more knowledgeable on practical or popular matters of society than Wright himself.

At seventeen years old Maya is notably younger than the likes of Phoenix and her sister Mia, but is old enough to not sound like a child. There's a certain balance to be found in not making her sound too young, but not sounding too mature either. Direction wise Maya is easily excitable and frequently overreacts to the most basic things she may see or hear: bring lots of energy with you, but don't go too fast.

  • (Excited)"She means the office! This office! Someone has to help with the new Wright & Co. Law Offices, right? And who better but me! Maya Fey, reporting for duty! Wait, no, on second thought, let's make this casual! Yo, Nick! Maya here, ready to get down to business! You... don't mind me calling you "Nick," do you? It's a great name! Mia said that's what your friend Larry calls you. You know what this means? We're partners!"

  • (Quietly whispering to Phoenix upon seeing their very first client in person)"Um, maybe I shouldn't be saying this... But he definitely did it. Murder. At least once. Maybe twice."

  • (Loud and shocked- this one tends to come up a fair bit)"WHAAAAT!?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Detective Dick Gumshoe
Role assigned to: JohnDoyle

A rather large, boisterous, loudmouth cop whose investigative and deductive reasoning skills often leave much to be desired. Although he tends to be on the receiving end of his superiors' ire, is constantly belittled to his own face, and endures constant testimonial tear down in court: he manages to maintain a cheerful and positive disposition and will gladly throw himself at a problem in an attempt to help others.

Detective Gumshoe should sound like a big guy and stereotypical New York area detective who tends to speak louder and with more energy than any given situation warrants.


  • (Arriving on the scene of an investigation- first time meeting Phoenix and Maya)"Alright, I'm Detective Dick Gumshoe, see? We received a report from the building across the way, see. Got a person saying they saw a murder. Anyway, I don't want either of you moving one inch, 'kay?"

  • (Standing up for Edgeworth during the events of "Turnabout Goodbyes"- significantly more somber and calm than he usually is)"See, Mr. Edgeworth always gets his defendants declared "guilty" every time. Yeah, his methods might be a little extreme at times. But... there's a reason! He trusts our investigation, see? He trusts us to get the right man! That's why I work extra hard, pal. We've got to earn that trust he places in us. Mr. Edgeworth is a man you can trust... And you have my word on that!"

  • (Dejectedly) "They kicked me out of Criminal Affairs..."Phoenix: "Detective Gumshoe! What did you do this time?"(Defensive and slightly angry) "Whaddya mean, "this time"!?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Judge
Role assigned to: thezackattack

The Judge is an elderly man who has spent many years overseeing and moderating the cases that have come to his courtroom. While he is prone to frequent emotional outbursts, often seems confused, is fairly easily swayed one way or another, and frequently says something that makes him look silly- he is an honorable and wise individual who treats every pressing legal matter or concern with the due diligence it deserves and hears out each and every argument until it can go no further.

To me the Judge's voice would be close to the stereotypical "old man voice" which would lend a humorous edge to his ridiculous misunderstandings, but he should also be capable of summoning enough gravitas and authority into his voice to be taken seriously and assures that he can maintain order over the proceedings in the courtroom. So it needs to be SLIGHTLY lighthearted and goofy, but also completely capable of taking the reins of authority and sincerity when necessary.

  • (Firm and officially)"The court is now in session for the trial of Ms. Maya Fey. Mr. Edgeworth. Please give the court your opening statement."
    (Loud and authoritatively)"Order! Order! Order! I will have order! Baliff, I don't care who it is, smack anyone who's loud in the face! Twice if you must!"

  • "The witness will state her name."(A parrot sits silently at the witness stand)(Banging gavel) "Name!"(The "witness" is silent, somewhat disappointed and dejectedly the Judge announces)"The witness is ignoring me."

  • (Quizzing Wright) "Now, tell me, what was the cause of death? She died because she was...?"
    "Phoenix: Oh, right! Wasn't she, um, poisoned by er... poison?"
    (Incredulous) "You're asking me!?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mia Fey
Role assigned to: thejediexile

Phoenix Wright's mentor and Maya Fey's older sister. She is a competent and successful defense lawyer of significant renown who taught Wright the most crucial skills that he himself goes on to use to significant effect. Mia is intelligent, supportive, and constantly kind to most of the people she interacts with. However, she's not above some fairly solid snark here and there and on a few special occasions where she comes to ensure that the punishments of justice are served to those that deserve it: she can be incredibly intimidating and forceful.

Mia's voice is clear, enunciated, and confident- capable of commanding respect with relative ease, but she talks in such a way that she comes across as warm, kind, and relatable most of the time rather than imposing or demeaning.

  • (Proud- her understudy just won his first court case so she's providing words of support and imparting her own dearly held beliefs)
    "Wright? I hope you see the importance of evidence now. Also, hopefully you realize, things change depending on how you look at them. People, too. We never really know if our clients are guilty or innocent. All we can do is believe in them. And in order to believe in them, you have to believe in yourself."

  • (Noticing someone yelling off in the distance)
    "... Isn't that your client screaming over there? (Getting weirded out as she listens to the yelling) It sounds like he wants to die..."

  • (Phoenix answers the first and most basic question the Judge can ask him incorrectly- she's suddenly sort of embarrassed, very concerned, and somewhat worried what staying and watching this case could do to her reputation and sanity. Said as if making an obvious bad/untrue excuse)"Wrong, Wright. Look, I have to leave. I have to go home. I'm... I'm expecting a delivery."
    Wright: "Aw, c'mon Chief. There's no need to be going so soon, is there?

    (Scolding, delivered with the subtext of "PAY ATTENTION") "Wright! Listen: the defendant is the one on trial--your client! I mean, that's about as basic as you can get!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Manfred von Karma
Role assigned to: Spazzguy

Manfred von Karma, the mentor of Miles Edgeworth, is feared and revered as a god among prosecutors having never lost a case in his forty year career. He is shady, underhanded, unsympathetic, fierce, and immediately assumes total command of the trials in which he is involved.

Vocal distinctions:  older, authoritative, highly intelligent, clear, malicious, cruel

Please read at least one line (or non-spaced section) from each box. You may read every line in every box if you wish to, but it isn't required.

  • (The Judge ask Prosecutor von Karma if he is ready to begin)
    "... Fool... You seriously think that I would stand here were I not completely prepared?
    (The Judge apologizes and asks for his opening statement)
    "... Decisive evidence... A decisive witness... What else could possibly be required?"

    (The Judge tells von Karma that he is supposed to be handling the courtroom proceedings)
    "Wrong. There is only one thing you need to do here. You will slam down your gavel and say the word "guilty." That is your role!"

  • (Curt and demanding)
    "Describe the incident. Now!"
    (Curt and demanding)
    "Testify to the court about your arrest. Now!"

    (Threatening Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey with a stun gun)
    "Indeed. 600,000 volts will course through your body like a dog touching an electric fence. Oh, don't worry. People don't die from it, usually. Now, give me the letter."

  • (Frustrated)
    "A cross-examination? We have photographic proof! What question can there possibly be!? This photo is worth a thousand words... and they all read "guilty"! You lose.  Or... Do you claim to have found a contradiction in her testimony!? Very well. If you have to, you may cross-examine the witness. You will only flounder and ask meaningless questions! You will fail to find anything! And then, I will have you held in contempt of court!"

    (Angry and yelling loudly)
    "You and your father are my curse! Your father shamed me with a penalty on my record! And you... you left a scar on my shoulder that would never fade! I... I'll bury you! I'll bury you with my bare hands! Death! Death!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ema Skye
Role assigned to: BrookeMorganVA

A young woman who aspires to be a forensic investigator. She comes to the Wright and Co. Law Offices looking to hire Mia Fey to defend her sister, but instead ends up asking Wright for his help clearing her sister's name.

Ema's role is much like Maya's: "there's a certain balance to be found in not making her sound too young, but not sounding too mature either". She's also less emotionally variable from moment-to-moment and spends more than five minutes at a time in any given emotional state unlike Maya who can fly all over the board in less than two. I'm mostly looking for someone who can be chipper, kind, optimistic and hopeful, but also nails scared, confused, and the range of mild to severely upsetting events Ema endures.

Please read at least one line (or section) from each box. You may read every line in every box if you wish to, but it isn't required.

  • (Has been waiting awhile and finally sees someone enter the Wright and Co. Law Office)
    "There you are! Finally! Where have you been!? My sister's trial is tomorrow!"
    (Wright is confused and asks her who she is)
    "It doesn't matter who I am! It only matters who YOU are! You're the famous defense attorney, Mia Fey! (Awkward silence) Oh, uh... You're not Mia Fey, are you?"

    (Begging Wright for his help- obviously concerned/mildly upset)
    "Please! I'm out of time! Please, you have to help! I-it's my sister!"
    (Wright agrees to hear her out)
    "R-really!? Thank you so much! My name's Ema, Ema Skye. I'm a scientific investigator."

  • (Upon hearing that her sister intends to plead "guilty" to murder, feeling a swell of emotions that ultimately exhibit as being incredibly upset)
    "You... you were always this way, weren't you? You never think of anyone but yourself. I know you didn't do it, Lana, I know! So... So how can you say you did!? If I lose you... I'll be all alone! I... I hate you, Lana!"

    (Recalling bad memories)
    "It's all there in the file... Joe Darke's last victim was Prosecutor Neil Marshall. When he murdered Officer Marshall's brother, he left behind an incriminating piece of evidence. On the night that Neil Marshall was murdered, Joe Darke... tried to kill me."

  • (Getting excited)
    "This situation calls for one thing, and that is... Luminol testing fluid! Blood is sticky stuff, you know. You can't just wash it away with a little water. Even if you can't see it, it's still there..."
    Wright: "But wouldn't the police have already done those tests?"
    "Never trust anyone's eyes but your own, Mr. Wright! Just give it a try!"
    Wright: "M-me? Why do I have to do it!?"
    "I'm a minor! I can't even drink yet!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Larry Butz
Role assigned to: sethfuzzy

Larry Butz is a walking disaster. Through his various actions and moments of inaction he creates massive and complicated problems at every turn. Larry himself is an emotionally unstable mess who lacks any form or self control and is often motivated by his moment-to-moment obsessions with various women.

Larry is an idiot. An overly emotional and panicky fool who lacks any kind of subtlety anywhere in his body. Each of his lines is fairly straight forward and easy to comprehend in terms of delivery. As for how he sounds: I'm open to just about anything that you want to pitch.

Please read at least one line (or non-spaced section) from each box. You may read every line in every box if you wish to, but it isn't required.

  • (Yelling in the middle of the court lobby in utter over-the-top despair)
    "It's over! My life, everything, it's all over! Death! Despair! Ohhhh! I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna die! Dude, I'm so guilty! Tell them I'm guilty! Gimme the death sentence! I ain't afraid to die!"

    It's over, Nick! My life is over! Oh, Nick... I'm not long for this world. It's Kiyance! Sh-she's goin' to live in Paris! Paris, Nick! She's leaving me behind"

  • Payne: "Next question! You went to the victim's apartment on the day of the murder, did you not?"
    Payne: "Well, did you, or did you not?"
    "Heh? Heh heh. Well, maybe I did, and maybe I didn't!"

    (When asked about hearing a gunshot)
    "Yeah, I did! A gunshot! That night! I was sitting here in the audience, listening to the testimony... Then I realized, something he said was different from what I remember! A-anyhow, I can't just sit here and let you call Edgey a murderer!  It's... It's just not right! I'll testify! Lemme testify!"

  • (Genuine and level-headed)
    "... Hey, Nick. I'm glad I asked you to be my lawyer. Really, I am. Thanks."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wendy Oldbag
Role assigned to: thejediexile

Miss Wendy Oldbag is an irritable and easily provoked elderly woman working as a security guard for Global Studios. Miss Oldbag is an insatiable gossip who is almost always irritable and takes offense at the smallest slight- often launching into long winded tirades as a result.

I'm looking for someone who can sound like a stereotypical old lady, but has the chops deliver some of Oldbag's longer and fiercer rants.


  • (Describing Will Powers- the defendant in "Turnabout Samurai")
    "He's not a bad kid, but don't be fooled by his mask! You wouldn't want him on the silver screen without it, believe me. Little old ladies watching would lose their lunch!"

  • (Upon Meeting Edgeworth for the first time... flirting???)
    Edgeworth: "Will the witness declare her name?"
    "Hmm? My, aren't you a handsome fellow! I'm afraid I'm a bit flustered!"
    Edgeworth: "Y-your name, please!"
    "Oh, dearie! No need for you to be embarrassed! Just call me "grandma.""
    Edgeworth: "YOUR NAME, PLEASE!"
    "Wendy Oldbag, dearie."

  • (Rambling angrily at incredible speed)
    "Gawkers! Sightseers! Tourists! I know the type. You heard about the incident and came to snoop around. Youths today! Something horrible happens and all you can think of is sightseeing. Wasting your time at a place like this. Don't you have jobs you should be doing? Or do lawyers not work like the rest of us? Maybe I should become a lawyer too. Sounds like a life of ease to me no work just loafing around all day as you please. Well when I was young things were a mite different, mind you we didn't prance around in strange hippie clothes. What are the youths coming to these days my own son hasn't called in years and you..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lotta Hart
Role assigned to: Sjroach94

Lotta Hart is a loud mouthed photographer from the deep south. Like Larry and Miss Oldbag- she wears her emotions on her sleeves and as such she is incredibly easy to read at any given moment, but more often than not is quick to anger more than anything. She's incredibly proud and will boast and gloat over the slightest thing worth doing so in her mind.

Put simply: I'm looking for a young woman who can put on a competent and consistent southern accent. Make sure to emote: Lotta's not one to be subtle.

  • (Has just run up to Wright and Maya and is angry about them wasting a whole roll of her camera film)
    "What! Don't try to play stupid with me just 'cause you think I'm some country bumpkin! Yeah, I know how y'all Yanks think! "I say, those southern folks talk with that exaggerated drawl, why they must be dumb!" Well let me tell you, just because I might be dumb don't mean we all are!"

  • (After learning that Lotta may be a witness to the murder he's investigating, Wright attempts to ask her to tell him what she saw)
    "Nice try, honey, but I wasn't born yesterday. I'm a witness, and that means I'm on the side of justice, and that means the cops! I'd sooner eat the south side of a north-bound skunk than tell you! Don't let it get your skivvies in a bunch. Friends today, enemies tomorrow! Or was that the other way round? No matter. I'm gone! (Suddenly excited) Hey! Maybe they'll let me do some testifying! Hot darn!"

  • "Yeah, I remember Wright! That lawyer guy! Huh, me? I'm in training to become a paranormal photographer! You know that picture I took of everyone? Well, just behind them there's a ghost! For real! Now that's talent! I'm gonna be famous!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Damon Gant
Role assigned to: Anthony Parise

Damon Gant is the straight standing, strong willed, and imposing yet seemingly kind chief of police. During the course of the court proceedings concerning chief prosecutor Lana Skye, Chief Gant suddenly finds himself interjected into the trial as it draws on, but proves himself to be an unwilling participant for reasons unknown.

Chief Gant typically speaks in such a way that is initially friendly/endearing/warm, but can suddenly turn strict or even cold at the slightest notice. There's a certain level of "two-faced-ness" that I'm looking for in this role as Gant is hiding plenty of secrets and none of it's good. 

Side note: whenever Gant speaks I get the impression that he has some sort of accent, perhaps along the line of an older Irish cop.


  • "Ah, er, excuse me. Knock knock? Oh! Oh, heh heh. Sorry I'm late, Udgey! The roads were packed. It's just me! Long time no see, eh, Udgey? How ya been? Swim much these days?"

    "Ah hah! So you're Wrighto! The attorney! I've heard good things about you, son! So sorry about our little Worthy giving you all that trouble, eh? You know, we should all go swimming together sometime! Jolly!"

  • Edgeworth: "Chief! What kind of outfit are you running!? How could they miss such a vital piece of evidence!? If your investigators are this lax, how do you expect us to do our job?"
    (Still polite and somewhat kind) "N-now wait a minute, Worthy!"
    Edgeworth: "I've no desire to hear your excuses!"
    (Suddenly firm and sharply railing against Edgeworth- NOT yelling) "I'm telling you to wait! Or didn't you hear me? Have a look at this document, where it says "person in charge of investigation"... There's no mistaking that signature... Miles Edgeworth? Don't be too upset, we'll find a way to clean up this mess... that you made."

  • (An obvious threat, but not loud or overblown)
    "Listen good, Lana! I don't think you need me to tell you this, but if you accept Mr. Wright's claim... there will be terrible consequences. That's right... Your sister will be found guilty... for Neil Marshall's murder! Of course, you'd never support such outrageous claims anyway... right? Just something to think about... All right, then. I've got a lunch date to meet."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lana Skye
Role assigned to: Nightfire

Lana Skye is the city's Chief Prosecutor who stands accused of murder. Unlike Wright's other clients she makes no effort to defend herself and seems insistent on confessing and getting herself convicted on the murder charge she is facing.

Lana is a calm, clear spoken, authoritative figure and seemingly emotionless young woman who obviously seems to be hiding something, but she shows no signs of betraying what that might be until the trial draws on longer and more and more secrets from an older case start coming to light at which point she slowly becomes more and more concerned to the point of frantic panic.

  • "My name is Lana, Lana Skye. I'm Chief Prosecutor for this district. As you can plainly see, I am admitting my guilt. I think it's safe to say... there's no way you can take this case. None."

    "Mr. Wright, let me offer you a word of advice. A defense attorney should never "believe" their client. The defendant is called to trial because they are suspected of wrongdoing! Never forget that."

  • (Flatly with no sense of defensiveness- she seems fully convinced of what she's saying)
    "We did what we had to... in order for him to get the verdict he deserved. Even if it involved forging evidence."

  • (Panicked and yelling desperately from the witness stand)
    "Stop! Please! Don't pursue this any further! You can't do this! I've already confessed to the crime! Why can't you just leave it at that!?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Winston Payne
Role assigned to: VegasVoiceActor

Winston Payne serves as the game's tutorial prosecutor. He is a relatively simplistic and unimpressive man described by the game as "lacking presence" which appears to be true as many people, including fellow prosecutors, seem to forget who he is on occasion. He's somewhat smug and overconfident despite lacking any real skill to warrant such an attitude- even rookie defense attorneys speaking out against him can often make him panicky and nervous.

Payne should basically sound like a middle aged loser- not like a full blown or even slightly stereotypical "nerd" inflection so many seem to imagine him as because I see him as more of a plucky, light-voiced, easily spooked divorced dad.

  • "Ahem. Mr. Butz. Is it not true that the victim had recently dumped you?"
    Larry: "I wasn't dumped! She just wasn't taking my phone calls. Or seeing me... Ever. WHAT'S IT TO YOU, ANYWAY!?"
    "Mr. Butz, what you describe is generally what we mean by "dumped." In fact, she had completely abandoned you... and was seeing other men! She had just returned from overseas with one of them the day before the murder!"

  • (Interjecting into Wright's argument)
    "Your Honor! If I may... As the witness stated, this statue is indeed a clock. The neck is a switch. You just tilt it, and it says the time out loud. As it doesn't look like a clock, I submitted it as a statue. My apologies."

  • (Suddenly nervous and on the defensive)
    "OBJECTION! W-w-what's the meaning of this? This is all baseless conjecture! There isn't a shred of evidence supporting the defense's claims!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Angel Starr
Role assigned to: Sara Dunham

An imposing lunch lady who used to be a well recognized police detective known as the "Cough-Up Queen". Following the SL-9 incident she bears a deep resentment toward Lana Skye and prosecutors in general making it a point to go out of her way in looking for and presenting evidence to convict Ms. Skye.

Angel always speaks calmly and clearly, but the mood behind her speech can quickly vary between polite and sweet or irritated and intimidating at the slightest whim.

  • "The name is Angel Starr. Don't you go forgetting it. Or before you know it I'll have you whimpering at my heels."

  • "Simple. As I've already said... I don't trust you with evidence, Mr. Edgeworth! That's why I took the liberty of investigating this myself. Didn't I mention? I have three boyfriends in forensics."

  • (Admitting defeat and conceding to Wright- genuinely trying to give a piece of advice through the only kind of metaphor she seems capable of using)
    "You listen to me, Rookie. It takes more than just ingredients to create fine cuisine. I hope you turn out to be a better chef than I've been..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jake Marshall
Role assigned to: mugen26

Jake Marshall is a police patrolman who used to be a detective. After the SL-9 incident Marshall has been incensed with finding the "truth" behind the events that occurred back then which resulted in his brother's death and has gone to several extremes to try and revive the the investigation into that old case.

This is fairly straight forward: Marshall looks, acts, and talks like a cowboy so I'm looking for a well rounded southern drawl on all of his lines.

  • "Me, pardner? Oh, I'm just a man, same as you, wanderin' the trails of civilization. As for my name, if you listen hard 'nuff, you can hear the howling wind calling it out."

  • "... The days are short in Texas... and so are our tempers. Could you sum up what you have to say in eight words or less?"
    Wright: "Very well. You can clearly be seen in this video!"
    "Exactly eight words... Not bad, pardner."

  • (Slightly mournful with a mild touch of anger in his words)
    "My brother couldn't have been killed by Joe Darke. I knew my brother better than anyone... No one could have beaten him in a fight. There's more to my brother's death than what the records say. No matter how much you try to hide it, you can't fool me."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Frank Sahwit
Role assigned to: Carrick Inabnett

A sleazy looking man who murders a young woman in "The First Turnabout" and then attempts to frame Larry Butz for the act.

Every word out of Sawhit's mouth should sound suspect or questionable and he should react with severe discomfort and slowly building frustration the longer the trial goes on.

  • (Panicked)
    "*gasp*... *gasp*... Dammit! ...Why me? I can't get caught... Not like this! I-I've gotta find someone to pin this on... Someone like... him! I'll make it look like HE did it!"

  • (Giving false testimony in court)
    "I was going door-to-door, selling subscriptions when I saw a man fleeing an apartment.
    I thought he must be in a hurry because he left the door half-open behind him.
    Thinking it strange, I looked inside the apartment.
    Then I saw her lying there... A woman... not moving... dead!
    I quailed in fright and found myself unable to go inside."

  • (Exploding)
    "I... I...! That... that day... I... I never! Look... I... the clock... I heard, no! I mean, I saw...Saw... nggg! Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Shutupshutupshutup! I hate you! I-it was him, I tell you! I saw him! H-he killed her and he should burn! Burn! Give him death!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Marvin Grossberg
Role assigned to: Ash Knight

Mia's mentor: a seasoned defense attorney with a long history in the business.

Mr. Grossberg seems like he would have an older, deeper, and resonating voice with an inflection or dialect that shows or implies a semblance of upper-class living.

  • (Clearing his throat in a completely over-the-top manner)
    "*Ah-HHHHEM!* Hmm? Something the matter? You came to see the one-and-only Marvin Grossberg, did you not? Well, here I am, boy! What do you want? Out with it!"

  • (Seeing Maya for the first time in years)
    "You've grown! You've come to look a lot like your sister, you know? It takes me back. "Ahh... the days of my youth... like the scent of fresh lemon..." you see."

  • (Concerned and somewhat sad as he explains Bluecorp to Wright)
    "Redd White is a man who makes his living through intimidation. Bluecorp is a company that excels in finding people's weaknesses, I'm afraid. I've been paying them for 15 years now..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
April May
Role assigned to: Maiden Melody

Redd White's secretary and forced accomplice to his many misdeeds.

April May mostly speaks in a high pitched, upbeat, and bubbly way (valley girl maybe?). She's not above using her physical assets to woo people and only breaks her facade when severely angered at which point she explodes into vicious verbal assaults.

Feel free to pick a single line from the first box- you aren't required to do all three of the lines in it.

  • "You're the lawyer, aren't you? The detective told me... He said, "Don't say nothing to that lawyer, pal!" Tee hee!"

    "April May! At your service!" *wink*
    (There is a mild commotion in the gallery)
    Judge: "Order! An introduction should not require any reaction from the crowd! The witness will refrain from wonton * winking!"
    "Aww... Yes, Your Honor."

    Wright: "Miss May. What you said just now was quite... revealing."
    "Revealing? Oooh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Naughty Mr. Lawyer..."

  • Wright "Oh? Excuses not on sale today?"
    (At a loss for words and struggling to find them) "Oooh? Oh ho ho. (Getting angrier and angrier) Mmmrrrrph! Ooooorrrrrrr ggggghhhhhhh... hhh!!! (Exploding and YELLING angrily) What's it to you, porcupine-head!? That stupid clock doesn't matter, okay!? She did it! And she should die for it! Die!"
    Judge: "W-w-whoa! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. T-this is a court of law, and the witness will remain calm!"
    (Realizes she's blowing her facade and desperately starts fighting to subdue her anger) "Hrrrgh... hrrrh... Hrrr... heh. Oh? Oh! Oh? Oh hoh ho! (Trying to play it off) S-silly me! *grunt* Did I, um, like... lose it? I guess I did. Tee hee!" *wink*

  • (Wright attempts to present evidence to her- her response is low key and calm and maybe even a bit playfully mocking despite being incredibly direct and harsh)
    "Hey guess what? Actually, I really hate your guts. So get lost because, well I'm not co-operating."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Redd White
Role assigned to: hypervoiceacting

An arrogant business man who speaks in an annoying, pompous/self important, manner and makes up words in an attempt to make himself appear either smarter or more cultured and ultimately fails to do both.

In my mind Redd White speaks like an obnoxious game show host who is way too proud and full of himself.

  • "Welcome! Please furnish me with the title of your personage! I'm Redd White, CEO of Bluecorp. You know, Corporate Expansion Official? My business dealings bring me into contact with the elite of the elite. So I'm afraid I am not used to conversing with the wordily-challenged."

  • "You wish to know the title of my personage?"
    Edgeworth: "Er... your name?"
    "Yes! That is what I said! Oh dear, do my locutions confuse? My name is Redd White. But my friends call me Blanco Nino. I am the CEO, or to use a more common term, the President, of Bluecorp."

  • (Full on panicked)
    "S-s-stop! Desist! Halt! P-please, stop! Make him stop! How... how did you get that list!?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Will Powers
Role assigned to: bladedsk

The first client of the newly established Wright and Co. Law Offices. Powers is a big man who looks harsh and intimidating, but is actually a massive teddy bear that nearly bursts into tears at the drop of a hat and has a soft spot for many different things.

Powers should have a deep and authoritative kind of voice, but it's authority should be betrayed by his near constant being on the verge of tears and worry. However, his few lines as the Steel Samurai should exude confidence and strength!

  • (As the Steel Samurai)
    "The moon? No, it is you who should gaze upon the moon... For it will be the last moon you ever see! See you in hell, Evil Magistrate! Whoooooooaaaaaaa!"

  • (Upon seeing a concerned look on Maya's face)
    "I know, I know. You're disappointed, aren't you?"
    Maya: "D-disappointed!? Oh, no. Oh no."
    "No, it's okay. This is the real me. When I got the part of the Steel Samurai, with that mask... I decided I would never show my face in public until the job was over. It's the kids, you know. I didn't want to wreck their dreams."

  • (Tearing up upon receiving a compliment)
    "I... You... Thanks." *sniff*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Penny Nichols
Role assigned to: Leader Looi

A young backstage assistant at Global Studios.

I have no definitive sound or direction in mind for Penny, she's a particularly "normal" person all things considered- although she is easily excited at the prospect of acquiring Steel Samurai trading cards.

  • Who me? I'm an assistant here. I help with props and stuff. Moving them around, ordering new ones, et cetera."

  • "Oh, you're WP's people. I don't envy you guys one bit! But... do what you can for WP, okay? He'd never hurt a fly! He has to be innocent."

  • "... Wait...Waitwaitwaitwait!!! That's it!!! That's the card I need! You don't know how long I've been looking for it! I don't care what kind of girl you might think I am, I need that card! P-please! I beg you! Please trade with me!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sal Manella
Role assigned to: Val Rivera

... I'm not going to lie: I hate this character. In all honesty I could probably find a way to cut around him, but that's a bit far beyond the editing I want to do with this project and taking a little too much liberty with the source material.

Sal Manella is the greasy creep who happens to direct the Steel Samurai TV series. He is very much portrayed as a socially unacceptable stereotypical nerd and almost exclusively speaks in 1337 or "leet" speak out in the world. When brought before the court he learns quickly that his usual speech pattern isn't going to cut it and begins speaking in a relatively normal fashion.

  • (Director's note: I feel like I'm going to regret selecting this line, but c'est la vie)

    "You know, on closer inspection... Mmm... Yeah... Hot! Hot! Hot! *slobber* Hey, do j00 do a lot of "cosplay," coz that costume r0x0rz!... *drool*"

  • "Huh? Mmph! LOL! Buffer overrun! *pant* You've triggered my CR34T1V3 P0W3RZ! Yes... yes, it's coming to me! "Pink Princess"! The sequel to the Steel Samurai... "Pink Princess: Warrior of Little Olde Tokyo!" ROFL... LMAO!"

  • "... How r00d can j00 get! J00 don't know ME!? I'm the director! I make the Steel Samurai, n00b! ROFL!"
    (Silence in the courtroom, suddenly very nervous and aware of his surroundings)
    "S... Sal Manella. I'm a director. Television."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cody Hackins
Role assigned to: Michelle McCann

A grade school kid who is deeply into the Steel Samurai and regularly sneaks onto the Global Studios lot to try and get photos of him.

Cody is a combative and angry kid, but is completely and utterly receptive to any words from Mia Fey.

  • "I'm Cody! Cody Hackins. Call me "kiddy-o" again and I'll cut you down where you stand, evildoer!"

  • (Eager to trade with Wright for a rare Steel Samurai collector's card)
    "Yeah, so... Wait! That's it!!! That's the last Ultra Rare Premium card I need! C'mon give it to me, please! You gotta give it to me!"

  • (Losing composure and breaking down into tears after Wright deduces that the Steel Samurai lost a "fight" on the Global Studios grounds)
    "I...... Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!"
    Phoenix: "Cody... That day, you saw the Steel Samurai lose a fight. Right?"
    (Crying his eyes out) "Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! Okay okay! Y-you're right! Th-the Steel Samurai f-fell down... Th-then he didn't m-move... Waaaaaaaaah!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dee Vasquez
Role assigned to: Sara Dunham

A big shot producer at Global Studios who has other, more questionable, business connections. Ms. Vasquez tends to ignore people and focuses solely on the matters of interest to her and her work.

Dee Vasquez should sound clear and enunciated. She commonly speaks in shorts sentences with a highly condescending tone. No accent necessary, but not I'm not opposed to the idea of a mild Spanish accent.

  • "I dislike needless banter. If you must pontificate, do it when I'm not here."

  • "The monkey with the broken head. Its head fell over in the wind on the day of the murder. They didn't start moving the head out of the way until after 3:00. It was after 4:00 by the time the path was unblocked. Capice? Everyone in this trailer was stuck here until the path was cleared. Stuck in this trailer. Stuck until afer 4:00. Hammer died at 2:30. Thus, none of us could have gone to Studio One."

  • (Introducing Wright and Maya to some thugs in black suits)
    "Professionals. They're good at erasing... various things. What do you think...? Would you like to be erased?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yanni Yogi
Role assigned to: deleted177260

A former courtroom bailiff involved in the DL-6 incident who was accused of murder and acquitted of the charge via feigning brain damage. He spends most of his time rambling incoherently at people from his boat rental shop claiming it is a pasta shop called the "Wet Noodle".

Yogi should sound like a crazy and demented old man for the majority of his performance except during a flashback to the elevator scene where he allegedly killed Gregory Edgeworth and the moment where he drops his deception on the witness stand. During former he is panicky and desperate, but during the latter he his cold and bitter showing no remorse for the actions he recently committed as he feels justified after being ostracized for fifteen years.


  • (Crazy old man persona- he's pretending to be a brain damaged amnesiac who has no idea who he is)

    "Glad to hear it, glad to hear it! You make your old man proud. When you kids left the house, I didn't know what to think. How'm I supposed to keep this place running, an old man like me? Polly! The kids are home!"

    "Ayup! To think, the "Wet Noodle," will live on when I'm gone! My father started it you know. So that makes you two the third generation! Meg- tomorrow, we'll start with the secrets of dough tossin'!"

  • (His much younger self trapped in the elevator with Gregory and Miles Edgeworth, he shouldn't talk like he does in the box above- loud and panicked delivery)
    "H-help! I can't breathe!"

    "Stop breathing my air! I'll... I'll stop you! Stop breathing my aaaaair!"

  • (Present day after dropping the brain damaged old man persona: should sound cold and harsh)
    "My name... is Yanni Yogi. 15 years ago, I served as a bailiff in this very court."

    "I thought this was my chance, after 15 years, this was it! Finally, a chance to have my revenge on Robert Hammond and Miles Edgeworth... I have no regrets."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mike Meekins
Role assigned to: MisterNKB

Mike Meekins is a young, danger prone, overly enthusiastic, loud, pathetic, and possibly emotionally unstable police patrolman. Meekins is a stickler for rules and protocol and always carries himself in a straight-laced way, but the image of a consummate professional never lasts long as he tends to screech whatever he's saying at incredible volumes- occasionally through the assistance of a megaphone for no adequate reason (NOTE: if you want to add a megaphone effect to any of the audition lines you may do so, but in the final project I will handle editing effects such as that).

Meekins voice should clearly mirror his scrappy-yet-uptight appearance and he should completely cringe or panic when facing scrutiny from just about anyone.


  • Edgeworth: "Will the witness please state his name and occupation?"
    "Yes, sir! I am Officer Mike Meekins, sir! My occupation is, um... (screeching) THAT WOULD BE MURDERER, SIR!"

  • "Oh, I understand now, sir! It's just like my tie! Two out of three times it gets stuck in the door when I get out of my patrol vehicle, sir! Instead of the door closing, My tie chokes me!"

  • "Sir! But, but sir! I'm just following orders, sir! They told me to bring this to you! I wasn't aware of the peculiars of your arrangement with us, sir!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KyleVoices

A hotel bellboy who is way too eager to be involved in the dire events surrounding the case in which he is involved.

The bellboy can have a "posh" English accent or he can have none- it doesn't really matter that much to me; I just want someone who can capture his "eager to please" and "enjoying this way too much" vibes.

  • "Good afternoon, sir!"

    "Ah, I beg your pardon, sir! I am the bellboy of this establishment, at your service, sir."

  • "Yes! Our reputation will swell as the hotel where the murderer used a wiretap! We can charge a premium for the room, of course. It will be great for business, sir! I, too, will become famous! "The Bellboy who brought the murderer ice coffee"...!"

  • "Ah, yes... He struck me as a real "Lady Killer," if you'll pardon the expression. I knew it from the moment I saw him, sir. He and I are of the same ilk. We both carry the scent of... danger."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Gallery
cast offsite

The gallery is made of up of various members of the public who have come to watch whatever trials are taking place.

For the most part- the in game sounds of the gallery muttering will be used, but there are some instances where members speak out clearly and can be heard yelling their opinions into the court.

Since I'm looking to select a few different people for this particular role: I will be directly using well done/clean auditions for this role in the final product. So keep an eye on your private messages here on CCC because if I like your audition I'll reach out through there to compensate you for its use.

  • (A potential murder is trying to petition his way off the witness stand)
    Yeah! We want justice!

    Don't let him get away!

    He did it!

    (The Prosecutor is pushing a case past the point of necessity)
    You call this justice!?

    How many innocent people's lives have you ruined!?

    What's wrong with you!?

    How dare you!?

  • (Several events in this case have related to the prosecutors' office in some capacity and people are uncertain what to make of it)
    What's with this case!?

    The bloody murder weapon... a red car... all belonging to the prosecutor there!?

    The defendant is the chief prosecutor for the district, right?

    Mommy, are prosecutors bad people?

    Not that prosecutor again.

    Hey, maybe he's behind all this! Being a prosecutor, he could hide the evidence!

    Mommy! Is that man in blue a murderer?

    Ssh! Don't stare at him!

    (It is brought to light that an alleged serial killer was convicted with false evidence)
    What's going on at the Prosecutor's Office!?

    They might have sent an innocent man to his death!

    How can he just stand there, like it wasn't his fault!?

  • (Low mumbling sounds; feel free to say actual lines, but make them relevant if you do)

    (Louder mumbling of shock or surprise- you just heard something strange or incredible: again if ad-libbing is done, try to make it relevant to a specific case)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Desca

Redd White's office secretary.

Please read all of the lines included for this role- the best audition will be selected and used directly for the project.

  • (Answering the phone)
    "Secretary's Office, hello?"
    White: "Mr. Wrong will be leaving now."
    "Yes, sir. I'll send someone right away. "

  • (Answering the phone again)
    "Secretary's office."
    White: We won't be needing an escort for Mr. Wrong. Instead, please connect me to the public prosecutor's office.
    "Of course, sir. One moment please."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Nick Demaree

A newscaster who reads the news that leads Wright and Maya to their first two clients.

Please read all of the lines included for this role- the best audition will be selected and used directly for the project.

  • "Now for the morning news. Actor Will Powers who plays the lead role in the popular kids show "The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo" was arrested yesterday on the suspicion of murder. The victim was reported to be Jack Hammer, a fellow co-star who plays the show’s primary villain known as the "Evil Magistrate". According to police: Mr. Hammer’s body was discovered yesterday afternoon inside one of the recording stages at the Global Studios lot here in the city still wearing the Evil Magistrate costume. Police believe the murder weapon was the "Samurai Spear", the Steel Samurai’s weapon of choice, which was found stuck through Mr. Hammer’s body. Further information is still pending upon further investigation."

  • "Next in the news: a large, unidentified animal was sighted at Gourd Lake! The town is buzzing with excitement! Locals are calling it "Gourdy" in a tip of the hat to Nessie, the Loch Ness monster. Though its namesake, Nessie, proved to be a hoax locals are confident their Gourdy is the real deal!"

    "We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin! Strange occurrences continue at Gourd Lake, but this time: it's murder!"

  • "The body of a man was found in the lake early this morning. A suspect was apprehended. Sources inside the police department revealed that the suspect's name is Miles Edgeworth, age 24. Edgeworth was an up-and-coming prosecuting attorney, known for his skill and connections. He was guaranteed a long and rewarding career, but has he gone and thrown it all away?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Evil Magistrate/Jack Hammer
Role assigned to: daemonarcher

The villian of "the Steel Samurai" TV show.

Speaks in an over-the-top kid's show villain way.

EDIT on 5/27/19:
While compiling the script for Turnabout Samurai I came across a section of unspecified dialogue that seems like it might be fitting to have the victim "Jack Hammer" speak. So whoever is cast here will be asked to read 5 additional lines in a more "normal" voice that is only tangentially linked to the Evil Magistrate.

  • "Grrah! You have disgraced me for the last time, Steel Samurai! The pale moon in the sky cries for your blood!"

  • (Charging in attack)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TemptyVA

A film crew assistant who was present when actor Jack Hammer accidentally killed a co-star.

Please read all of the lines included for this role- the best audition will be selected and used directly for the project.

  • (Shocked)
    "Th-there's blood everywhere! We're too late!"

  • (Mildly panicked,  but trying to maintain professionalism- informing the producer of an accident)
    "Manuel fell from the trailer stairs!"

    (Attempting to calm the producer)
    "Ms. Vasquez, please, try to remain calm!"

    (Trying to explain)
    "Mr. Hammer was doing an action scene and then Manuel-"

  • (Cautioning)
    D-don't touch him! Ms. Vasquez!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Police Officer
Role assigned to: Desca

A police officer investigating the Miles Edgeworth murder case in "Turnabout Goodbyes".

Please read all of the lines included for this role- the best audition will be selected and used directly for the project.

  • (When asked if they found any evidence)
    "S-sorry, sir... Nothing."

  • Gumshoe: "Idiot! The trial's tomorrow! We need clues, on the double! "
    "B-but, sir... There weren't any clues... that's why we arrested that attorney, Mr. Edgeworth! It's clear, sir. He's the one who did it!"

    I mean... just, get outta my face, pal!
    "Y-yes, sir!"

  • (Approaching the Detective with news)
    Detective Gumshoe, sir!

    Gumshoe: What? Find something!?
    "Um, no, sir. Not yet. But there was a call from the precinct. They want to hold an investigation briefing."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MultipleMeanings

A courtroom bailiff.

Please read all of the lines included for this role- the best audition will be selected and used directly for the project.

  • (Worried, interrupting the court proceedings loudly and hurriedly)
    "Your Honor, sir!"

  • (Interrupting)
    "The witness has disappeared! He isn't at the boat shop, either!"

  • (Worried)
    What should I do?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: faketsuki

The teacher in Wright, Edgeworth, and Larry's class on the day of the class-trial that made Wright want to become a defense attorney.

  • "Now, Phoenix, you know you shouldn't steal people's money! It's not right."

  • "Apologize to the class, Phoenix."

  • "Very well. I will replace the money myself. This class trial is over."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: deleted165837

The students in Wright, Edgeworth, and Larry's class on the day of the class-trial that made Wright want to become a defense attorney.

  • "Guilty!"

    "He did it!"

    "It was you!"


  • "We're not gonna play with you anymore!"

    "Yeah, and no borrowing my eraser!"

    "He shouldn't be allowed in the relay race!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Phoenix Wright
Role assigned to: Jared

Phoenix Wright when he was a child.

There isn't any real direction for this role- it's incredibly short and pretty straight forward.

  • "I... I didn't do it!"

  • Edgeworth: "It wasn't you who stole my money, was it?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Miles Edgeworth
Role assigned to: jinkiesbinx

Miles Edgeworth when he was a child.

Direction suggestions are roughly: like his older self, but more upbeat/happier- this is before the tragedy in his life unfolds.

  • "He shouldn't have to apologize! The only thing that belongs in a trial is evidence! Anything else has no place! You should all be ashamed... amateurs!"

  • "It wasn't you who stole my money, was it?"
    Young Wright: "No."
    "Then you shouldn't apologize! Everyone's been shouting you did it, but no one has any proof! That is why, Your Honor, this boy is innocent!"

  • (Yelling at Yanni Yogi who is attacking his father in an elevator)
    "Get away...! Get away from my father!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Larry Butz
Role assigned to: Flip D Switch

Larry Butz when he was a kid.

There isn't any real direction for this role- it's incredibly short and pretty straight forward.

  • "Why don't you all just shut up!!!"

  • "This is always how it is, everybody ganging up and picking on one person. Just think how he feels! He said he didn't do it, so he didn't do it!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gregory Edgeworth
Role assigned to: Razi the Red-RW Estep

The father of Miles Edgeworth: a defense attorney of some renown who was subsequently murdered in a courthouse elevator fifteen years ago.

Looking for a voice similar to Miles Edgeworth on this on- maybe with a mild variation though. 

Whoever is cast as Miles Edgeworth may just get this role as well. I'm not sure, we'll have to see.

  • (Scolding the panicking Yanni Yogi who he's trapped in an elevator with)
    "Quiet! I said quiet! You're not making this any easier!"

  • "Don't shout! You'll just use up more oxygen!"

  • (Recalling)
    "I am Gregory Edgeworth... I have been killed... The one who shot me... was the bailiff... Yanni Yogi."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MultipleMeanings

One of Angel Starr's many boyfriends. This one happens to be an investigator who isn't going to be getting off the clock any time soon.

This is the only line- the best audition will be selected and used directly for the project.

  • Sorry... Looks like I'll be stuck in this pit until late tonight.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bruce Goodman
Role assigned to: projectalpha22

The victim of "Rise from the Ashes".

Just a down-to-Earth (NORMAL) guy. His only two lines showcase his desire to reopen an old investigation.

  • "Can you please reopen the investigation, Chief? We can't transfer the evidence out. There are too many questions left unanswered!"

  • "It's not too late. I'll hand this to Marshall!"

Title Sequence Animator
Role assigned to: Mia Litz

Looking for an animator to create a short title sequence animation, roughly 5 seconds or slightly more, based on the game's logo/title art.

Listed amount is a placeholder as I'm not familiar with animation rates and the like- it can be discussed.

You only need to provide samples of work in this vein- I'm not expecting unpaid samples or mock-ups.

  • Say something you think would fit


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