Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube

LEVA for Mony Violious

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mony Violious
cast offsite

Mony Violious (Mon-ee Vye-o-lee-us)

The graceful and motherly Inginous Branch Member. Also an archer, Mony is very modest and sees herself as more of an asset off of the battlefield. There’s something of a history between her and Ze’oh, though she won’t ever elaborate on that if asked about it. She prefers to reside in a calm spot with a good book and warm cup of tea or perhaps even a walk through the Branch Stronghold’s garden. While a skilled fighter, Mony brings a sense of peace everywhere she goes with her motherly charm. While she doesn't have access to Nurture Mauna like Aki does, she is very talented in first aid and doesn’t miss her mark when she draws her bow.

Vocal Guide - Warm, motherly, gentle, hopeful

Vocal References - 

Cecilia (English) Fire Emblem -

Kirumi Togo (English) Danganronpa -

Age Range - mid to late 30’s

It’s rumored that Mony has a voice to ease any and all situations. This, of course is merely an exaggeration, but she is famed for being something of a peacekeeper and a serene beauty almost out of a fairytale. Really aim to serenade the audience with your take. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • "Oh, apologies, I didn't realize that I had a visitor! My name is Mony Violious. It's a pleasure to meet you. Care for a cup of tea?"

  • (Demanding, yet caring) “I don’t know what you plan to gain by mindlessly charging in there, but please understand that we’re on your side and want to protect you, so please cooperate!”

  • (Joyous then a bit somber) "Such a fascinating person. In the beginning, I wasn't so sure about Senia, but having her around has been a treat. Though it'll take time for everyone to be on board, I'm sure she'll win everyone over."

Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube
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