Danganronpa: (He)Artless Deceit
kurokishiii for Takeshi Yamamoto - Ultimate Weightlifter

Pronunciation: TA-ke-she YA-ma-MO-toe
Consistently lifting weights ever since he was young, Takeshi Yamamoto had the mindset that working hard was the only way to achieve success. As a result of his long term regimen, his efforts paid off and was rewarded with the title of the Ultimate Weightlifter. Takeshi's intimidating appearance only complements his rude and cold attitude. However, he has been known to be very caring, and will lend a hand to those who need it. Because of this, Takeshi is very particular about respecting others, and refuses to do so if he isn't treated the same.
Voice Description
A big, strong guy with a voice to match, Takeshi has a powerful Medium-Low to Low male voice. Not one for passiveness or beating around the bush, he says everything in a blunt and straightforward manner. To Takeshi, respect is the most important thing in any situation — if you don’t show him respect, he will respond to the perceived rudeness with aggression of his own. Conversely, he is caring and helpful to those who need and deserve it. Overall, he is a large man with a big personality.
Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=387
- male young adult
(Loud, confident) “Name’s Takeshi Yamamoto. I’m the Ultimate Weightlifter, and I’m hella proud of it! I didn’t get a bod like this by sitting around all day. I’m confident about myself ’cause I busted my ass for this strength!”
(Annoyed) “I don’t respect you at all. Talkin’ shit behind people’s backs ain’t cool, and it makes you look like even more of an idiot when they can easily hear ya.”
(Excited) “That was… fuckin’ amazing! You’re the real deal! I could feel the full extent of your strength in that single throw!”

Goes hard fr

Love this so much omg sounds amazing

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance sounds like. What a powerful cadence, it made me really feel like Spider-Man. Oscar Nomination.