Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube

D Tyler Fultz for Keetin Talvern

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Keetin Talvern
Role assigned to: D Tyler Fultz

Keetin Talvern (Kee-ten Tal-vern)

Owner of the esteemed eatery: Keetin's Grill. A very large man whose skill in the kitchen is only rivaled by a select few. He appears big and mean, but that's only because of his upbringing. He keeps a stern and serious expression 90% of the time, but he's really a nice guy.

Vocal Guide - Hearty, perceptive, thoughtful, creative

Vocal References - 

Nekomaru Nidai (English) Danganronpa -

Mustafa (English) Fire Emblem -

Age Range - Mid to late 50’s

Keetin believes in making his presence known as he finds that is one needed trait to keeping business afloat, which hilariously ended up with him being a very loud individual in general. An uproarious laugh and hearty personality should shine when voicing him.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • "Welcome in! Name's Keetin Talvern and I'll be your chef tonight! Come sit wherever you like! A hearty meal is mandatory to keep a warrior fighting! (Give me a good hearty laugh here)"

  • (Intrigued) "Ah, I see! So the hooded, hungry one is to be a new Branch Member? Fascinating."

  • (Excited) "Fantastic! I'll give you all some time to look everything over and I'll bring those right up to ya! And alongside some water, I take it that you'd all like your usual drinks as well tonight?"

D Tyler Fultz
Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube

I love this! Nice one!

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