Danganronpa: (He)Artless Deceit
TheGreatJudgini for Kyouran Murashita - Ultimate Con Artist

Pronunciation: KYO-rahn MOO-ra-SHE-ta
Kyouran's hospitality and gentlemanly behaviour make it all the more shocking to learn that he's the Ultimate Con Artist, a sly schemer behind numerous frauds, including the notorious one billion yen scam. Not much is known about him, not even his name—Kyouran Murashita could easily be an alias. His kind eyes have an off-putting glint, as if he can see through everything you say. He promises never to lie to anyone, but who's to say that a conman will stick to his word?
Voice Description
As befitting of the Ultimate Con Artist, Kyouran is a charming young man with a soft and inviting Medium to Medium-High male or androgynous voice. He is typically the ideal image of a gentleman, speaking to others kindly and without apparent pretense. He’s so friendly that it is almost off-putting; you can’t tell what he’s thinking since he’s almost always smiling gently with his face and his words. Despite this, he is most certainly capable of sounding menacing, and being able to balance this aspect of him with a natural-sounding kindness is key to being cast.
Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=225
- male young adult
- androgynous
(Friendly) “You can call me Kyouran Murashita! My talent is… Well, how should I put this… I’m the Ultimate Con Artist. Surprised? Haha, sorry to shock you.”
(Menacing) “I’m glad that you think so well of me, but I can’t say I helped those people out of the kindness of my heart. The real reason? …Maybe I’ll tell you some other time.”
(Comforting) “If anyone needs somebody to talk to, please knock on my door any time. It’s better to talk about your feelings than bottle it up.”

Your voice sounds good on ALL characters:) impressive work man!!

Thank you for listening!! Really happy that you enjoyed!