Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
Maiden Melody for Mia Fey

Phoenix Wright's mentor and Maya Fey's older sister. She is a competent and successful defense lawyer of significant renown who taught Wright the most crucial skills that he himself goes on to use to significant effect. Mia is intelligent, supportive, and constantly kind to most of the people she interacts with. However, she's not above some fairly solid snark here and there and on a few special occasions where she comes to ensure that the punishments of justice are served to those that deserve it: she can be incredibly intimidating and forceful.
Mia's voice is clear, enunciated, and confident- capable of commanding respect with relative ease, but she talks in such a way that she comes across as warm, kind, and relatable most of the time rather than imposing or demeaning.
(Proud- her understudy just won his first court case so she's providing words of support and imparting her own dearly held beliefs)
"Wright? I hope you see the importance of evidence now. Also, hopefully you realize, things change depending on how you look at them. People, too. We never really know if our clients are guilty or innocent. All we can do is believe in them. And in order to believe in them, you have to believe in yourself."(Noticing someone yelling off in the distance)
"... Isn't that your client screaming over there? (Getting weirded out as she listens to the yelling) It sounds like he wants to die..."(Phoenix answers the first and most basic question the Judge can ask him incorrectly- she's suddenly sort of embarrassed, very concerned, and somewhat worried what staying and watching this case could do to her reputation and sanity. Said as if making an obvious bad/untrue excuse)"Wrong, Wright. Look, I have to leave. I have to go home. I'm... I'm expecting a delivery."
Wright: "Aw, c'mon Chief. There's no need to be going so soon, is there?(Scolding, delivered with the subtext of "PAY ATTENTION") "Wright! Listen: the defendant is the one on trial--your client! I mean, that's about as basic as you can get!"

The line delivery in the last box is directly on point.

Hey thanks! I'm a bit sick but I couldn't resist audition. I love Phoenix Wright! I can change my voice if you'd like it a different tone.

If you feel that illness negatively affected your performance you're more than welcome to resubmit another audition when you feel better: roles will not be closing until after the deadline has come and gone.

Great read. Love the energy.