No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed

Derrick Click for Bowie "Bo" Sanders

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bowie "Bo" Sanders
Role assigned to: Patrick Hurt

Bowie comes from a very abusive background and thus runaway from their home after taking revenge on their abuser,  being discovered by the "Houses" shortly after. They have a very aggressive attitude and can be melodramatic at times. Bowie can be rather rebellious and acts a bit like a tsundere.

They are 23 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 14.

Preferable, but not necessary, that only trans fem (binary, AMAB non-binary, and/or intersex) individuals audition for Bowie.

TW: backstory includes that of child abuse, including that of a sexual nature

As another warning, Bowie does say some very offensive and crude stuff. If you are not OK or comfortable with certain language or derogatory slang (mainly sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist), then you should not audition for them.

  • "What the hell do you want?"

  • (angry) "You don't get it, do you?! It's my fucking body! You don't get a say in that!"

    "Finally gaining conscious again?"

    "Yea, so? Not like it'll kill ya. I could do to you what you did to me and cut off your dick."

  • "Help me drag this heavy bastard, will ya! He lost consciousness again! Don't just stand there, we’re running out of time! Hurry! He promised to help you, right?! Well then help me help him for Christ's sake!"

Derrick Click
No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed
Derrick Click
Derrick Click

My Discord: elitedc93#6162

CSR Creations
CSR Creations

You have a good voice and got most of the emotion right, I'd say my biggest critique is that it could be whinier and a bit more of a piss poor attitude (like a cat that is constantly on guard and growling already, but when you approach, it gets worse). I do like what you have, so if you want to check out anyone else or my other projects, I'd love to hear more from you! Thank you for your audition, by the way! Also, if you'd like to check out my server, it's in the project description.

    Derrick Click
    Derrick Click

    I’d be happy to check out your other projects! I’m glad you at least liked the audition. Would it be easier to talk on discord? Oh, thank you for the critique btw!

      CSR Creations
      CSR Creations

      I am pretty easy, either way,

        Derrick Click
        Derrick Click

        Just joined your server. If anything I’ll message you there or vice versa. My alias is elitedc93 as a heads up lol

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