No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed

megthelovabledork for Eri Newareta

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eri Newareta
Role assigned to: LocustFlower

Eri has a rather sadistic and playful exterior. She doesn't know a terribly lot about medicine from a reading standpoint and more of learned from experience, so she tends to do a lot fo the grunt work as she's not adversed to getting her hands dirty. She is rather cat-like.

She's originally from the 14th century. She stopped aging around 22.

  • "Did you know I'm like a hide and seek champion?"

    (playful) "OK, you hide, and I seek, but if I find you, you have to play the punishment game."

    (menacing) "Ready or not, here I come."

  • (lecturing) "You guys, this isn't an OK prank! You could have killed Sora! Who did it?! Come on, let's get you to Dr. Adolf."

    "What's the big deal? As long as the kids don't suspect we're the culprits, they'll trust us and the experiments can keep going. If you're as surprised as them, it works better. This is just a chance to see if the newest serum works without getting caught hurting him."

  • (nonchalant/annoyed) "Well, is she still alive?"

No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed
CSR Creations
CSR Creations

Out of all your auditions, I'd say your Eri was the closest, then Zoey for second and Belle for third. Alice I felt didn't resonate her mature authoritative sound whilst Amelia might have been a bit too played up and Florence didn't have that reserved groundedness. Zoey could use a bit more energy, think kind of like Mabel from Gravity Falls, but other than that, I'd say it was pretty good. I do like what you have, so if you want to check out anyone else or my other projects, I'd love to hear more from you! Thank you for your auditions, by the way! Also, if you'd like to check out my server, it's in the project description.


    *Bows*I Thank You For Your Critism It Helps Me Improve. And I Understand And Will Try Getting Better. Normally Though I Am Good With Insane Characters Mainly So That May Be Why I'm Not Really Good At Certain Personalities Haha

      CSR Creations
      CSR Creations

      Oh, it's not that they were at all bad, just that your voice might not have perfectly fit them. But since I'm guess "hyper crazy" is what you're used to, might be why you worked well with Eri. Florence is somewhat on the "crazy" scale but more of a calm and subtle, creeping in and ready to burst type crazy.

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