Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube

TimMC for Petsin Il Rindhelm

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Petsin Il Rindhelm
Role assigned to: James Kennedy

Petsin Il Rindhelm (Pet-sin Ill Rend-helm)

Master archer of the Inginous Branch Members. A showboat and very… VERY full of himself. Despite his almost obnoxious arrogance, he does care deeply for the people he's tasked to protect, though will definitely be as theatrical about it as possible. Though Fio plans to bring an end to the separation of Anomalies and Purebloods, Petsin is stuck in the ways of how things are. It's a wonder of what exactly Petsin will do if or when he feels to take matters into his own hands.

Voice Guide - Pompous, dutiful, flirty, theatrical

Vocal References - 

Lorenz (English) Fire Emblem -

Yusuke (English) Persona 5 -

Age Range - Early to mid 30’s

While incredibly full of himself, he's not necessarily a bad guy. He just doesn't know how to humble himself. And when the topic of Anomalies comes into the equation, he can suddenly snap into a completely different person, showing signs of feral aggression. But above all else, make the audience know that you want to flaunt yourself at any opportunity. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Ah, greetings! I am the one and only Petsin Il Rindhelm! Rest your weary head and sleep with absolute ease, for as long as I'm around, you shall not need to worry ever again!"

  • “Call me what you will, dear Aki, but as far as I can tell, all we needed was my flawless aim to guide the abomination to the Underrealm!”

  • (Offended and annoyed) "’What’s my problem,’ it asks. The abominable being standing in front of me. That's my problem. Figured that much would be clear by now. And I can't even find comfort in having breakfast. Unbelievable."

Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube
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