Danganronpa: (He)Artless Deceit
Yari for Shion Morita - Ultimate Criminologist

Pronunciation: SHE-on mo-REE-ta
Although Shion doesn't remember anything about her talent, she's known to the masses as the Ultimate Criminologist who single handedly curbed the crime rate of her own prefecture. Compassionate and caring, Shion is quite friendly and loved by all, but she's the farthest thing from a pushover. She may be nice, but she will lecture those who do anything offensive or ill-mannered. While Shion is a sweetheart to others, she treats her younger twin in a vastly different manner.
Voice Description
Shion is a friendly young woman with a warm, Medium-High to High female voice. She is quite kind and motherly towards others, lecturing others when they misbehave and showing them affection when they behave. The one exception to this may be her twin brother, Tomoya, to whom she is much more playful and teasing. Despite her natural tender-heartedness, she is not a pushover, and will not let others bully her.
Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=333
- female young adult
(Friendly) “I’m Shion Morita! I’m apparently the Ultimate Criminologist, but… I can’t seem to remember anything about my talent.“
(Encouraging) “It’s not being blindly optimistic! It’s about having faith in others. We all need a little bit of hope at a time like this…”
(Angry, hurt) “Can you please shut up? All you’ve been doing is harassing them nonstop! After everything they’ve been through… How could you be so cruel?”

Slay Yuri ^^ I really like this audition ^^
