Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
JohnDoyle for Detective Dick Gumshoe

A rather large, boisterous, loudmouth cop whose investigative and deductive reasoning skills often leave much to be desired. Although he tends to be on the receiving end of his superiors' ire, is constantly belittled to his own face, and endures constant testimonial tear down in court: he manages to maintain a cheerful and positive disposition and will gladly throw himself at a problem in an attempt to help others.
Detective Gumshoe should sound like a big guy and stereotypical New York area detective who tends to speak louder and with more energy than any given situation warrants.
(Arriving on the scene of an investigation- first time meeting Phoenix and Maya)"Alright, I'm Detective Dick Gumshoe, see? We received a report from the building across the way, see. Got a person saying they saw a murder. Anyway, I don't want either of you moving one inch, 'kay?"
(Standing up for Edgeworth during the events of "Turnabout Goodbyes"- significantly more somber and calm than he usually is)"See, Mr. Edgeworth always gets his defendants declared "guilty" every time. Yeah, his methods might be a little extreme at times. But... there's a reason! He trusts our investigation, see? He trusts us to get the right man! That's why I work extra hard, pal. We've got to earn that trust he places in us. Mr. Edgeworth is a man you can trust... And you have my word on that!"
(Dejectedly) "They kicked me out of Criminal Affairs..."Phoenix: "Detective Gumshoe! What did you do this time?"(Defensive and slightly angry) "Whaddya mean, "this time"!?"

This was an excellent audition for Gumshoe and I'd encourage you to check out some of the other roles too as your "normal" speaking voice has a great quality to it as well.

I'll be sure to check in on the other roles as well. Thanks for your feedback and thanks again for listening!

Great read. Great energy and voice.

Thanks! Gumshoe has a really gruff, honest energy to him and I hope I managed to get that across well in my audition. Thanks again for listening and commenting!

I can tell from your performance and humor with the last line Gumshoe says this was very well done, best of luck to you, I really liked the voice you did for Pheonix Wright it gave me a few laughs.

Thank you very much! I think that Phoenix and Gumshoe have some of the most memorable back and forth in the game due to their frequently being at odds with one another over their jobs. Gumshoe has a really big personality and Phoenix is great at playing the straight man to his foil. I really enjoyed voicing both of them for this audition and ended up auditioning for a few other roles in this project (Phoenix included) because of it. Anyway, I'm sorry for the long-winded response. I'm glad you enjoyed the audition and thank you so much for listening and commenting!

Your very welcome and being completely honest I was entertained while listening to your performance and Good luck by the way.