No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed
tfnytrn for Amelia Salamandra

Amelia was an orphan who has no recollection of her family, and a family is all that she years for. She's very sweet and kind, a real people-pleaser.
She is 12 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 7.
"I'm feeling a lot better after Flo gave me that medicine you made me!"
(mournful) "All I ever wanted was a family...I wanted to be your family."
"Sometimes I imagined I was a lost princess and that my royal family has been looking for me all this time."
(almost defeated) "Here, take it. It's what you were looking for, right?"
(excited) "Can I call you uncle Farice?"
(wholesome) "Is this what it's like to have a mom?"

Definitely much more fitting! Thank you for checking out and auditioning for the character as requested. Apologies for the late response!


Thank you!

You're welcome!