Danganronpa: (He)Artless Deceit
Manifest for Hirotaka Eguchi

Pronunciation: HE-roe-TA-ka EH-goo-chee
As an ex-professional boxer, Hirotaka is undoubtedly one of the strongest people in Japan, but his burly appearance does not reflect his personality. He's a peacemaker who avoids arguments whenever possible, and he'd rather de-escalate the situation than send somebody to the hospital (although that'd be easier). Hirotaka has been a lieutenant for the Himura Family for years, and he's been a yakuza longer than most of the higher-ups and even the chairman himself. He's well respected within the family and gets along with others easily due to his passive nature.
Voice Description
A strong man with an aura of toughness, Hirotaka is surprisingly gentle, even if his Medium-Low to Low voice is a bit gruff. Having been with the clan for years, Hirotaka is somewhat of a father figure to many of the younger members, and this extends to his fatherly attitude. A natural peacemaker, he uses his words to defuse danger before it can escalate, and he speaks with the confidence of one who has seen it all.
Reference: https://youtu.be/CJ3zwOiA084?t=113
- male adult
(Friendly) “The name’s Hirotaka Eguchi. If you want to know about something, just ask me. I’ve been in the Himura clan longer than the chairman’s been alive.”
(Worried, but reassuring) “It’s dangerous out there. I know I keep saying that, but if you insist on staying here anyway… I’ll accompany you and protect you as best as I can.”
(Tired, reluctant) “The only time you don’t insult me is when you want me to do a favour for you… Well, it’s not like I can turn you down…”