Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
shotgunhope for Penny Nichols

A young backstage assistant at Global Studios.
I have no definitive sound or direction in mind for Penny, she's a particularly "normal" person all things considered- although she is easily excited at the prospect of acquiring Steel Samurai trading cards.
Who me? I'm an assistant here. I help with props and stuff. Moving them around, ordering new ones, et cetera."
"Oh, you're WP's people. I don't envy you guys one bit! But... do what you can for WP, okay? He'd never hurt a fly! He has to be innocent."
"... Wait...Waitwaitwaitwait!!! That's it!!! That's the card I need! You don't know how long I've been looking for it! I don't care what kind of girl you might think I am, I need that card! P-please! I beg you! Please trade with me!"

The acting and delivery in each of your auditions is very solid- the only minor issue I'm seeing is that volume seems to consistently be a bit low. Nonetheless: well done.
Thanks a lot! I'll keep in mind to up my volume when submitting lines if I get cast! ^^

Good luck!