Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
HexVA for Phoenix Wright

Phoenix Wright is the titular character of the Ace Attorney franchise: he is a young lawyer who is easily jarred when things tend to get rocky, but can ultimately buckle down, think things through to their logical conclusion, and stand his ground when his clients need him to do so. He has striven to be a lawyer since he was a child and aims to stand by those who have no one else in their corner and aspires to help them as best he can.
He is very much the "straight man" of the Ace Attorney universe who reacts to the absurdity of the situations around him with the most accurate responses. I'm looking for someone with a clear and pronounced voice capable of speaking loudly and confidently showing the ability to stand firm in the face of adversity while simultaneously having an inner monologue that may sound nearer to breaking down into a panic.
Please read the direction on each line/section carefully- the instructions there are meant to help me hear how you handle these particular inflections as they come up several times in Wright's lines. I need to hear how he thinks inside his own head, how he reacts to embarrassment/shock, how he intimidates and mocks witnesses with baiting statements, and how he uses his voice to take command of a given moment. This is THE titular character: show me what you can do with him!
Please read at least one line from the first two boxes and all of the lines in the third box. You may read every line in every box if you wish to, but it isn't required.
(Thinking to himself)"No one is as sad as a person without any friends. I know... I've been there. A long time ago. Why did I become a lawyer in the first place...? Because someone has to look out for the people who have no one on their side."
(Looking at the bookshelf behind his desk and thinking to himself)"Difficult-looking legal books stand in a formidable row. They mock me. I tried reading one, and it made my head hurt. When I closed it, it slipped out of my hand. (slightly embarrassed at the memory) Then my foot hurt too."(Pressing hard on a shady witness, mocking)"Miss May, I think it's high time you went shopping for a better excuse...? (Brief silence, mocking more strongly) Oh? Excuses not on sale today?"
(Loudly drawing everyone's attention to the witness's obvious irritability upon questioning)"Your Honor, look at the witness's face! Does she seem amused to you!?"These are some of Wright's most signature phrases- deliver them with the intensity they require
(Presenting decisive evidence to the court)"TAKE THAT!"
(Interrupting a witness)"HOLD IT!"
(Presenting evidence that contradicts a witness statement)"OBJECTION!"

there is something wrong with your equipment as I can hear the spikes watch the video on this webpage it should help and more cheaply than looking up other videos.