Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
MissticUnicorn for Lotta Hart

Lotta Hart is a loud mouthed photographer from the deep south. Like Larry and Miss Oldbag- she wears her emotions on her sleeves and as such she is incredibly easy to read at any given moment, but more often than not is quick to anger more than anything. She's incredibly proud and will boast and gloat over the slightest thing worth doing so in her mind.
Put simply: I'm looking for a young woman who can put on a competent and consistent southern accent. Make sure to emote: Lotta's not one to be subtle.
(Has just run up to Wright and Maya and is angry about them wasting a whole roll of her camera film)
"What! Don't try to play stupid with me just 'cause you think I'm some country bumpkin! Yeah, I know how y'all Yanks think! "I say, those southern folks talk with that exaggerated drawl, why they must be dumb!" Well let me tell you, just because I might be dumb don't mean we all are!"(After learning that Lotta may be a witness to the murder he's investigating, Wright attempts to ask her to tell him what she saw)
"Nice try, honey, but I wasn't born yesterday. I'm a witness, and that means I'm on the side of justice, and that means the cops! I'd sooner eat the south side of a north-bound skunk than tell you! Don't let it get your skivvies in a bunch. Friends today, enemies tomorrow! Or was that the other way round? No matter. I'm gone! (Suddenly excited) Hey! Maybe they'll let me do some testifying! Hot darn!""Yeah, I remember Wright! That lawyer guy! Huh, me? I'm in training to become a paranormal photographer! You know that picture I took of everyone? Well, just behind them there's a ghost! For real! Now that's talent! I'm gonna be famous!"


Heyy I'm a Texan too! :D *Texas high five* It's kind of a silly stereotype because I would say 90% of the people I know don't have that accent.

*Texas high five* Lol I know, It's only in really small towns do people really have thick accents otherwise they just have an American accent.

For sure! :)