Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
Nick Eriksen for Mike Meekins

Mike Meekins is a young, danger prone, overly enthusiastic, loud, pathetic, and possibly emotionally unstable police patrolman. Meekins is a stickler for rules and protocol and always carries himself in a straight-laced way, but the image of a consummate professional never lasts long as he tends to screech whatever he's saying at incredible volumes- occasionally through the assistance of a megaphone for no adequate reason (NOTE: if you want to add a megaphone effect to any of the audition lines you may do so, but in the final project I will handle editing effects such as that).
Meekins voice should clearly mirror his scrappy-yet-uptight appearance and he should completely cringe or panic when facing scrutiny from just about anyone.
Edgeworth: "Will the witness please state his name and occupation?"
"Yes, sir! I am Officer Mike Meekins, sir! My occupation is, um... (screeching) THAT WOULD BE MURDERER, SIR!""Oh, I understand now, sir! It's just like my tie! Two out of three times it gets stuck in the door when I get out of my patrol vehicle, sir! Instead of the door closing, My tie chokes me!"
"Sir! But, but sir! I'm just following orders, sir! They told me to bring this to you! I wasn't aware of the peculiars of your arrangement with us, sir!"

STOP! you have violated the law.
You've got an exceptionally versatile set of voices, SIR! lol I really enjoyed your audition! Best of luck! :D

hey, thank you so much! i really appreciate that.