No Death in the Dollhouse -horror RPG- Artist Needed
LordKoki for Bernhart Drescher

Bernhart always seems to come off as cold and distant, though when asked to do dirty work, he seemed to be good at goading out a sadistic side of himself. Though it seems that he dislikes children, or at least seems to be at a lost as to what to do with them, he has a paternal side to him.
He's originally from the 19th century and is the newest edition to the group . He stopped aging around 39.
"And why is it that you think I would take an interest in such a thing?"
(annoyed) "If I wanted you in here, I would have let you in. Do not barge into my study, woman, and do not bother me."
(sadistically) "Oh yes, this might hurt...quite a lot." *slightly maniacal laugh*
(gentle) "Are you alright, little one? Where's your sister?"

I actually quite liked it.

Yay! Thank you. ^-^