Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube

saitogami1 for Ze'oh Giriza

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ze'oh Giriza
cast offsite

Ze’oh Giriza (Zei-o Gear-eeza)

The ever serious Member of the Inginous Branch that doesn’t like making his presence known. A man who prefers to get straight to the point and while he doesn’t mince words, he has a heart despite his rather cold demeanor. He bears an eyepatch after protecting a very specific someone in a past event that he doesn’t like to talk about. Like a shadow, he protects the innocent within the Territory with his shifting staff and vanishes without a trace.

Vocal Guide - Stern, aloof, cautious, serious

Vocal References - 

Lon’qu (English) Fire Emblem -

Grappler (Japanese) Dnf Duel -

Age Range - mid to late 30’s

Ze’oh should exude a very no nonsense attitude. He is one of the eldest of the group and almost seems as if he prefers to take the lone wolf approach most of the time. However, he has a bad habit of getting flustered in certain social situations. So know how to stay within the character even when he’s losing his cool. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • “Ze’oh Giriza. Inginous Branch Member. Take care within this area of the city. There have been reports of suspicious behavior at night.”

  • (Demanding) "I don't want to make it a demand, but if I have to, I will. If Senia is going to be around more, then we all need to adjust. Understood?"

  • (Calm, yet confused) “I had my suspicions of you being an Anomaly considering how seriously you took keeping your face a mystery, but I didn't think our dear Branch Leader would take a risk as bold as this. I'm sorry if this is out of line, but Fio… What are you thinking?!"

Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube
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