No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed

FarKrits for Farice Serrano

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Farice Serrano
Role assigned to: EurasianRob

Farice tends to very detached from the "Dolls" as he doesn't care much for children. He can come off as apathetic and pompous as he can get quite pretentious about his work. He is rather intelligent and takes his field seriously.

He's originally from the 14th century. He stopped aging around 26.

  • (suspicious) "What are you doing here in my lab?"

  • (concerned/brash/frantic) "Dammit! Where is that serum?! *violent coughing*"

    (impatient/concerned/haggard) "Dammit! I'm running out of time here!"

  • "Amelia, wait! I can't let you go alone, it's dangerous out there."

    "Help me find Florence, and the three of us and escape together and be a family/"

No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed
CSR Creations
CSR Creations

Both your auditions were good, as always, however the Farice felt a bit too aggressive and lacked the pompous/entitled feel I tend to imagine him having, however the mood in your Farice audition works well for Bernhart. Thank you for your auditions, by the way!


    Thank you for your feedback.

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