Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
NormalGamer5000 for Damon Gant

Damon Gant is the straight standing, strong willed, and imposing yet seemingly kind chief of police. During the course of the court proceedings concerning chief prosecutor Lana Skye, Chief Gant suddenly finds himself interjected into the trial as it draws on, but proves himself to be an unwilling participant for reasons unknown.
Chief Gant typically speaks in such a way that is initially friendly/endearing/warm, but can suddenly turn strict or even cold at the slightest notice. There's a certain level of "two-faced-ness" that I'm looking for in this role as Gant is hiding plenty of secrets and none of it's good.
Side note: whenever Gant speaks I get the impression that he has some sort of accent, perhaps along the line of an older Irish cop.
"Ah, er, excuse me. Knock knock? Oh! Oh, heh heh. Sorry I'm late, Udgey! The roads were packed. It's just me! Long time no see, eh, Udgey? How ya been? Swim much these days?"
"Ah hah! So you're Wrighto! The attorney! I've heard good things about you, son! So sorry about our little Worthy giving you all that trouble, eh? You know, we should all go swimming together sometime! Jolly!"
Edgeworth: "Chief! What kind of outfit are you running!? How could they miss such a vital piece of evidence!? If your investigators are this lax, how do you expect us to do our job?"
(Still polite and somewhat kind) "N-now wait a minute, Worthy!"
Edgeworth: "I've no desire to hear your excuses!"
(Suddenly firm and sharply railing against Edgeworth- NOT yelling) "I'm telling you to wait! Or didn't you hear me? Have a look at this document, where it says "person in charge of investigation"... There's no mistaking that signature... Miles Edgeworth? Don't be too upset, we'll find a way to clean up this mess... that you made."(An obvious threat, but not loud or overblown)
"Listen good, Lana! I don't think you need me to tell you this, but if you accept Mr. Wright's claim... there will be terrible consequences. That's right... Your sister will be found guilty... for Neil Marshall's murder! Of course, you'd never support such outrageous claims anyway... right? Just something to think about... All right, then. I've got a lunch date to meet."

While I originally would've agreed with the afterward assessment I eventually got caught up on the exclamation of "Jolly!" which is not something I've ever personally heard an American exclaim in modern or older media/settings. By no means is a lack of an accent going to be held against this role though.

I understand and agree completely. I just am not very good at accents but I am glad to know that this will not hold me back.

Should I re-audition with an irish accent?