Danganronpa: (He)Artless Deceit

Project Overview

About the Project

Danganronpa: (He)Artless Deceit is an upcoming fan video series of the Danganronpa Franchise. The story will follow the general structure and premise of the Danganronpa franchise but feature an entirely original cast of characters and story. There will be two parts to this series: a main story and a side story.

Trailer 1 - Mystery of Hanako: https://youtu.be/WumuH97Iz7U

Trailer 2 - The Fall of Himura: https://youtu.be/Uf56CwxhNzk

Trailer 3 - Welcome to EOS: https://youtu.be/p1RaEpndJPA

Trailer 4 - A New Story Begins: https://youtu.be/yo7yG7D3-gs


An unidentified high school girl's murder was left unsolved, and her death has become a hot topic among citizens in Tokyo. Who was she? Who killed her? And although the case has supposedly been closed, does the story truly end there?

Years later at the EOS Institute's annual Ultimate Award Ceremony, the old mystery resurfaces.

Akira Hayasaka and fifteen other Ultimate students arrive at a convention center to attend the ceremony where they'd be granted scholarships, wealth, prestige and so much more. Instead, they receive an android called Kou who throws them into a killing game...?

To make things worse... Akira's talent specializes in murder itself.

What exactly is the main story and side story?

The main story is your usual Danganronpa killing game centered around Akira and the fifteen other Ultimates. The side story is led by Denshi who tries to uncover the mystery behind the missing Ultimates. Both the main story and side story are heavily linked together and vital to understanding the overall story.

What's the progress as of now?

  • Writing

The overall story, character backstories, and fates have been planned out. The prologue script for both the main story and side story is finalised whereas the Chapter 1 script has been drafted. Some characters' FTEs have been drafted out as well.

  • Art

The splash art for the characters is all completed. The sprites for the entirety of the project are majorly done, and some of the CGs for the prologue has been completed. The backgrounds needed for the prologue and Chapter 1 are almost complete too.

Project Links



TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drheartlessdeceit

Tumblr: https://drheartlessdeceit.tumblr.com



This project contains sensitive and mature content. Like Danganronpa, there will be blood and violence. Other than that, there is also content such as sexual assault, eating disorders, alcohol abuse, child abuse, and transphobia. These will not be depicted in the story but implied or mentioned in backstories. However. mental illnesses (such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.) will be portrayed throughout the series. If you do get cast, we will notify you about said topics to ensure you feel comfortable voicing the characters.

Anything I need to know before auditioning?

  • You must be 16+ to audition. 

  • We will pick the voice actors based on their performance and audio quality.

  • Auditions recorded with a phone or laptop microphone are discouraged.

  • We will not cast any character before the deadline

  • Communication will be done via Discord. Please include your Discord tag along with your audition!

  • Multi-casting will be avoided, but this does not apply to minor characters.

  • This is an unpaid project as it is just for fun and is non-profit.

  • You are expected to cut your lines yourself if you are cast.

  • Roles from Denshi Shigenobu onward are part of the Side Story.

  • The voice references provided are just references! We are not looking for the closest match to that voice and you are encouraged to put your own personality into your audition.

What is the expected workload?

Similar to the Danganronpa games! For Daily Life, it will mostly be voice clips and occasionally some fully voiced lines for special scenes. The Class Trial will be fully voiced.

Thank you for your time and good luck! Your support is deeply appreciated.

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Latest Updates

  • End of Audition Period

    Voice auditions are officially closed! We will not be entertaining any more late auditions. Thank you so much for your time and effort! Results will be announced soon.

  • Reminder about the deadline!

    Hey everyone! There's one more week left before voice auditions are closed! A reminder that the casting call will officially end on January 15 at 5:00 PM (GMT)/12:00 PM (EST). Submissions past this date and time will not be considered.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Akira Hayasaka - Ultimate Hitman/Internet Sensation
Role assigned to: Ariana Rosario

Note: Protagonist of the Main Story

Pronunciation: a-KI-ra HA-ya-SAH-ka


With her sassy nature and witty humour, it's no wonder that Akira became the Ultimate Internet Sensation just weeks after her debut online. Her level headedness made her unique to her adoring fans as they admire her authenticity. Despite this, it's strange that nobody's ever seen her outside of her videos and conventions. Some people jokingly theorise that she's a stealthy hitman for the yakuza, but that's just a ludicrous theory, right?

Voice Description

Akira should have a Medium-High to Medium mature, self-assured female voice. Akira is typically blunt and sassy, and she tends to speak in shorter sentences as she is not very talkative. In the right situation, she can be very caring and comforting. While much rarer, she has also been known to show a fragile, timid side in extreme situations. As befitting the Ultimate Internet Sensation, she has a charisma that makes her sassy attitude more entertaining to others than overbearing. Overall, Akira is a down-to-earth and rational young woman.

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (Casual) “My name is Akira Hayasaka, the Ultimate Internet Sensation. Oh, you follow all of my socials? Guess I don’t need to elaborate more about myself then.”

  • (Irritated) “Handsome, charming, cute… just stick to one adjective for yourself already. I know! Have you considered ‘annoying’?”

  • (Sorrowful) “It’s always been like this. Whether it’s hitman work or revealing the ugly truth, I handle it all because I don’t want my loved ones to suffer, even if it kills me inside.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chiemi Hattori - Ultimate Fashion Designer
Role assigned to: fleurdechant

Pronunciation: chee-EH-me ha-TOE-ree


It's easy to fall for Chiemi's captivating charm with her beaming optimism and gregarious attitude. Born to a model and the owner of a clothing brand, fashion is second nature to her. She created her own ethical clothing line at the age of fifteen, earning her the title of the Ultimate Fashion Designer. Chiemi is hyperactive, and she loves to party and plan all sorts of events — as long as she's not the one having to clean up.

Voice Description

Chiemi should have a cheery and upbeat Medium-High to Medium pitch female voice that’s very confident and lively. A natural charmer, she naturally draws others to her with her optimism. When in a good mood she should very much sound like the life of the party, though in a way that doesn’t come across as grating. However, in uncomfortable situations, Chiemi tends to panic quickly, and this uneasiness should be represented in her voice. Regardless of her mood, her strength of will is a prominent aspect of her speaking style.  

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=20

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (Upbeat) “I’m Chiemi Hattori, and I’m the Ultimate Fashion Designer! Say, would you guys ever be interested in modelling? I got an idea for a jacket that I think would look awesome on you!”

  • (Energetic, then pouty) “Hooray! Where’s your energy?! C’mon, yell it with me. HOORAY! …Yeesh, we really gotta work on your enthusiasm…”

  • (Nervous) “C-C’mon, don’t be so cold… Usually you’d laugh at me or something… Well, I guess now’s not a good time to be joking around too…”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chou Yoshida - Ultimate J-Pop Idol
Role assigned to: EllieQVO

Note: This role may require singing, but this is purely optional.

Pronunciation: CHO yo-SHE-da


Chou Yoshida, commonly known as Ultimate J-Pop Idol 'Chousiria,' is a bubbly sweetheart that has stolen the hearts of many. Her adorable looks can easily smite any person who looks her way, so it's no surprise her popularity quickly arose when she originally debuted in her old idol group. Even without her idol persona, Chou is still well mannered and polite, almost to the point where she can be too formal with others. She's also a very patient individual, and doesn't speak out when she's annoyed. When angered, however, is an entirely different story.

Voice Description

Chou is a young woman whose adorable looks are often matched by an equally cute personality whose voice alternates between a High and Medium-High pitch depending on the situation. When in her “Chousiria” idol persona, she is characterized by her bubbly cuteness and approachable friendliness. However, most of the time she prefers being her normal self, where she is still friendly, but much more formal and patient with others, almost too much so. When she’s angered, however, she becomes very aggressive, and her voice should reflect her emotional state.

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=59

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (Bubbly, then awkward, then polite) “I’m super duper mega extra happy to see someone recognize me, teehee! Actually, never mind. This is tiring to keep up. Let’s start this introduction over again. I’m Chou Yoshida, the Ultimate J-Pop Idol!”

  • (Threatening) “Ah, what did you say? I seem rather what? Please elaborate. No, no, go ahead and continue. I’m not mad.”

  • (Nervous) “Can I be honest? I get uncomfortable whenever we bring up murder or the killing game… It’s not like any of that will actually happen, right? So, can we please talk about something else?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hideyoshi Kurosawa - Ultimate Taekwondo Practitioner
Role assigned to: projectalpha22

Pronunciation: HE-de-YO-she KOO-ro-SA-wa


Bursting with vitality is the high-spirited Ultimate Taekwondo Practitioner, Hideyoshi Kurosawa. Winning every competition under his belt, Hideyoshi is adept in both poomsae and sparring, captivating anyone who lays their eyes on him in the dojang. Despite his often daring attitude, he possesses a surprising level of maturity that allows him to be a great leader. Sociable and outgoing, it's no wonder why people enjoy being around him, even the loners. Although Hideyoshi originates from a wealthy background, he gets excited about free items.

Voice Description

Hideyoshi is an energetic and friendly young man who would best be portrayed with a Medium to Medium-Low male voice. Daring and confident, he has a quality to how he speaks that tends to naturally elevate him to a leadership position. This is further boosted by his surprising maturity and level-headedness that somewhat contradicts his shounen-manga looks. He is almost always friendly to anyone he speaks to and is most definitely the type to look on the bright side, but this does not mean he always keeps his cool. In intense situations, he can become aggressive and lash out against others.

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=82

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Friendly) “I’m Hideyoshi Kurosawa, the Ultimate Taekwondo Practitioner! Nice to meet you guys! If you need my help with anything, just say the word. I don’t bite!”

  • (Serious) “Guys, please, let’s calm down. What we need right now is some time to clear our minds.”

  • (Aggressive) “Shut the fuck up, you asshole, or I’ll kick your teeth out to shut it for you! How can you be so cheerful when we just found out we need to kill each other?!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Itsumi Yoko - Ultimate Game Developer
cast offsite

Note: Her nickname 'Bani' is used more often.

Pronunciation: IT-soo-ME YO-ko/BA-nee


Avid game enthusiasts around the world have heard of 'Bani', an alias used by the Ultimate Game Developer, Itsumi Yoko. Her work has appealed to both people looking for entertaining gameplay and those who want to experience a story that tugs at their heartstrings. Although she is praised online, in person Itsumi's distant and defensive nature makes her hard to approach. It would be easier for her to open up once she's given a comfortable space and some time alone.

Voice Description

Itsumi, or Bani as she prefers, is a reserved young woman who speaks in a soft-spoken High-pitched female voice. In most situations, she is guarded and defensive, responding curtly to those she doesn’t wish to speak to. When she is speaking about video games, however, she becomes significantly more animated and engaged, though she still maintains her relatively-quiet way of speaking. 

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=110 (Note that this reference only reflects her type of voice, but it does not accurately represent her general attitude.)

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • (Awkward, embarrassed) “You can call me… Bani! The magical girl who brings smiles to children and adults alike! …Nevermind, just call me the Ultimate Game Developer.”

  • (Defensive) "W-What's wrong with the name Bani? Is it that childish to you..? Bunnies are cute, I don't get why you're judging me like that..."

  • (Enthusiastic) “Well, there aren’t many options for entertainment here besides the arcade… but that place has some good games too. We could get a bunch of people and take turns playing together…”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Izanami Hoshimiya - Ultimate ???
Role assigned to: Aji

Note: This role may require singing, but this is purely optional.

Pronunciation: EE-za-NA-me HOE-she-ME-ya


Behind Izanami's outgoing demeanor and charming smile lies an enigma. She seems to have forgotten her Ultimate talent, and her prowess in numerous fields doesn't help to narrow it down either. Although Izanami may be amiable and playful, finding amusement in teasing others, something far more grave lurks behind her pleasant exterior.

Voice Description

Izanami is a mysterious young woman who usually speaks in a poised, almost regal, Medium to Medium-High female voice. Usually highly composed, her poised speech and air of regality give her an ethereal quality. While she is typically amiable and even playful, she is capable of being quite intimidating, the whimsy of her speech taking on a steely edge. 

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=136

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (Elegant) “Let me introduce myself. My name is Izanami Hoshimiya, and my talent is… hmm… I’m afraid the circumstances around it are a bit complicated.”

  • (Teasing) “Come, now, there’s no harm in a little bit of teasing, is there? I simply find it amusing to see him all flustered like that.”

  • (Cold) “Quite frankly, I do not care for whatever reasons the killer had for committing such a heinous crime. Do you expect me to have any shred of sympathy for a murderer?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Katsuhiko Minamoto - Ultimate Debater
Role assigned to: Jason11818

Pronunciation: KAHT-soo-HE-ko ME-na-MOE-toe


Formalities and etiquette are a priority in Katsuhiko's life. Shrewd and assertive, he tolerates no amount of idiocy and discusses all matters seriously. These traits are to be expected from the Ultimate Debater. He's a realist through and through, not hesitating to shoot down idealistic views with his carefully formulated arguments. However, it is comical—and perhaps endearing—to see him talk about the things he's passionate about in such a highbrow manner.

Voice Description

As the Ultimate Debater, Katsuhiko is an excellent speaker, possessing a cool yet assertive Medium-Low male voice. As a realist and professional, he delivers arguments in an objective and assertive way that doesn’t rely on volume or anger. Amusingly, this serious nature also extends to his more casual interests, sometimes making him the comically-serious mood maker in scenes. In rare moments, he may lose his cool, but not in anger — he becomes easily flustered if you successfully tease him.

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=159

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Serious) “Ahem, my name is Katsuhiko Minamoto. My prowess in speeches and competitions has earned me the title of the Ultimate Debater.”

  • (Assertive) “I’m putting an end to this preposterous game before it even starts. Tell me, who’s the mastermind—no, the coward behind this charade?”

  • (Flustered) “Tch… You really know how to grind my gears. There’s nothing weird about how I’m acting. I-It’s... normal to make eye contact during a conversation!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kiyoshi Fujioka - Ultimate Puppeteer
Role assigned to: sam ♢

Note: Transgender male VAs are preferred. Please specify if you're trans! Kiyoshi has 4 audition lines to account for his three puppets and himself.

Pronunciation: kee-YO-she FOO-jee-OH-ka


Although puppet shows aren't as popular as they used to be, Kiyoshi prides himself on being the Ultimate Puppeteer who has made a name for himself by performing at charity events. Using handmade puppets and stories that he has written himself, his shows never fail to entertain people of all ages. His puppets may be full of life, but Kiyoshi himself is a quiet individual. Some even find him peculiar because he prefers talking to his puppets rather than actual people, and when he needs to communicate with others, he'll usually speak through his puppets.

Voice Description

Kiyoshi, the Ultimate Puppeteer, tends to let his three puppets do the speaking for him. He himself, however, possesses a quiet, Medium-High boyish voice. His first puppet, Molly, has a cute and bubbly High-pitch voice, almost like a falsetto. The second, Kat, sounds like a snobby aristocrat with a Medium pitch voice. Lastly, Jack is the rough and tumble puppet, acting like a tough guy with a deep Low voice. The puppets' voices do not need to match their respective pitches that accurately, because at the end of the day, it is Kiyoshi himself who is giving his voice to the puppets. The same voice actor is expected to do all of these voices. A trans male voice actor is preferred, but the quality of performance takes precedence, so everyone is welcome to audition for Kiyoshi regardless of gender identity.

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=199

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Reserved) “Ah, umm, my name is Kiyoshi Fujioka. Although my talent is the Ultimate Puppeteer, it’s these guys who are doing all the work.”

  • (Bubbly, as Molly) “Teehee, you’re so sweet! We appreciate your support so much! You make us super duper happy!”

  • (Proud, as Kat) “Excuse me, but I’m the star here! People come to our shows to see me! Hmph!” | (Angry, as Jack) “Tch, stop beating around the bush. If you’ve got something to say, then say it!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kyouran Murashita - Ultimate Con Artist
Role assigned to: Ramen in a Cupboard

Pronunciation: KYO-rahn MOO-ra-SHE-ta


Kyouran's hospitality and gentlemanly behaviour make it all the more shocking to learn that he's the Ultimate Con Artist, a sly schemer behind numerous frauds, including the notorious one billion yen scam. Not much is known about him, not even his name—Kyouran Murashita could easily be an alias. His kind eyes have an off-putting glint, as if he can see through everything you say. He promises never to lie to anyone, but who's to say that a conman will stick to his word?

Voice Description

As befitting of the Ultimate Con Artist, Kyouran is a charming young man with a soft and inviting Medium to Medium-High male or androgynous voice. He is typically the ideal image of a gentleman, speaking to others kindly and without apparent pretense. He’s so friendly that it is almost off-putting; you can’t tell what he’s thinking since he’s almost always smiling gently with his face and his words. Despite this, he is most certainly capable of sounding menacing, and being able to balance this aspect of him with a natural-sounding kindness is key to being cast.

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=225

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • androgynous
  • (Friendly) “You can call me Kyouran Murashita! My talent is… Well, how should I put this… I’m the Ultimate Con Artist. Surprised? Haha, sorry to shock you.”

  • (Menacing) “I’m glad that you think so well of me, but I can’t say I helped those people out of the kindness of my heart. The real reason? …Maybe I’ll tell you some other time.”

  • (Comforting) “If anyone needs somebody to talk to, please knock on my door any time. It’s better to talk about your feelings than bottle it up.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Otome Hanayama - Ultimate Manga Artist
Role assigned to: Jason Brady

Pronunciation: OH-toe-MAY HA-na-YA-ma


Starting her manga career at the young age of fifteen, Otome earned the title of the Ultimate Manga Artist after her psychological horror manga sold three million copies worldwide. Her work never ceases to amaze considering her astonishing art and storytelling capabilities. However, Otome is the epitome of insolence as she constantly spits vulgar words out of her mouth, but her grumpiness stems from a lack of proper rest due to her insanely packed schedule. When she's refreshed, Otome is surprisingly down-to-earth and laidback—just a casual teenager.

Voice Description

Otome is an exhausted young woman who has a somewhat-hoarse Medium to Medium-Low female or androgynous voice. Plagued by insomnia due to tight deadlines, she usually sounds drained and somewhat cranky. When she feels she is being criticized or insulted, she immediately goes on the offensive, unleashing a string of profanities and insults until the other party relents or leaves. In the rare instance she is well-rested, she is surprisingly friendly and relaxed; these times are rare, however. 

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=245

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • androgynous
  • (Neutral) “I’m Otome Hanayama. The name probably doesn’t ring a bell, but I’m sure my best-selling manga will—The Writers’ Club.”

  • (Annoyed) “For fuck’s sake, I just woke up! Give me a break! Of course I’m in a terrible mood from all your loud chattering.”

  • (Friendly, slightly flustered) “Aww, man, now you’re making me feel embarrassed. I’m not into all that sentimental crap, but I guess this is nice too.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rei Fukuno - Ultimate Itako
Role assigned to: Brooke J

Pronunciation: RAY foo-KOO-no


Born into an extremely traditional household in the countryside, Rei was raised and trained to become an Itako due to her blindness. She gained recognition after people decided to ask a spirit medium like her to solve a murder, resulting in more visitors to her house, and thus, she eventually earned the title of the Ultimate Itako. Rei may be cute and bubbly, but she surprisingly has a god complex of sorts, unwilling to talk to others if they aren't as talented as her. Reckless and moving to the beat of her own drum, she does not listen to the others' advice and charges into dangerous situations without thinking twice.

Voice Description

As befitting her petite appearance, Rei has a High-pitch female voice that is typically rather cute. Curious and playful, she enjoys having fun and her voice reflects that. She is also quite haughty, however, and speaks down on those who she feels are not as talented as herself. She tries to maintain her cheerfulness even when she’s feeling down, but those listening can tell that she’s secretly wavering. 

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=278

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • (Playful, proud) “You wish to know who I am? I am the only one in my village who has trained long and hard for years and years to speak to the spirits of the dead… I am the great Rei Fukuno, the Ultimate Itako!”

  • (Annoyed, grumbling) “I just don’t get it. People in the city don’t realise the importance of preserving these age-old traditions. They have no respect for us anymore!”

  • (Cheerful, yet haughty) “Fufufu, the food was delicious. It’s a Rei Certified Dish! I demand more… more! Go on, servant!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Satoru Tachibana - Ultimate Historian
Role assigned to: Matthew Kreta

Pronunciation: SA-toe-roo TA-chee-BA-na


Satoru became the Ultimate Historian after writing numerous books that explained history in an entertaining way, sparking the interest of teenagers. He finds the past quite fascinating and believes that everyone can benefit from learning about it. Satoru is very humble and submissive, admiring others and always seeking their approval. He doesn't seem to know how to feel proud of his achievements unless he receives praise, and he wishes to be someone cooler and likeable rather than embrace himself.

Voice Description

Satoru looks a bit younger than most of his peers, and his boyish Medium-High male voice reflects this. A young man of strong emotions, he is quick to nervousness and excitement; this can be obnoxious to those around him. He is also, despite typically being kind, capable of being very snide and rude. Overall, Satoru is characterized by tumultuous emotions and the chosen voice actor will need to be capable of expressing them adeptly.

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=303

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • (Nervous, with a voice crack) “The name given to me is Satoru Tachibana, and my talent is the U-Ultimate Historian! Ah, I’m extremely sorry! I get really anxious around new people…”

  • (Confident, obnoxious) “Who wouldn’t be glad to see the great Satoru in front of them? I know my presence makes everyone’s day better! Ah, this is bad! You all might fall for me.”

  • (Pretending to be confident, actually nervous and awkward) “N-Now that the show’s over, I think I should head back to bed too! Using my brain juices to the limit has been really… Umm, I-I think I’ll just go.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shion Morita - Ultimate Criminologist
Role assigned to: ArtimmissVA

Pronunciation: SHE-on mo-REE-ta


Although Shion doesn't remember anything about her talent, she's known to the masses as the Ultimate Criminologist who single handedly curbed the crime rate of her own prefecture. Compassionate and caring, Shion is quite friendly and loved by all, but she's the farthest thing from a pushover. She may be nice, but she will lecture those who do anything offensive or ill-mannered. While Shion is a sweetheart to others, she treats her younger twin in a vastly different manner.

Voice Description

Shion is a friendly young woman with a warm, Medium-High to High female voice. She is quite kind and motherly towards others, lecturing others when they misbehave and showing them affection when they behave. The one exception to this may be her twin brother, Tomoya, to whom she is much more playful and teasing. Despite her natural tender-heartedness, she is not a pushover, and will not let others bully her. 

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=333

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (Friendly) “I’m Shion Morita! I’m apparently the Ultimate Criminologist, but… I can’t seem to remember anything about my talent.“

  • (Encouraging) “It’s not being blindly optimistic! It’s about having faith in others. We all need a little bit of hope at a time like this…”

  • (Angry, hurt) “Can you please shut up? All you’ve been doing is harassing them nonstop! After everything they’ve been through… How could you be so cruel?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tomoya Morita - Ultimate Therapist
Role assigned to: TheGreatJudgini

Pronunciation: toe-MO-ya mo-REE-ta


You wouldn't expect a narcissistic and overconfident person like Tomoya to be everybody's new best friend. Despite his gigantic ego, he truly has a heart of gold. The atmosphere around him becomes lighthearted when Tomoya cracks jokes to keep everyone's spirits high. As the Ultimate Therapist, he's skilled at alleviating the others' tensions and fears. As for his own... the seldom somber look on his face speaks volumes.

Voice Description

Tomoya is a lively and overconfident young man who typically speaks in an energetic Medium to Medium-High male voice. In the average situation Tomoya comes across as a bit of a narcissist and a show-off, often bragging about himself and often flirting with the female students. These tendencies tend to make him the butt of many a joke, and it is his humorous reactions that often add lightheartedness to scenes. Despite his usual playfulness, he is capable of being serious, and is actually very kind and understanding to those who need it. He can also be solemn and contemplative, illustrating a complexity to his character that extends beyond his surface-level. 

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=358

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Proud, then shocked) "This handsome devil right here is Tomoya Morita! No doubt you've heard of Japan's most talented and attractive Ultimate Therapist! W-Wait, you haven't? You're joking, right?"

  • (Panicky) "I-I'm telling you all this is a horrible idea! Please listen to me…! No, no, no… Something bad's going to happen… I just know it."

  • (Serious, calm) "...No, that's wrong. You're averting your eyes from the truth. This will just cause even more pain once you're forced to accept the truth. Is that really what you want?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Takeshi Yamamoto - Ultimate Weightlifter
Role assigned to: Crit_Magnet

Pronunciation: TA-ke-she YA-ma-MO-toe


Consistently lifting weights ever since he was young, Takeshi Yamamoto had the mindset that working hard was the only way to achieve success. As a result of his long term regimen, his efforts paid off and was rewarded with the title of the Ultimate Weightlifter. Takeshi's intimidating appearance only complements his rude and cold attitude. However, he has been known to be very caring, and will lend a hand to those who need it. Because of this, Takeshi is very particular about respecting others, and refuses to do so if he isn't treated the same.

Voice Description

A big, strong guy with a voice to match, Takeshi has a powerful Medium-Low to Low male voice. Not one for passiveness or beating around the bush, he says everything in a blunt and straightforward manner. To Takeshi, respect is the most important thing in any situation — if you don’t show him respect, he will respond to the perceived rudeness with aggression of his own. Conversely, he is caring and helpful to those who need and deserve it. Overall, he is a large man with a big personality.

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=387

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Loud, confident) “Name’s Takeshi Yamamoto. I’m the Ultimate Weightlifter, and I’m hella proud of it! I didn’t get a bod like this by sitting around all day. I’m confident about myself ’cause I busted my ass for this strength!”

  • (Annoyed) “I don’t respect you at all. Talkin’ shit behind people’s backs ain’t cool, and it makes you look like even more of an idiot when they can easily hear ya.”

  • (Excited) “That was… fuckin’ amazing! You’re the real deal! I could feel the full extent of your strength in that single throw!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yumeo Arakawa - Ultimate Forensic Pathologist
Role assigned to: FPontanelesVO

Pronunciation: you-MAY-oh A-ra-KA-wa


Born with the face of a prince, Yumeo's good looks attract everyone... until he opens his mouth, and all that comes out of it is utter disrespect and rude comments. Many people are also taken aback when they learn that he's the Ultimate Forensic Pathologist and that he enjoys working with dead bodies more than he enjoys being around others. Uncooperative and aloof, Yumeo is a loner that trusts nobody, ignoring anyone trying to converse with him. He does things his own way and is easily irritable if anybody interrupts his work. Due to his discourteous attitude, it's not a surprise that nobody wants to befriend him, except for one particular person…

Voice Description

Despite his good-looks, Yumeo is a quiet young man whose Medium to Medium-Low male voice is almost always tinged with a hint of venom. In an average conversation, Yumeo is rude and standoffish, not hesitating to make rude comments even if the situation doesn’t call for it. He does things in his own way and at his own pace and expresses frustration when people interrupt him. Despite his bad attitude, he does get along with certain characters, though that mostly just amounts to holding back on his verbal jabs and softening his voice. He is also sometimes seen with a melancholic look on his face, suggesting that there may be a deeper reason behind his behaviour.  

Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=414

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Rude, annoyed) “Oh my god, you never shut up. Fine, I’ll introduce myself. Yumeo Arakawa. Ultimate Forensic Pathologist. Now leave me alone.”

  • (Angry, but worried) “You idiot! That was too rash! Why are you trying to play the hero when all you’re gonna do is get hurt?”

  • (Comforting) “Sigh… You’re not a burden. Just unlucky to have gotten hurt. You’re never troubling anyone. Sorry if it sounded like I was criticising you.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Denshi Shigenobu
Role assigned to: sethfuzzy

Note: Protagonist of the Side Story

Pronunciation: DEN-she SHE-ge-NO-boo


'Yon' is an alias for the mysterious hacker notorious for exposing corrupt individuals. Known worldwide, people expect him to be an investigator serving vigilante justice, but in reality, Yon is simply a shut-in NEET called Denshi Shigenobu who just finds his work amusing. As the former Ultimate Hacker, digging up blackmail is no big deal for him, and he'll offer his services to anyone who has the cash ready. Denshi has a strange sense of humour, inventing weird objects like a walking toaster, and he's a jokester on the internet. Recently, though, he's been on edge. What connection does Denshi have with the Ultimate Award Ceremony—and the killing game?

Voice Description

Denshi is a man of many faces, but his Medium-Low voice is always present in some capacity. When relaxed and in his element, he’s rather silly and a bit of a jokester; teasing others on the internet and coming up with weird inventions like a walking toaster. He can also be kind and empathetic, speaking compassionately to those he cares about. Lastly, as a man who has lived in the seedy underbelly of society, he can be cold and downright cruel; whatever it takes to survive. Ultimately, Denshi’s actor must be able to deftly express a wide range of emotions in a natural way. 

Reference: https://youtu.be/CJ3zwOiA084

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Subtly proud) “My name? Denshi Shigenobu, but no one knows who that is, so… Call me Yon. You should know what that means.”

  • (Threatening) “I’ll bet at least one person knows more. I’d blackmail the staff if I could… Threats and pressure are bound to work on one of these cockroaches.”

  • (Joking) “Wow… I do not belong in a place like this. Unlike other guys, the only girls that can steal my heart are 2D.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ryuuji Himura
Role assigned to: Devin McLaughlin

Pronunciation: REE-you-jee HE-moo-ra


The Himura Clan is the most powerful organization in Japan, and its current chairman is Ryuuji Himura. He radiates an unwelcoming and standoffish aura, intimidating those working under him and causing them to avoid him. Despite being a loner because of his attitude, it seems like he does long for company, but much to his dismay, he's constantly forgotten as his subordinates' conversations only revolve around the former chairman. Ryuuji surprisingly has a soft heart and cherishes those who are close to him although he is unable to express it well.

Voice Description

As one would expect as the current head of the Himura Clan, Ryuuji has a calm and controlled Medium-Low to Low male voice with an aura of threatening strength. He is an intimidating man who coolly controls his organization. Amusingly, he does long for friends he can be candid with, but his subordinates’ fixation on the previous head occasionally makes him the comic relief in scenes. He is also surprisingly soft-hearted, but he has difficulty expressing his feelings and comes across as awkward.

Reference: https://youtu.be/CJ3zwOiA084?t=24

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Polite) “My name is Ryuuji Himura, the current chairman of the Himura Clan. You should have told me that you were coming here today. I would have prepared tea.”

  • (Commanding) “Silence! Do not speak ill of them in front of me. I do not appreciate your behaviour regarding this matter. This is an order.”

  • (Rambling, then awkward) “I must say, these statuettes are quite intricately carved… It would take decades of practice to achieve this level of craftsmanship, but judging from the material used here, this is… ahem, are you still listening?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Momoka Ayase
Role assigned to: SK-VA

Pronunciation: MO-mo-ka a-YA-say


Traditionally, a woman could not be a yakuza, yet Momoka not only rose up the ranks, but she also became a lieutenant for the Himura family. She was one of the rare few handpicked by the former patriarch to be in this role as she had shown immense capabilities in human relations. Bubbly and optimistic, Momoka is a charming lady who seems childish on the surface, but underneath that exterior is a plethora of reason and wisdom. She enjoys teasing others and her warm smile can melt anybody's heart, but it's a little off-putting when that smile never wavers, even in grave, gritty situations…

Voice Description

Momoka is a carefree young woman who tends to speak in an airy Medium-High female voice. She is known amongst her peers for her optimism and sunny disposition, and some may derogatively refer to her as an airhead. Her warm smile melts any ill-will directed towards her, however, and her good-natured teasing makes her popular. She also possesses a more wise and serious side should the situation call for it, still bearing the same carefree attitude but in a more reserved tone.

Reference: https://youtu.be/CJ3zwOiA084?t=52

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (Bubbly) “I’m Momoka Ayase, but you can call me Momo, sweetheart, or for the right price, anything you want! I’m super honoured you came all the way here just to see me!”

  • (Serious) “Don’t worry, I won’t pry about your personal business. I know where to draw the line when it comes to my jokes.”

  • (Loud, annoying) “You know it’s my job to catch everybody’s attention! You’re just jealous because you’re sooo boring and forgettable! Like, nobody would bat an eye towards you even if you ran down the street naked!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Keisuke Fujinuma
Role assigned to: Clover_Houraisan

Note: Nonbinary/Genderfluid VAs preferred. Please specify if you're NB! They also use any pronouns.

Pronunciation: KAY-soo-kay FOO-jee-NOO-ma


Keisuke has no interest in meaningless banter—their only focus is on work, work and more work. A no-nonsense person, they were also chosen by the former chairman to be a lieutenant for the Himura family. As a former businessman, they are proficient in management and accounting, being a major source of income for the organization. Keisuke is levelheaded, reserved and calm, and although they may be annoyed easily, they never lose their composure. Momoka, however, notes that they transform into a completely different person if they feel threatened, and even Hirotaka wouldn't dare to fight them.

Voice Description

Keisuke endeavours to always present themself in a professional and businesslike manner, and this is reflected in their cool and composed Medium-pitch androgynous voice. Despite being easily annoyed, they almost always remain levelheaded and collected, delivering their words in an even manner. However, should they be pushed too far, they become enraged, shouting and screaming; even the strongest of the Yakuza would not want to fight Keisuke when they’re like this. A non-binary voice actor is preferred, but the quality of performance takes precedence, so everyone is welcome to audition for Keisuke regardless of gender identity.

Reference: https://youtu.be/CJ3zwOiA084?t=82

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • (Cold) “Keisuke Fujinuma. I’m just your average businessman. If you have nothing of importance to discuss, then please excuse me.”

  • (Bitter, resentful) “You… You don’t have the right to speak on this matter. Outsiders like you should just keep your mouth shut.”

  • (Threatening, ready to fight) “Now that you’ve ignored my final warning, you have no one to blame but yourself for what’s to come. The chairman may have shown you mercy before, but I won’t.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hirotaka Eguchi
Role assigned to: Manifest

Pronunciation: HE-roe-TA-ka EH-goo-chee


As an ex-professional boxer, Hirotaka is undoubtedly one of the strongest people in Japan, but his burly appearance does not reflect his personality. He's a peacemaker who avoids arguments whenever possible, and he'd rather de-escalate the situation than send somebody to the hospital (although that'd be easier). Hirotaka has been a lieutenant for the Himura Family for years, and he's been a yakuza longer than most of the higher-ups and even the chairman himself. He's well respected within the family and gets along with others easily due to his passive nature.

Voice Description

A strong man with an aura of toughness, Hirotaka is surprisingly gentle, even if his Medium-Low to Low voice is a bit gruff. Having been with the clan for years, Hirotaka is somewhat of a father figure to many of the younger members, and this extends to his fatherly attitude. A natural peacemaker, he uses his words to defuse danger before it can escalate, and he speaks with the confidence of one who has seen it all. 

Reference: https://youtu.be/CJ3zwOiA084?t=113

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Friendly) “The name’s Hirotaka Eguchi. If you want to know about something, just ask me. I’ve been in the Himura clan longer than the chairman’s been alive.”

  • (Worried, but reassuring) “It’s dangerous out there. I know I keep saying that, but if you insist on staying here anyway… I’ll accompany you and protect you as best as I can.”

  • (Tired, reluctant) “The only time you don’t insult me is when you want me to do a favour for you… Well, it’s not like I can turn you down…”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Isao Morita
Role assigned to: c_squint

Pronunciation: EE-sao mo-REE-ta


The brilliance of Isao Morita matches no other. As the Commissioner General of the National Police Agency, he controls the police force and upholds the law as best as he can. Hence, the crime rate in Japan is at an all time low due to his marvelous efforts and those of his two children. Isao is charming and easy-going, and he has earnt the respect and admiration of many because of his vast capabilities and humble nature. Although he's keeping up a brave face in his search for the missing Ultimates, he can't help but worry about his children—but ensuring their safety also gives him the determination to stay calm and find the mastermind behind it all.

Voice Description

The brilliant head of Japan’s national police force, Isao is a man whose Medium to Medium-Low male voice is steeped in his physical, intellectual, and political strength. The symbol of justice among the people, his natural charm and smooth voice make him more popular than most politicians. When in more candid situations he reveals a humble and easygoing side, showing that he’s more than his public image. As a father, he is very worried about his children and is hellbent on saving them; never caving to pressure, he focuses on his goal with laser precision. 

Reference: https://youtu.be/CJ3zwOiA084?t=141

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Polite, confident) “Ah, it’s rude of me not to introduce myself. My name is Isao Morita, and I am the commissioner-general of the National Police Agency.”

  • (Laughing, then serious) “Hahaha! You’ve got a good sense of humour, I’ll give you that, but complimenting me won’t get you anywhere.”

  • (Worried) “I can’t lose face at a time like this. I’m keeping up a strong image, but… in all honesty, I’m terrified of losing my son and daughter… They’re all I have.”


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