Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube

ashleecraft for Flou Glendale

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Flou Glendale
Role assigned to: ALumin

Flou Glendale (Flo Glen-dail)

A sprightly little fighter and Doyel’s best friend. Known around certain parts of the Inginous City for her bright attitude, and yearning to travel the world to protect any and all people in need. She does have a sort of self-esteem problem since other kids her age tend to make fun of her rather tomboyish demeanor and rather over-the-top dream of being the warrior she strives to be. However, her parents, Doyel, and a certain Branch Member always find a way to lift her spirits and keep her dream alive.

Vocal Guide - Bright-eyed, adventurous, driven, lonely

Vocal References - 

Xiangling (English) Genshin Impact -

May (English) Guilty Gear -

Age Range - 10 to 13 years old

While incredibly young, Flou has a heart of a warrior and wants her friends and family to know it. She’s not full of herself, but is trying her best to solidify a brave spirit, capable of overcoming any foe, even if that foe is more psychological than physical. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • “Hi there! My name’s Flou! Flou Glendale! My dream is to become strong enough to protect everyone around the world! I’ll make sure no one ever has to worry ever again! Just you wait!”

  • (Excited) "Yeah! Big sis Virosill has been showing me! Do you wanna hear it!?"

  • (Annoyed) "Hey wait up, Doyel!"

Shackled Visual Novel-Like Series on Youtube
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