Danganronpa: (He)Artless Deceit
sword of swords for Chou Yoshida - Ultimate J-Pop Idol

Note: This role may require singing, but this is purely optional.
Pronunciation: CHO yo-SHE-da
Chou Yoshida, commonly known as Ultimate J-Pop Idol 'Chousiria,' is a bubbly sweetheart that has stolen the hearts of many. Her adorable looks can easily smite any person who looks her way, so it's no surprise her popularity quickly arose when she originally debuted in her old idol group. Even without her idol persona, Chou is still well mannered and polite, almost to the point where she can be too formal with others. She's also a very patient individual, and doesn't speak out when she's annoyed. When angered, however, is an entirely different story.
Voice Description
Chou is a young woman whose adorable looks are often matched by an equally cute personality whose voice alternates between a High and Medium-High pitch depending on the situation. When in her “Chousiria” idol persona, she is characterized by her bubbly cuteness and approachable friendliness. However, most of the time she prefers being her normal self, where she is still friendly, but much more formal and patient with others, almost too much so. When she’s angered, however, she becomes very aggressive, and her voice should reflect her emotional state.
Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=59
- female young adult
(Bubbly, then awkward, then polite) “I’m super duper mega extra happy to see someone recognize me, teehee! Actually, never mind. This is tiring to keep up. Let’s start this introduction over again. I’m Chou Yoshida, the Ultimate J-Pop Idol!”
(Threatening) “Ah, what did you say? I seem rather what? Please elaborate. No, no, go ahead and continue. I’m not mad.”
(Nervous) “Can I be honest? I get uncomfortable whenever we bring up murder or the killing game… It’s not like any of that will actually happen, right? So, can we please talk about something else?”