Danganronpa: (He)Artless Deceit
Matthew Kreta for Satoru Tachibana - Ultimate Historian

Pronunciation: SA-toe-roo TA-chee-BA-na
Satoru became the Ultimate Historian after writing numerous books that explained history in an entertaining way, sparking the interest of teenagers. He finds the past quite fascinating and believes that everyone can benefit from learning about it. Satoru is very humble and submissive, admiring others and always seeking their approval. He doesn't seem to know how to feel proud of his achievements unless he receives praise, and he wishes to be someone cooler and likeable rather than embrace himself.
Voice Description
Satoru looks a bit younger than most of his peers, and his boyish Medium-High male voice reflects this. A young man of strong emotions, he is quick to nervousness and excitement; this can be obnoxious to those around him. He is also, despite typically being kind, capable of being very snide and rude. Overall, Satoru is characterized by tumultuous emotions and the chosen voice actor will need to be capable of expressing them adeptly.
Reference: https://youtu.be/iv8eXT1gzeo?t=303
- male teen
(Nervous, with a voice crack) “The name given to me is Satoru Tachibana, and my talent is the U-Ultimate Historian! Ah, I’m extremely sorry! I get really anxious around new people…”
(Confident, obnoxious) “Who wouldn’t be glad to see the great Satoru in front of them? I know my presence makes everyone’s day better! Ah, this is bad! You all might fall for me.”
(Pretending to be confident, actually nervous and awkward) “N-Now that the show’s over, I think I should head back to bed too! Using my brain juices to the limit has been really… Umm, I-I think I’ll just go.”

Good job! I'm so happy you voice him ^*^

Thank you very much!