No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed
addylishus for Amelia Salamandra

Amelia was an orphan who has no recollection of her family, and a family is all that she years for. She's very sweet and kind, a real people-pleaser.
She is 12 years old and was taken in by the "Houses" at the age of 7.
"I'm feeling a lot better after Flo gave me that medicine you made me!"
(mournful) "All I ever wanted was a family...I wanted to be your family."
"Sometimes I imagined I was a lost princess and that my royal family has been looking for me all this time."
(almost defeated) "Here, take it. It's what you were looking for, right?"
(excited) "Can I call you uncle Farice?"
(wholesome) "Is this what it's like to have a mom?"

You have a nice voice, though I'm not sure I am feeling it for Amelia. It sounds just a little forced or at least exasperated and maybe not quite the innocent tone I tend to image for her. However, it might be fitting for Belle and maybe even Zoey with the right energy. I do like what you have, so if you want to check out anyone else or my other projects, I'd love to hear more from you! Thank you for your audition, by the way!

I'll search about the other roles! (: