Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube

Emilie for Raven Virosill

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Raven Virosill
Role assigned to: Jazmine Luevanos

Raven Virosill (Ray-vin Veer-o-sil)

The hotheaded, brash, and loud Inginous Branch Member. Wielder of two Kali daggers and bearing incredibly powerful Blaze Mauna. Her preferred way of settling things is with a fight and when things aren't to her liking, she won't hesitate to let you know.

Vocal Guide - Aggressive, hot-headed, competitive, rude

Vocal References - 

Ryuko Matoi (English) Kill la Kill-

Caulifla (English) Dragonball Super -

Age Range - early to mid 20’s

Raven is incredibly short tempered and foulmouthed, oftentimes wanting to have the upper hand in any conversation or argument, even if it means causing a scene. In a way, being Raven could release a lot of pent up stress if you need to let some out. Don't be afraid to get MAD with this character. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • "Raven Virosill. Nice to fucking meet ya or whatever. Are we done? I've got things to do. Hey, if you keep standing there gawking, I will break your neck!"

  • (Assertive) "Simple. I don't like you. I'll protect the citizens here all day and night, but when someone steps out of line, it's part of my duty to ensure that they remember where they stand."

  • (Building up to a berserk rage) “You’ve fueled my rage, Senia… Now it’s time that I show you where you stand on the totem pole! I’LL MAKE YOU WISH THAT YOU RAN, SENIA!”

Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube
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