No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed
KHunter72 for Zachary Wiltz

A rather nerdy boy who was rejected by his father for being too effeminate and showing signs of being gay. Zachary and his twin sister, Zoey, were taken in by their step-mother who left their father for disowning his own children. However, after she passed away, the pair had to take to the streets before stumbling upon the "Houses." He is passionate about his studies and can get caught up in them quite easily.
He is 16 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 13.
"No, sir, our home burned down."
"I promise, Zoey, I'll stick with you until the end."
"Well, Zoey, that's because that's how cats do whatever they want."
"N-no! Please, stay away!"
"Leave her alone! Don't touch my sister! Zoey!"

I do like it much better actually! Thank you for checking out and auditioning for the role!
Thank you! :) Let me know if theres anything I could work on!