No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed

No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed

Project Overview

PLEASE IGNORE THE DEADLINES, IT IS NOT THE OFFICIAL ONE. I'd like to get everything casted by July 31, 2020. If this needs to be extended, than it shall, but it shall not be shortened.

I will also be updating more and more information to this as time goes by. Anything that is important, such as an official deadline or starting of the project or adding of roles will be posted as an update and announced

Even if you don't have CCC you can audition via csrcreates (@) gmail (.) com - Just title the email "Audition for No Death in the Dollhouse" or "Auditions for NDitD" and mention the roles you are auditioning for, an alias to call you by, and please put the role's name in your file's title. OR you can send an audition to the CSR Creations server:

This is an RPG that follows different player characters. The story takes place in late Edwardian era (really early 1900s) in Pennsylvania, America (a lot of the characters have accents from all walks of life, so there is no need to feel detoured by its location).

Currently, I am not promising any money for this project, but I do hope that I will be able to. But as I do not know what the future holds, I will not say any prices.

Also, NO ONE NEEDS TO FAKE AN ACCENT. I know I put the accents in, but you honestly do not need to have any of the assign accents. Besides, I don't want to have only some people faking an accent and some without if not everyone can do it. Using your natural accent, even if it's not close to the characters is alright, but if you can do a convincing accent for the appropriate character, feel free to.

All I can say is to at least have a decent mic and avoid too much background noise when it comes to the actual project (I don't mind some shuffling/animal or traffic noise for the audition, though),

Feel free to audition for more than one character, it helps gives both of us options and lets me see your range.

Synopsis (forgive how this is  crappily written, please):

“For any orphan, it seems like heaven on earth in this beautiful mansion with its many caregivers and the accompanying playmates. Such kindhearted people, with plenty to spare, taking in these poor misfortunate souls. Surely it is too good to be true. Of course, nothing in this world is free, and even this happy home has a price to pay.”

Thank you all so much and I look forward to what you all have to show!

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Latest Updates

  • Final Casting Decisions

    I have already reached out and officially casted all voice roles in the project. - This was very hard with all the good auditions I had, and I super appreciate every single one. I've started reaching out to the artist and composers who auditioned, some have already accepted roles or turned down. If I have yet to contact you and you're still interested in being an artist or composer, please feel free to shoot me a message.
  • First Round of Role Offers

    Come July 26th, I will more than likely start sending out role offers to the cast and hopefully should have all final decisions and acceptance by July 31st. Don't worry if come August 1st you still don't have a role offer, it's possible that I might send you one that day. I will make another update when I've all have been officially filled, and that's when you will know for sure. This truly was hard to make final decisions, everyone was just so talented and amazing, I even had to make a team of casting directors to help vote upon the choices. Thank you everyone for all your auditions and interest in the project! You've all been wonderful.
  • Official Casting Deadline and Server Notice

    So first off, I'd just like to inform people that the official date for casting will be July 31, 2020. I understand some people auditioned for this project quite some time ago, and if it's taken too long for me to finally do the casting and you know have other priorities and thus cannot commit to this project, please feel free to withdraw your audition. If not, then look forward to further information come August. Secondly, as in the description, there is now a Discord server for my work in general where people are allowed to join to leave auditions, keep up to date on my work, and/or to be part of the community (you are 100% allowed to do self-promoting of your own work and such). It's not a requirement to join this specific server should you get casted for this or any of my other projects nor is it a formal commitment to join. If you do not like the server, you can simply leave or just mute it. You can even think of it as a sort of test run to, to see if I am someone you'd like working with and vice versa. I'd love to see people join, but no hard feelings if you do not. Thank you for all your amazing auditions all the same!
  • Trigger Warnings on child abuse back stories

    I guess, to be fair, the entire story is inherently about child abuse, as the Houses/adults are manipulating these children/the Dolls and literally getting away with hurting, experimenting, and preforming medical operations on them with the context of "helping them" or as posing them as accidents. That being said, a handful of characters came from abusive backgrounds from their original homes, both amongst the Houses and Dolls, so I went and put little "trigger warnings/TW" on all of those who have that. Some of these characters even came from sexually abusive backgrounds, and I indicated who did. I do not think I will get into too much details about the trauma they faced in their youth, I'd still like to warn anyone who auditioned for, or want to audition for, these characters if voicing someone like this will resurface any sort of past trauma for themselves. If you feel this way, please check to see if a character you auditioned for got one of these TW's and feel free to withdraw your audition, I completely will understand. If not, no action will be needed and if you end up getting offered the role, I will remind you of this. Thank you all. Sorry if this update came out longer than it needed to be,
  • Audition lines added

    I have officially added audition lines for all the characters instead of the default "Say something you think would fit!"
Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Composer

The story takes place in the Edwardian Era (very early 1900s but pre 1910) and in Pennsylvania, America. So music that fits that era would be preferred. 

Also, it is technically horror, so a gothic air to it would also be nice every once in a while.

However, typical horror RPG music would also work very well!

  • Say something you think would fit

Sprites/Model Artist

Both or either world and dialogue sprites can be submitted her.

I have no specific style in mind (and if I don't get any submissions I'll do them myself or I might work alongside whomever is doing them etc), though I suppose something of a more gothic nature would be appropriate, however, typical anime/RPG/visual novel style is perfectly acceptable too.

  • Say something you think would fit

Background/World Artist
  • Say something you think would fit

CG/scene artist

I will need an artist to help with drawing characters in the scenes, though I might be able to do this myself, it would be nice to at least have a team. Since it takes place in the late 1800s to early 1900s, most of the outfits will be from Edwardian/Progressive era, so you'll have to able to draw clothing like that. 

I have no specific style in mind (and if I don't get any submissions I'll do them myself or I might work alongside whomever is doing them etc), though I suppose something of a more gothic nature would be appropriate, however, typical anime/RPG/visual novel style is perfectly acceptable too.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Adolf Hertz
Role assigned to: LacTheWatcher

Adolf is very charming and comes off as very kind and tender. He tries his best to get along with the other "Houses" and is a talented surgeon.

Despite his charisma and medical knowledge, Adolf can be rather delusional and gets somewhat detached from reality. Because of this, he doesn't feel that he's doing anything wrong from his perspective, so he is supposed to sound almost "normal" if not very charming (think like Eddie Gluskin from Outlast Whistleblower). Adolf tends to be very nonchalant when he talks and gives off the presence of a gentleman.

He's originally from the 16th century, but his family fled to England when he was young. He eventually made his way to America with the fellow "Houses." He stopped aging around 41.

TW: backstory includes that of child abuse, including that of a sexual nature

  • (nonchalant) "We'll just sew it back on and cover it with a choker, then. See how well the healing serum goes. If the two pieces can become one again."

  • (eerie/yandere-like) "I can make you perfect, how you were meant to be, trust me."

    (as though feeling betrayed) "You stabbed me in the throat..."

    (annoyed) "How many times do I have to say this: I didn't cut off your penis, I inverted it."

  • (tender/endearing) "You poor thing! You'll freeze to death out here."

    "Would you like to live with me in my manor? You'd be able to eat whatever you want and have clothes and a warm bed to sleep in."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alice Adler
Role assigned to: Shiyu

The true mastermind of the "Houses," Alice Adler began study alchemy, science, and magic at a young age starting in the 5th century. Her age has gotten messed up over the years, but she looks to be anyway from her 20s-40s (however, the age she stopping maturing at was 38). Her father was German, though she grew up in England.

She's rather charming and strong personality. She can be vain, but is too smart to let that cloud her judgment or allow it to get in the way.

It would seem that she is getting tired and that a part of her is starting to care for the "Dolls."

  • "The serum seemed to only make her conditions worse. It won't work on healing illness."

    (surprised) "A-Amelia?! You're looking well!"

  • (almost reminiscing) "All things must come to an end, I suppose."

    (confused) "Florence...treated you?"

  • (snide) "Live as long as I have, and then try saying that again."

    (tender) "Come here, dear girl. How would you like to join our family?"

    "I'm going to try to get you out of here!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amelia Salamandra
Role assigned to: tfnytrn

Amelia was an orphan who has no recollection of her family, and a family is all that she years for. She's very sweet and kind, a real people-pleaser.

She is 12 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 7.

  • "I'm feeling a lot better after Flo gave me that medicine you made me!"

  • (mournful) "All I ever wanted was a family...I wanted to be your family."

    "Sometimes I imagined I was a lost princess and that my royal family has been looking for me all this time."

    (almost defeated) "Here, take it.  It's what you were looking for, right?"

  • (excited) "Can I call you uncle Farice?"

    (wholesome) "Is this what it's like to have a mom?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Belle Rose
Role assigned to: Loganne Digma

Belle ran away from an abusive family and took to the streets before being discovered by the "Houses." She initially comes off as timid, but can get headstrong when feeling confident and comfortable. She has always been a very sickly child.

She is 15 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 9.

TW: backstory includes that of child abuse

  • (exhausted/pained) "...everything hurts...I wish I could just die..."

  • "I know that I'm pathetic and just a burden, but you made me so very happy...I can't just feel like all these years I was absolutely nothing more than an experiment to you."

    (worried) "Gothel! Please tell me you're going to be OK!"

  • "Thank you so much!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bernadette Morisette
Role assigned to: Cailiosa

Bernadette comes off to be either incredibly flirty and sensual or very down to business and invested in her work. She's very self-confidant and likes playing mind games. She's unafraid to get her hands dirty.

She's originally from the very early 18th century and from France. She stopped aging around 29.

TW: backstory includes that of child abuse, including that of a sexual nature

  • ""Hey, I thought you broke off things with that Lottie girl." *he confirmed that he did* "Well she sent you a letter."

    (in response to someone drunkly rambling whilst she is working) "Of course you did." *person continues to ramble* ""You keep talking like I care-" *person ends up falling asleep*

  • (seductive) "Bien joué, mon chéri. But before I actually make any "formal commitments," I would actually like to "sample the full package" so to speak, and I've yet to do that with you."

  • "Don't fool yourself. I'm only interested in results."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bernhart Drescher
Role assigned to: ThatOneVA

Bernhart always seems to come off as cold and distant, though when asked to do dirty work, he seemed to be good at goading out a sadistic side of himself. Though it seems that he dislikes children, or at least seems to be at a lost as to what to do with them, he has a paternal side to him.

He's originally from the 19th century and is the newest edition to the group . He stopped aging around 39.

  • "And why is it that you think I would take an interest in such a thing?"

    (annoyed) "If I wanted you in here, I would have let you in. Do not barge into my study, woman, and do not bother me."

  • (sadistically) "Oh yes, this might hurt...quite a lot." *slightly maniacal laugh*

  • (gentle) "Are you alright, little one? Where's your sister?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bowie "Bo" Sanders
Role assigned to: Patrick Hurt

Bowie comes from a very abusive background and thus runaway from their home after taking revenge on their abuser,  being discovered by the "Houses" shortly after. They have a very aggressive attitude and can be melodramatic at times. Bowie can be rather rebellious and acts a bit like a tsundere.

They are 23 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 14.

Preferable, but not necessary, that only trans fem (binary, AMAB non-binary, and/or intersex) individuals audition for Bowie.

TW: backstory includes that of child abuse, including that of a sexual nature

As another warning, Bowie does say some very offensive and crude stuff. If you are not OK or comfortable with certain language or derogatory slang (mainly sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist), then you should not audition for them.

  • "What the hell do you want?"

  • (angry) "You don't get it, do you?! It's my fucking body! You don't get a say in that!"

    "Finally gaining conscious again?"

    "Yea, so? Not like it'll kill ya. I could do to you what you did to me and cut off your dick."

  • "Help me drag this heavy bastard, will ya! He lost consciousness again! Don't just stand there, we’re running out of time! Hurry! He promised to help you, right?! Well then help me help him for Christ's sake!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Charlotte "Charlie" Lamberte
Role assigned to: celestielle

Charlie experienced some serious trauma that left them mute and orphaned, throwing them into the streets and thus being a prime target for the "Houses." They are generally pretty apathetic (and probably sassy) around those they don't feel comfortable around, but they can get very giddy and friendly when excited or around those they share a close bond with. 

Though Charlie is mute, they do have some speaking lines and their internal thoughts and translation of their sign language will be voiced.

They were 24 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 8.

Technically, this character has been used in another project and has a voice actor if you want to hear an idea of what I'd be looking for should they chose to not reprise their role:

  • (groggy from waking up by unsettling noises) "What is that noise? Is one of the other girls up and walking around?"

  • (startled surprise) "H-Heidi?!"

    (scared concern) "I saw Heidi. She was in my room..."

  • (cold/stern) "How much will it hurt you if I smashed this?"

    "I believe mental and physical pain are on their own playing fields, but I can guarantee it'll hurt a lot. How much do you think it hurt when you let them cut me to pieces bit-by-bit? Or how much it hurt for that child you plucked the eye out of? How much would it hurt you?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eri Newareta
Role assigned to: LocustFlower

Eri has a rather sadistic and playful exterior. She doesn't know a terribly lot about medicine from a reading standpoint and more of learned from experience, so she tends to do a lot fo the grunt work as she's not adversed to getting her hands dirty. She is rather cat-like.

She's originally from the 14th century. She stopped aging around 22.

  • "Did you know I'm like a hide and seek champion?"

    (playful) "OK, you hide, and I seek, but if I find you, you have to play the punishment game."

    (menacing) "Ready or not, here I come."

  • (lecturing) "You guys, this isn't an OK prank! You could have killed Sora! Who did it?! Come on, let's get you to Dr. Adolf."

    "What's the big deal? As long as the kids don't suspect we're the culprits, they'll trust us and the experiments can keep going. If you're as surprised as them, it works better. This is just a chance to see if the newest serum works without getting caught hurting him."

  • (nonchalant/annoyed) "Well, is she still alive?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Farice Serrano
Role assigned to: EurasianRob

Farice tends to very detached from the "Dolls" as he doesn't care much for children. He can come off as apathetic and pompous as he can get quite pretentious about his work. He is rather intelligent and takes his field seriously.

He's originally from the 14th century. He stopped aging around 26.

  • (suspicious) "What are you doing here in my lab?"

  • (concerned/brash/frantic) "Dammit! Where is that serum?! *violent coughing*"

    (impatient/concerned/haggard) "Dammit! I'm running out of time here!"

  • "Amelia, wait! I can't let you go alone, it's dangerous out there."

    "Help me find Florence, and the three of us and escape together and be a family/"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Florence Buckingham
Role assigned to: Vaed

Florence was always shunned at a young age for being "odd" for a girl. She took an extreme interest in reading (especially science and medicine) and was rather apathetic and introverted. She also can occasionally get easily frustrated and short tempered. Because of her seemingly ill-behavior for the time period, her family planned to throw her into an asylum, so she ran away from home and into the arms of the "Houses."

She has become aware of what is truly going on and intends on becoming one of the "Houses" as well.

She is 29 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 17.

  • "All my life, I was treated like a freak and an outcast. I think I finally found my purpose and place."

  • "I want in. I found the problem in the formula to your newest serum. I know why it didn't work. But I won't tell you it unless you let me join you as a researcher."

  • (initially annoyed) "Great, dead weight...I guess the children won't try to hurt us if we have one with us."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Luis Carbone
cast offsite

Luis is rather reserved and conservative, coming off as a very strict and stoic person. He doesn't tend to talk too much and likes to keep to himself. However, he does have a soft spot for children and the "Dolls." 

He's originally from the 17th century. He stopped aging around 28.

Luis is a trans man so I ask that only trans men, intersex men, or AFAB nonbinary actors audition for him.  Luis lives in a time prior to HRT and transitioning, so he has not had any medical work done, however he passes very well without.

TW: backstory includes that of child abuse, including that of a sexual nature

  • "We told ourselves that the ends justified the means...or at least...I tried to convince myself that was the case..."

  • "How are the results turning out, Dr. Hertz?"

    (immense concern) "You have blood on you-! Your only in your undergarments! Are you alright?! Did someone attack you?! It's not safe out here at this hour! Let me take you back to my manor so you can at least put on some clothes and stay out of danger."

  • (disheartened) "This isn't my real body."

    "Born in the wrong body? Yes."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sora Magunetto
cast offsite

Sora is a very sweet and charming boy with a rather feminine style. He and his older brother were left orphaned at a young age and then eventually separated. Despite all the bullying and harassment he faced on the streets, Sora does his best to remain optimistic in all situations. He's kindhearted and friendly, tends to even get bubbly and excitable.

He is 14 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 10.

  • (excited) "Really? Want to play?!"

  • (shocked) "There's-there's needles in my soup!"

  • (menacing) "Ready or not, Eri, here I come."

    "Belle! You're alright! I'm so glad! I went to your room to get you, but you weren't there. Don't worry about the hatchet, I haven't used it, I only have it for self-defense and so Eri can't have it. Come on, let's escape together! You can put some of your weight on me if you'd like."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wolfgang Dunkelheit
cast offsite

Very charismatic, who likes to keep up mysterious air. Wolfgang is a total showman and came from an aristocratic and wealthy family, so he has a knack for making (and spending) money. He can also be quite a womanizer.

He's originally from the 17th century, but his family came to America from Germany with some of the first colonies. The "Houses" use his father's home as their main area of operations. He stopped aging around 39.

Technically, this character has been used in another project and has a voice actor if you want to hear an idea of what I'd be looking for should he chose to not reprise his role:

  • (charming yet eerie - said with a friendly sound, but is meant to be intimidating) 

    "I suppose it was about time, you've been here for quite a long time. Her name is Heidi. She would have been your sister, but...there were some...complications."

    "You're not going to tell the other children about this, are you?"

    "Good girl. They wouldn't quite understand why we need to do this, not like you do. You DO understand, right?"

    "Come, let's get you out of this basement. Tonight is going to be our little secret, alright? You can't tell my co-workers about this either. They won't feel so settle if they knew about your newfound knowledge. But I trust you."

  • (concerned) "Ch-Charlotte? Are you alright? What is the matter? You look as though you've seen a ghost!"

  • "You know, revenge really doesn't suit you. Why would it matter of it hurt me or not? Will my pain take away yours or theirs? No. You'd be the one who have no use to smash it. You think that because I'm worse, causing me pain would be fine, but it wouldn't make you any better. You'd be no different from me. Revenge won't suddenly make you I un-live the pain. What happened, happened, and there's no rewriting that. Would it make you happy to hurt me, is that it? Or would it just be a futile way to mend your own pain? It's not going to work that way, trust me."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zachary Wiltz
Role assigned to: Alanon

A rather nerdy boy who was rejected by his father for being too effeminate and showing signs of being gay. Zachary and his twin sister, Zoey, were taken in by their step-mother who left their father for disowning his own children. However, after she passed away, the pair had to take to the streets before stumbling upon the "Houses." He is passionate about his studies and can get caught up in them quite easily.

He is 16 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 13.

  • "No, sir, our home burned down."

    "I promise, Zoey, I'll stick with you until the end."

  • "Well, Zoey, that's because that's how cats do whatever they want."

  • (scared/terrified)

    "N-no! Please, stay away!"

    "Leave her alone! Don't touch my sister! Zoey!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zoey Wiltz
Role assigned to: Kimi Moons

A rather exuberant girl who is supportive of her gay brother. Zoey and his twin brother, Zachary, were taken in by their step-mother who left their father for disowning his own children. However, after she passed away, the pair had to take to the streets before stumbling upon the "Houses." Despite being young, she can get really flirty and is just a bit "boy-crazy"" (and technically girl-crazy too).

She is 16 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 13.

  • (remorseful) "We have no where to go."

    "Hey, Zach, would it be alright if I stuck with you until the end?"

  • "Oh wow, you're absolutely gorgeous!"

  • (terrified) "No! Don't touch him! Take mine instead!"

    (bitter/vengeful) "An eye for an eye, right?"


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