Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
BrookeMorganVA for Maya Fey

Maya is a young and inexperienced spirit medium who tends to leap before she looks. She frequently leaves Phoenix confused when her emotional state and leaps of logic jump astronomically out of proportion at an incredibly rapid pace. Despite having a significant unfamiliarity with the world outside of her home village she rapidly adjusts and arguably becomes more knowledgeable on practical or popular matters of society than Wright himself.
At seventeen years old Maya is notably younger than the likes of Phoenix and her sister Mia, but is old enough to not sound like a child. There's a certain balance to be found in not making her sound too young, but not sounding too mature either. Direction wise Maya is easily excitable and frequently overreacts to the most basic things she may see or hear: bring lots of energy with you, but don't go too fast.
(Excited)"She means the office! This office! Someone has to help with the new Wright & Co. Law Offices, right? And who better but me! Maya Fey, reporting for duty! Wait, no, on second thought, let's make this casual! Yo, Nick! Maya here, ready to get down to business! You... don't mind me calling you "Nick," do you? It's a great name! Mia said that's what your friend Larry calls you. You know what this means? We're partners!"
(Quietly whispering to Phoenix upon seeing their very first client in person)"Um, maybe I shouldn't be saying this... But he definitely did it. Murder. At least once. Maybe twice."
(Loud and shocked- this one tends to come up a fair bit)"WHAAAAT!?"

Holy cow.

I really hope that’s a GOOD holy cow lol!