

at the end of the day, life with you is okay ♡

Joined Feb 2019 136 Following69 Followers
About Aji

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i: @Zr6Ov on skeb

Voice Actress | Singer | Artist



My name is Keis Juen, but I am more commonly known as Aji! I'm a young aspiring professional voice actress, and I have been voice acting since April 2018. I really can't say no to a good voice acting opportunity, so if you'd like to invite me to your project, please reach out!


I like to think I'm pretty flexible with my range, so I'm able to go for most female roles! However, my strengths lie in upbeat optimistic characters, bratty pouty characters, princess type characters, silky nurturing characters, and your typical "protagonist" characters.

For business inquiries, feel free to contact me on my voice acting email!


Please do not process my voice through AI under any circumstance.


If I audition for an paid project with set rates, that means I agree with those rates. As for freelance and budgeted project rates, the default is $2 USD per line, but it is totally negotiable depending on the project. Providing volunteer/free voice work is possible depending on the circumstance, but it is uncommon. I am likely to agree to collabs if it goes on your channel. I am happy to audition for unpaid projects if they capture my interest! Please feel free to reach out if you have a role in mind for me!

  • @tsut

    She's one of the best VAs, and best of friends someone could ask for. She's willing to do whatever, and is very versatile with her voice. She can pull off most Danganronpa characters, along with some other characters, like cartoon characters and such.

  • @silentecho

    she beat me up in our school musical but shes ok i guess

  • @bearpuff4vo

    Aji is an epic voice actress!! Aji has been one of my good friends for a while now, but this was my first time casting and love directing her for one of my projects, and she did not disappoint! She’s super fun and easy to work with, and is very enthusiastic about every role she plays! She responded to my direction really well, and sent in her audio fully edited quickly after recording. Definitely cast Aji, because she’s big epic 👀🌟

  • @kazutova

    Aji cool :D

  • @silentecho

    while it's still true that she beat me up in our school musical (and i have not forgiven her) aji is a real voice actor

    Personally, I think that she does that voice thing pretty well. hell, you can see that for yourself

    If you're stuck between her and someone else, I think you should 100% pick Aji B)

    unless of course you're stuck between her and me, in which case, pick me, obviously.

    Point is, she's awesome, provides quality work, and is a great cast. Keep it up, my sworn rival!

  • @deleted684934

    I really wanted to write this because I truly believe she deserves it. Not only did she surprise me with her flexibility both in voice acting, singing and in being patient with my indecisiveness, but she's also a great person just to talk with to clear up your mind and to give you some ideas. I'm really looking forward to work again with her

  • @v-meister71

    Let me just say one thing and one thing only... THIS PERSON IS THE MOST TALENTED VA I KNOW! For a fangan I direct, she did the protagonists voice so much justice that I made the best decision ever to have her on board for the project. Aji has so much talent and range within her voice that she has the brightest future with her potential. Overall, Aji is amazing and I am so happy to work with them! I recommend her over 9000%

  • @maytriggercrew

    We did a song cover together! I love Aji so much, she is always so nice to me and I consider us to be friends! Her voice is so pretty too…

  • @lance-bulmer-voice-overs

    I watched Aji in a Doki Doki Series on Youtube as the voice of Natsuki and after hearing her natsuki voice I knew I found the voice I needed for Kid Zelda in My Project. Aji was very well mannered and helpful and i'm glad I asked her thanks Aji Stay Awesome 

    I'll send you a message once the video is done.