Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube

LEVA for T'ana Minetzbi

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
T'ana Minetzbi
Role assigned to: LEVA

T’ana Minetzbi (Tee-Ahna Men-ets-bee)

The other half of the Inginous Stronghold caretakers, T’ana was once an understudy, learning under Hira, but now she works alongside him as an equal. She’s still aiming to catch up to him in overall quality in their field, but she’s way more sociable and even has a leg up on Hira in the cooking department, but Hira will never admit it.

Vocal Guide - Sociable, studious, observant, wary

Vocal References - 

Winry (English) Fullmetal Alchemist - 

Yomi (English) Azumanga Daioh -

Age Range - early to mid 20’s

As mentioned a few times, T’ana is quite sociable, but she’s not as refined or seasoned as Hira, so she’s more prone to making mistakes or even cutting corners if she’s having to do something she’s not in the mood for, or is uncomfortable with. She loves what she does and can show something of a competitive side when Hira is involved.

  • “Welcome to the Inginous Branch Stronghold! I’m T’ana Minetzbi and I’ll be showing you around today! The Stronghold is quite big, so please let me know if you’d like to take a break at any time.”

  • (Greeting upon entrance) “Greetings to you both. Lady Inginous had informed me that I might find you both here and have come to let you know that dinner is ready.”

  • (Clearly nervous) "Yes. I was informed that through the time you've been here, you have not yet been shown around. And… if you truly are going to be staying here, then you should be familiar with this place."

Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube
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