Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube

Project Overview


Hello all! And welcome to the Casting Call of the first arc of the Shackled series! We had casted a few characters a while ago to get the first chapter going and to gain our footing in development, but now, we’re ready to expand the cast further and give many of these wonderful characters a voice!


Shackled is an ongoing story audio drama/visual novel/animation series on Youtube that takes place in the world of Csillia. A world bred from battle and odd abilities known as “Mauna.” Here we follow an “Anomaly” named Senia Rei who entered this world without much of an understanding of who she was for the first half of her life. All that she is sure of is that her name is Senia, but she’s completely in the dark beyond that. Senia suddenly finds herself in an effort to end the division of Purebloods and Anomalies to bring about peace for all and uncover the mystery of her absent past. Who will she meet? Who exactly is she? And will she even succeed?


-First and foremost, these rolls are unpaid for the time being. If that isn’t something that you’re looking for in a project, I completely understand. However, all who are casted will be credited indefinitely. 

-When auditioning, if you'd like to attempt multiple takes per line, that is perfectly fine and even recommended! However, make sure to keep it at 3 takes maximum. In addition, the named characters all have an "Introduction" line as their first, so it will be required to only have one take for a character's introduction line.

-You can audition for more than 1 character, however being chosen for more than 1 is highly unlikely considering script sizes and content.

-It is preferred that all members are over the age of 18 as this series will contain foul and vulgar language, some dark themes, and potentially graphic violence.

-There will be LGBTQ+ topics within events of the story, so bear that in mind when proceeding forward. 

-It should go without saying, but ensure the best recording quality. No background noises, whirring, clicking, etc. XLR Microphones recommended, but not required.

-Some characters will be part of fully animated fight scenes, so bring your A-Game when auditioning for the important adult characters as they will likely have to fight at some point. 

-If casted, we will be available for live direction sessions if needed or requested. However for scripts involving fight scenes, live direction sessions are mandatory, but not for normal lines otherwise. 

-There will be vocal references alongside the descriptions and character traits, but these are STRICTLY to help guide. We want to hear how you perceive the character and make it your own, not replicating someone else.

-In regards to communication, Discord is highly recommended, but not mandatory. Email works just as fine.

There are great plans for this project and we on the team hope we can take this concept far! We're excited to hear your auditions and hope to connect with some of you soon! To the world of Csillia, we go!

To stay updated on the happenings in the project, give the official Twitter and Instagram pages a follow!

Twitter: @Shackled_Team

Instagram: @Shackled_Team

Shackled™ All rights reserved

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Latest Updates

  • And thus, the time has arrived.

    Our choices have been made and we'll be in contact with said choices soon! The sheer amount of auditions here have been surprising and we couldn't be more honored that so many talented people gave these characters a shot! Thank you all and keep performing!

  • Before the Deadline Arrives!

    This is pretty much a repost from my Twitter page, for those who didn't see it! Felt that this had to be said here as well!

    "Just want to add here and say that there has been so much amazing talent that we got to hear! Though only so many of you can be casted, I do not want anyone to feel disheartened or devalued as a VO if you're not cast. The fact that you have the courage to put yourself out there and TRY! That is, in my opinion, one of the most important aspects of being a creative! Your voice is a beautiful trait that no one else has and keep using that and your drive to keep flourishing and improving! And as the project's story continues, there will be more opportunities to get involved with the Shackled series, so definitely keep your eyes peeled and we hope that you all enjoy the work this amazing team is aiming to put out!"

  • The Day Is Quickly Approaching!

    Greetings all!

    The deadline is only a few days away and we're excited to hear who exactly will be breathing more life into these characters! The turnout has been beyond our expectations and we couldn't be more honored to see this. So seriously, thank you all so much for putting yourselves out there and showing interest in these characters. Having to pick out of all of these great auditions is going to be tough... Very tough. Like wow, this is going to take a lot of thought. Thank you all, so much! There's still time however, so if you want to try for more characters, or know someone who might be interested, let them know and give a new character a shot! Thanks so much again!

  • Just Another Update!

    Greetings everyone!

    With such an unanticipated amount of auditions, the team just wants to put out another huge thanks to everyone coming down, auditioning, spreading the word, or even just giving this casting call a look! We're still sticking with the listed deadline and you've all put in a lot of great stuff for me to listen to! So much so that I'm getting a little fired up myself! Might even slap a few auditions here out of fun! But I digress, hope you all continue to keep an eye out for stuff related to the project on our socials in the call description and drop a sub on the official Youtube page! Much love and great work people!

  • I'm Keeping Watch!

    What's good, everyone!

    Just dropping a quick little update and letting you all know that I am paying close attention and taking my notes for the, as of now, pretty far away deadline!

    Also want to thank everyone who has and plan to audition for this project as it really means a lot to the team and myself. Listening to all of you talented people has been a real blast thus far!

    As stated before, the deadline is still quite a ways away, so no final decisions have been made, but I can already tell that you lot are not going to make these castings easy.

    If anyone has any questions at all for me, be it feedback or anything feel free to ask, and I'll try to get to them as soon as I can!

    Thanks again!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Fio Inginous
Role assigned to: Nightfire

Fio Inginous (Fye-oh In-jin-us)

The ever mysterious Branch Leader of the Inginous Territory and wielder of the Blessed Shield: Xina (Zee-nah). Brave, calculated, and willing to do everything and anything she can in the name of her people. While stern when the time is right, she prefers her people and soldiers to be at ease in her presence rather than revere or fear her, so she does know how to loosen up… that being said, she can show signs of being a tad out of touch at times. 

Vocal Guide - Cunning, calculated, aware, chivalrous

Vocal References - 

Jean (English) Genshin Impact -

Lucina (English) Fire Emblem -

Age Range - mid 20’s 

Bear in mind that Fio is a skilled leader, who, as stated before knows how to be stern when necessary. Above all else, be and sound like a leader, but be warm with a hint of mystique and intrigue when around your beloved citizens.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • “Greetings, I am Fio Inginous. Current Branch Leader of the Inginous Territory. Call for me whenever you’re in danger. With Xina by my side, I will do everything in my power to ensure your safety.”

  • (Fascinated) “It’s honestly a miracle that you lasted that long in that unconscious state, Lady Rei! That being said, I think that I could go for a bite to eat as well. I’m sure that we could meet at a very specific place.”

  • (Determined/Worn Out) “This thing has hurt enough people already, I’ll be damned if I sit back and allow it to lay a finger on you. I’ll put my life on the line right now! It’s what you and everyone else deserves! There’s too much at stake, and I refuse to lose!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wave Eldrisia
Role assigned to: Angela Jett

Wave Eldrisia (Wayve El-dris-e-uh)

One of the Inginous Branch Members working alongside Fio and master of the “Ryen-Tei” (Re-in-tay) martial art. A Chian fighter who doesn’t like to talk much about her past. She combines her special fighting style with her access to Frost Mauna, the ability to conjure and lightly manipulate ice and frost, though hers is on the weaker side. Despite how all of this might sound, Wave is actually a very kind and upbeat individual. Always finding a nice training session to be the best thing when spirits are low, and always excited to fight new and worthy opponents!

Vocal Guide - Passionate, strong, enthusiastic, energetic

Vocal References -

Tomo (English) Azumanga Daioh -

Annie (English) Skullgirls -

Age Range - mid 20’s

HIGH ENERGY! HIGH INTENSITY! Wave is someone who wears her heart on her sleeve and is very enthusiastic about training. She’s not a motor mouth or anything like that, but she should be able to emanate a very passionate aura through her words.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • “Hey there! I’m Wave Eldrisia! Nice to meet ya! Oh wow, you seem strong! Care to spar a bit? Be careful though… I’m a master in Ryen-Tei, and I don’t hold back! Come on!”

  • *Throwing punches and kicks* (Friendly) “Hup! Ha! Rah! Hiiiya! Phew! Oh, Senia, hey! What’s up? You here to train too?”

  • (Angered) “There’s no way in hell I’ll accept such a half-assed match like that! If you care at all about your well-being, snap out of it; put your fists up; and fight like your life depends on it! Because here I come!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ze'oh Giriza
cast offsite

Ze’oh Giriza (Zei-o Gear-eeza)

The ever serious Member of the Inginous Branch that doesn’t like making his presence known. A man who prefers to get straight to the point and while he doesn’t mince words, he has a heart despite his rather cold demeanor. He bears an eyepatch after protecting a very specific someone in a past event that he doesn’t like to talk about. Like a shadow, he protects the innocent within the Territory with his shifting staff and vanishes without a trace.

Vocal Guide - Stern, aloof, cautious, serious

Vocal References - 

Lon’qu (English) Fire Emblem -

Grappler (Japanese) Dnf Duel -

Age Range - mid to late 30’s

Ze’oh should exude a very no nonsense attitude. He is one of the eldest of the group and almost seems as if he prefers to take the lone wolf approach most of the time. However, he has a bad habit of getting flustered in certain social situations. So know how to stay within the character even when he’s losing his cool. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • “Ze’oh Giriza. Inginous Branch Member. Take care within this area of the city. There have been reports of suspicious behavior at night.”

  • (Demanding) "I don't want to make it a demand, but if I have to, I will. If Senia is going to be around more, then we all need to adjust. Understood?"

  • (Calm, yet confused) “I had my suspicions of you being an Anomaly considering how seriously you took keeping your face a mystery, but I didn't think our dear Branch Leader would take a risk as bold as this. I'm sorry if this is out of line, but Fio… What are you thinking?!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Void Reaverin
Role assigned to: Ryan Pratt

Void Reaverin (Void Re-vair-in)

A member of the Inginous Branch and local slacker. You’ll more than likely catch him patrolling at popular hangout spots or taking a nap where there’s a good breeze. While this is what everyone sees, Fio treasures his talents as he is deceptively intelligent and aware of his surroundings, almost as if his nonchalant attitude is simply a facade. He wields a “Jensa.” A type of weapon that can swap back and forth from a sword to a protective fan. 

Vocal Guide - Chill, laid-back, carefree, sociable

Vocal References - 

Yakumo (English) Code Vein -

Riku (English) Kingdom Hearts -

Age Range - mid to late 20’s

Void is a fun-loving guy who doesn’t shy away from coming off as unaware or even dumb at times. Despite this huge responsibility he bears, being a Branch Member and all, he appears as if he doesn’t take it seriously in the slightest. He’s very friendly and inviting in a very “Dude-bro” kind of way, but won’t hesitate to stake his authority when needed.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • “Yo! Name’s Void Reaverin! Hope you’re enjoying this weather as much as I am! The temp is perfect and the breeze is excellent! *Yawn* Matter of fact… I think this is a great time for a nap.”

  • (Excited) “Duuuuuuude, I just had the most gnarly nap in a long while! It was almost like the Gods themselves said that I deserved it! Well actually, I say that quite often huh? Hehe!”

  • (Threatening) “Either way, it seems like you’re playing a dangerous game. As a High Guard soldier, you should know that raising a hand to a Branch Member is a grave offense. This would reflect on you all pretty badly if word of this got out.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Raven Virosill
Role assigned to: Jazmine Luevanos

Raven Virosill (Ray-vin Veer-o-sil)

The hotheaded, brash, and loud Inginous Branch Member. Wielder of two Kali daggers and bearing incredibly powerful Blaze Mauna. Her preferred way of settling things is with a fight and when things aren't to her liking, she won't hesitate to let you know.

Vocal Guide - Aggressive, hot-headed, competitive, rude

Vocal References - 

Ryuko Matoi (English) Kill la Kill-

Caulifla (English) Dragonball Super -

Age Range - early to mid 20’s

Raven is incredibly short tempered and foulmouthed, oftentimes wanting to have the upper hand in any conversation or argument, even if it means causing a scene. In a way, being Raven could release a lot of pent up stress if you need to let some out. Don't be afraid to get MAD with this character. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • "Raven Virosill. Nice to fucking meet ya or whatever. Are we done? I've got things to do. Hey, if you keep standing there gawking, I will break your neck!"

  • (Assertive) "Simple. I don't like you. I'll protect the citizens here all day and night, but when someone steps out of line, it's part of my duty to ensure that they remember where they stand."

  • (Building up to a berserk rage) “You’ve fueled my rage, Senia… Now it’s time that I show you where you stand on the totem pole! I’LL MAKE YOU WISH THAT YOU RAN, SENIA!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aki Mitzona
Role assigned to: Banana Van

Aki Mitzona (Ah-kee Mits-oh-nah)

Despite her small stature, she is in fact a Branch Member of the Inginous Territory. She specializes more on healing others with her access to Nurture Mauna and expert knowledge in various biological studies. 

Vocal Guide - Energetic, intelligent, enthusiastic, supportive

Vocal References - 

Mako (English) Kill la Kill -

Nyx (English) Fire Emblem -

Age Range - 18 to early 20’s

The youngest of the main cast, and the most packed with energy. When it comes to engaging in a new experiment, you won't ever hear the end of it when she gets going. Though in general, Aki is very conversational and has a sort of adorable excitement to her character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • "Hiya! I'm Aki Mitzona! If you have any questions about anything, just ask me! I might not be much of a fighter, but I've got brains for days!"

  • (Astonished and excited) "Oh, right! This would be your first time in one too, huh? What luck that your first lab experience will be here, the Laboratory of Aki Mitzona!"

  • (Smug then kind) “With my skills, you’ll be back on your feet in no time. I just needed to get that knife out of you to ensure an uninterrupted recovery!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Petsin Il Rindhelm
Role assigned to: James Kennedy

Petsin Il Rindhelm (Pet-sin Ill Rend-helm)

Master archer of the Inginous Branch Members. A showboat and very… VERY full of himself. Despite his almost obnoxious arrogance, he does care deeply for the people he's tasked to protect, though will definitely be as theatrical about it as possible. Though Fio plans to bring an end to the separation of Anomalies and Purebloods, Petsin is stuck in the ways of how things are. It's a wonder of what exactly Petsin will do if or when he feels to take matters into his own hands.

Voice Guide - Pompous, dutiful, flirty, theatrical

Vocal References - 

Lorenz (English) Fire Emblem -

Yusuke (English) Persona 5 -

Age Range - Early to mid 30’s

While incredibly full of himself, he's not necessarily a bad guy. He just doesn't know how to humble himself. And when the topic of Anomalies comes into the equation, he can suddenly snap into a completely different person, showing signs of feral aggression. But above all else, make the audience know that you want to flaunt yourself at any opportunity. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Ah, greetings! I am the one and only Petsin Il Rindhelm! Rest your weary head and sleep with absolute ease, for as long as I'm around, you shall not need to worry ever again!"

  • “Call me what you will, dear Aki, but as far as I can tell, all we needed was my flawless aim to guide the abomination to the Underrealm!”

  • (Offended and annoyed) "’What’s my problem,’ it asks. The abominable being standing in front of me. That's my problem. Figured that much would be clear by now. And I can't even find comfort in having breakfast. Unbelievable."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mony Violious
cast offsite

Mony Violious (Mon-ee Vye-o-lee-us)

The graceful and motherly Inginous Branch Member. Also an archer, Mony is very modest and sees herself as more of an asset off of the battlefield. There’s something of a history between her and Ze’oh, though she won’t ever elaborate on that if asked about it. She prefers to reside in a calm spot with a good book and warm cup of tea or perhaps even a walk through the Branch Stronghold’s garden. While a skilled fighter, Mony brings a sense of peace everywhere she goes with her motherly charm. While she doesn't have access to Nurture Mauna like Aki does, she is very talented in first aid and doesn’t miss her mark when she draws her bow.

Vocal Guide - Warm, motherly, gentle, hopeful

Vocal References - 

Cecilia (English) Fire Emblem -

Kirumi Togo (English) Danganronpa -

Age Range - mid to late 30’s

It’s rumored that Mony has a voice to ease any and all situations. This, of course is merely an exaggeration, but she is famed for being something of a peacekeeper and a serene beauty almost out of a fairytale. Really aim to serenade the audience with your take. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • "Oh, apologies, I didn't realize that I had a visitor! My name is Mony Violious. It's a pleasure to meet you. Care for a cup of tea?"

  • (Demanding, yet caring) “I don’t know what you plan to gain by mindlessly charging in there, but please understand that we’re on your side and want to protect you, so please cooperate!”

  • (Joyous then a bit somber) "Such a fascinating person. In the beginning, I wasn't so sure about Senia, but having her around has been a treat. Though it'll take time for everyone to be on board, I'm sure she'll win everyone over."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Keetin Talvern
Role assigned to: D Tyler Fultz

Keetin Talvern (Kee-ten Tal-vern)

Owner of the esteemed eatery: Keetin's Grill. A very large man whose skill in the kitchen is only rivaled by a select few. He appears big and mean, but that's only because of his upbringing. He keeps a stern and serious expression 90% of the time, but he's really a nice guy.

Vocal Guide - Hearty, perceptive, thoughtful, creative

Vocal References - 

Nekomaru Nidai (English) Danganronpa -

Mustafa (English) Fire Emblem -

Age Range - Mid to late 50’s

Keetin believes in making his presence known as he finds that is one needed trait to keeping business afloat, which hilariously ended up with him being a very loud individual in general. An uproarious laugh and hearty personality should shine when voicing him.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • "Welcome in! Name's Keetin Talvern and I'll be your chef tonight! Come sit wherever you like! A hearty meal is mandatory to keep a warrior fighting! (Give me a good hearty laugh here)"

  • (Intrigued) "Ah, I see! So the hooded, hungry one is to be a new Branch Member? Fascinating."

  • (Excited) "Fantastic! I'll give you all some time to look everything over and I'll bring those right up to ya! And alongside some water, I take it that you'd all like your usual drinks as well tonight?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hira Uni
Role assigned to: Manni DP

Hira Uni (Heer-ah Yu-ni)

One of the two caretakers in the Inginous Stronghold. A quiet and precise man who dedicates himself to ensuring no tasks are missed or below his standards. In regards to his duties, he’s rumored to be absolutely flawless and seeing him make a mistake is pretty much a fantasy. 

Vocal Guide - Proper, dapper, studious, reliable

Vocal References - 

Loid Forger (Japanese) Spy Family -

Fafnir (Japanese) Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid -

Age Range - middle to late 40’s

Hira is cool-headed and at times can seem a tad snide under his prim and proper tone. Hira can appear emotionally detached when in conversation or not even bothering to start conversation since he’s aware of his lack of conversational skills. While not a bad guy at all, Hira should come off as cold, and precise in his speech.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • “Welcome to the Inginous Branch Stronghold. Hira Uni at your service. I’ve been expecting you. Do let me know if there is anything you need.”

  • (Straightforward) “Precisely. Lady Inginous had informed me that you have quite the appetite, so I made sure to have enough to quell a potentially monstrous hunger.”

  • (Mildly bothered) "I couldn't see myself taking advice from him. I've seen his work ethic and I fear to what extent he'd go to have me 'loosen up.'"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
T'ana Minetzbi
Role assigned to: LEVA

T’ana Minetzbi (Tee-Ahna Men-ets-bee)

The other half of the Inginous Stronghold caretakers, T’ana was once an understudy, learning under Hira, but now she works alongside him as an equal. She’s still aiming to catch up to him in overall quality in their field, but she’s way more sociable and even has a leg up on Hira in the cooking department, but Hira will never admit it.

Vocal Guide - Sociable, studious, observant, wary

Vocal References - 

Winry (English) Fullmetal Alchemist - 

Yomi (English) Azumanga Daioh -

Age Range - early to mid 20’s

As mentioned a few times, T’ana is quite sociable, but she’s not as refined or seasoned as Hira, so she’s more prone to making mistakes or even cutting corners if she’s having to do something she’s not in the mood for, or is uncomfortable with. She loves what she does and can show something of a competitive side when Hira is involved.

  • “Welcome to the Inginous Branch Stronghold! I’m T’ana Minetzbi and I’ll be showing you around today! The Stronghold is quite big, so please let me know if you’d like to take a break at any time.”

  • (Greeting upon entrance) “Greetings to you both. Lady Inginous had informed me that I might find you both here and have come to let you know that dinner is ready.”

  • (Clearly nervous) "Yes. I was informed that through the time you've been here, you have not yet been shown around. And… if you truly are going to be staying here, then you should be familiar with this place."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Scileska Dregniel
cast offsite

Scileska Dregniel (Sill-les-kah Dreg-nee-el)

A 4-Star ranked member of the High Guard. A warrior who bears a piercing glare and tears through her opposition without effort or hesitation. In the name of the High Guard, she fights without question as they gave her a purpose in a life that she once thought had no meaning. 

Vocal Guide - Vacant, fearless, focused, merciless

Vocal References - 

Beruka (English) Fire Emblem -

Medina (Japanese) Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris -

Age Range - mid to late 20’s

Scileska is calculated and vicious. She follows the orders given to her, but knows how to take the best course of action when looking at the grand scheme of things even if those choices might go against her objective. She doesn't care for social interaction whatsoever. She knows what needs to be done and cares not for anything off topic. Give the audience a shiver down their spine when voicing this character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • “Scileska Dregniel. High Guard soldier. Star rank: 4.”

  • (Stern) "Threatening the High Guard is equal to threatening the High Order. As such… you must be punished accordingly. And that punishment… is death.”

  • (Calmly preparing for battle) "I'll be sure to remember that. It's preferable to drag you back alive, but you seem like the kind to make that a challenge. Now… Engaging in combat!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Flou Glendale
Role assigned to: ALumin

Flou Glendale (Flo Glen-dail)

A sprightly little fighter and Doyel’s best friend. Known around certain parts of the Inginous City for her bright attitude, and yearning to travel the world to protect any and all people in need. She does have a sort of self-esteem problem since other kids her age tend to make fun of her rather tomboyish demeanor and rather over-the-top dream of being the warrior she strives to be. However, her parents, Doyel, and a certain Branch Member always find a way to lift her spirits and keep her dream alive.

Vocal Guide - Bright-eyed, adventurous, driven, lonely

Vocal References - 

Xiangling (English) Genshin Impact -

May (English) Guilty Gear -

Age Range - 10 to 13 years old

While incredibly young, Flou has a heart of a warrior and wants her friends and family to know it. She’s not full of herself, but is trying her best to solidify a brave spirit, capable of overcoming any foe, even if that foe is more psychological than physical. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • “Hi there! My name’s Flou! Flou Glendale! My dream is to become strong enough to protect everyone around the world! I’ll make sure no one ever has to worry ever again! Just you wait!”

  • (Excited) "Yeah! Big sis Virosill has been showing me! Do you wanna hear it!?"

  • (Annoyed) "Hey wait up, Doyel!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Doyel Darrte
Role assigned to: Lee/Langle

Doyel Darrte (Doi-yel Dar-tei)

Flou’s more soft-spoken best friend. Despite the other kids making fun of Flou, he chooses to stick with her even if he’s caught in the crossfire. The reason he gave Flou for this is that he just wants to be her friend, but in reality, he sees something in Flou that truly makes him feel complete. But of course, he’s quite young, so it’ll be a while before he could comprehend what exactly that means.

Vocal Guide - Timid, naive, soft-spoken, friendly

Vocal References - 

Ricken (English) Fire Emblem -

Bennett (English) Genshin Impact -

Age Range - 10 to 13 years old

Doyel also has a bit of a self-esteem problem, but is a little more obvious about it than Flou. He can come off as timid, but will also spout phrases to Flou like “I’ll protect you from the bad guys!” Though Flou will typically flip the scenario and recite the same thing to him. He’s a polite little lad, but a little meek at times.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • “Hi! My name is Doyel Darrte! It’s nice to meet you! Have you seen my friend Flou anywhere? Something tells me she might’ve gotten herself into trouble…”

  • (Sincere) "We were just on our way to the market to buy some stuff for my mom!"

  • (Grateful) "Thank you Mr. Void!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Avin Qitaniss
Role assigned to: Marfth

Avin Qitaniss (Av-in Key-Tahn-iss)

The arrogant Branch Leader of the Qitaniss Territory neighboring the Inginous Territory, dubbed King Qitaniss by himself and his followers. He believes qia (the world's currency) is the golden rule and wealth class dictates where you stand as a person or entity. He resorts to underhanded tactics when he doesn't get what he wants and is incredibly full of himself to an obnoxious extent. 

Vocal Guide - Prim, proper, narcissistic, dastardly

Vocal References - 

Narcian (English) Fire Emblem -

Forsythe (English) Fire Emblem -

Age Range - Mid 20's

In his mind he sees himself and his way of life as the apex of what a Sivan (the Csillian equivalent of humans) should wish to achieve, however in reality, Avin is far from a kind man. He rests easy knowing that no one will and literally can't be on his level. If you thought Petsin seemed arrogant, this guy trounces him without question. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • "Rejoice, lowly citizen! You are in the presence of the one and only Avin Qitaniss! But you will address me as 'King Qitaniss.' You'd do well to remember that, lest that tongue of yours may be removed."

  • (Showing fake pity) "Remember to understand that our neighboring Territory couldn't dream of reaching our heights of fine dining. It's a different Territory, so expect to lower your standards."

  • (Taunting) “Oh- my apologies, did I step on your toe? Seems as if I struck a nerve. But if you say so. The Raian (Rye-an) sleepwalker and… the one with the visual impairment. Where are they?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
"Man in the Mist"
cast offsite

"Man In The Mist"

A mysterious entity that starts to plague Senia at the beginning of the story and is never truly visible aside from his glowing eyes that peer from a thick dark purple cloud. Seemingly omnipotent and aware of what's going on in Senia's life, yet only residing within the realm of specific dreams. He appears to warn Senia about certain hardships, but never elaborates on what those are, almost as if he's watching from afar out of enjoyment… or anticipation. 

Vocal Guide - Wise, methodical, curious, condescending

Vocal References - 

Ansem (English) Kingdom Hearts -

“L” (English) Death Note -

Age Range - Well over 40+ (his actual age is ambiguous)

He speaks with little interest or effort, almost as if he's tired of life or as if he always has the answer. While appearing disinterested, he has a lot to say, typically speaking vaguely, bearing an imposing tone. If he's asking a question, it feels less like asking and more like demanding. Make your target quake in their boots while making them question their own existence. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • "'Who am I,' you ask? I wonder about that as well. Often I think that it may be for the good of all if that answer remains unknown. Really… only time will tell."

  • (Annoyed) “All life faces the cycle of a beginning, middle, and an end. Is that truly so different from a play?”

  • (Growing increasingly angrier) “The power that you possess. Have you truly forgotten? If you want to overcome this trial… You must remember. Find that slumbering power, or face the misfortune that awaits you.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Whether you’re a stall owner, a soldier, a normal civilian or nameless opposition, the world needs extras to add to the experience! Multiple people will be casted for this and can even end up as future recurring characters if the interest is there! 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female teen
  • female senior
  • female child
  • male adult
  • male child
  • monster
  • male senior
  • male teen
  • CIVILIAN: "Oh, you haven't heard? Apparently we're gaining a new BM and Fio Inginous is here to officially announce who it is!"

  • SOLDIER: “Yes, my lady! We will return as soon as we can!”

  • THUG: “You sure have a mouth on you…!”


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