No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed
Colonel Dylan for Luis Carbone

Luis is rather reserved and conservative, coming off as a very strict and stoic person. He doesn't tend to talk too much and likes to keep to himself. However, he does have a soft spot for children and the "Dolls."
He's originally from the 17th century. He stopped aging around 28.
Luis is a trans man so I ask that only trans men, intersex men, or AFAB nonbinary actors audition for him. Luis lives in a time prior to HRT and transitioning, so he has not had any medical work done, however he passes very well without.
TW: backstory includes that of child abuse, including that of a sexual nature
"We told ourselves that the ends justified the means...or at least...I tried to convince myself that was the case..."
"How are the results turning out, Dr. Hertz?"
(immense concern) "You have blood on you-! Your only in your undergarments! Are you alright?! Did someone attack you?! It's not safe out here at this hour! Let me take you back to my manor so you can at least put on some clothes and stay out of danger."
(disheartened) "This isn't my real body."
"Born in the wrong body? Yes."

I don't mean to be invasive and ask such a point blank question, but are you a trans masc individual? Because I did ask that only trans men, intersex women, or AFAB nonbinary actors audition for Luis since he is trans man.

No I’m not, I’m bi actually, sorry if it can’t work I just thought give it a shot