Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
Bpjenkin123088 for Manfred von Karma

Manfred von Karma, the mentor of Miles Edgeworth, is feared and revered as a god among prosecutors having never lost a case in his forty year career. He is shady, underhanded, unsympathetic, fierce, and immediately assumes total command of the trials in which he is involved.
Vocal distinctions: older, authoritative, highly intelligent, clear, malicious, cruel
Please read at least one line (or non-spaced section) from each box. You may read every line in every box if you wish to, but it isn't required.
(The Judge ask Prosecutor von Karma if he is ready to begin)
"... Fool... You seriously think that I would stand here were I not completely prepared?
(The Judge apologizes and asks for his opening statement)
"... Decisive evidence... A decisive witness... What else could possibly be required?"(The Judge tells von Karma that he is supposed to be handling the courtroom proceedings)
"Wrong. There is only one thing you need to do here. You will slam down your gavel and say the word "guilty." That is your role!"(Curt and demanding)
"Describe the incident. Now!"
(Curt and demanding)
"Testify to the court about your arrest. Now!"(Threatening Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey with a stun gun)
"Indeed. 600,000 volts will course through your body like a dog touching an electric fence. Oh, don't worry. People don't die from it, usually. Now, give me the letter."(Frustrated)
"A cross-examination? We have photographic proof! What question can there possibly be!? This photo is worth a thousand words... and they all read "guilty"! You lose. Or... Do you claim to have found a contradiction in her testimony!? Very well. If you have to, you may cross-examine the witness. You will only flounder and ask meaningless questions! You will fail to find anything! And then, I will have you held in contempt of court!"(Angry and yelling loudly)
"You and your father are my curse! Your father shamed me with a penalty on my record! And you... you left a scar on my shoulder that would never fade! I... I'll bury you! I'll bury you with my bare hands! Death! Death!"

I really like the tone used in this audition and the overall clarity, but I feel like your inflection comes loose in a few places and it becomes obvious that you're projecting a voice. On the final line- there's a notable shift in quality as if you've moved away from the mic: instead try turning down the gain and maintaining your normal acting distance as it creates a less noticeable shift in volume.
Thank you for the feedback! I actually saw a previous comment mentioning the distance issue, and made sure to stay the same distance, but I guess I turned the gain down too low. Was there any particular line that stood out as me acting instead of being the character for me trying to re-record this? Or just parts of lines? But thanks for getting back to me so fast, I do appreciate the feedback, I’ll try another take if that’s alright with you?

"photographic proof" was probably the worst offender. When it comes to gain- you want to keep it consistent and just project more: it's easier to tone your audio down than try and scale it up.