Project: Vigilante, Game Changers Arc
Project Overview
First off, just want to throw out a thank you for checking out this project! Please do consider participating in it, and checking out the Patreon:
What is Project: Vigilante?
'Project: Vigilante' is, or will soon be, a bunch of random, simple, animated skits, mainly depicting the life experiences of Reaper a.k.a. Rifa.
Plot to the skits;
A group of friends establish a crime-fighting firm, completing odd jobs whilst also trying to undo the effects of the mutation that had befallen them at the start of this all. They befriend and make enemies of the most peculiar of people along the way and learn about the world and people around them. Over time, the skits will be less random and follow a plot line.
Is this a paid project?
This is an unpaid project as of now but this could change later on should the project be successful. I do believe in rewarding work, however, so if you stick with me I guarantee your role will become a paid role once I can figure out what can be arranged. Please consider this unpaid until then.
Information regarding roles:
This project has no deadline, except for those that are stated in the character description.
Please consider your availability, as I would preferably like voice actors who can stick around until the completion of the project which, as with a lot of animations, could be years from now, especially as I’m currently the only animator/editor/music composer/writer. I won't be asking for too many lines regularly, as characters won't always reappear in every skit.
I will be updating this project every few months such as adding more roles, making announcements regarding the project etc.
For convenience sake, please make sure to have/create a Discord account if you get casted, although this isn’t compulsory. Announcements, rehearsals, sharing draft work and discussion will be taking place on a Discord server. For those that are unable to, I’ll be sending emails.
And finally, feel free to try out more than one role and make up some lines if you think they'll fit, have fun with it! I do hope you'll be on board and I look forward to working with you!
If you need more information on the project, characters or anything else, get in touch! I'm a beginner at this sort of thing, so I'm open to suggestions and extra help too.
All the best!
a.k.a. Rifa x
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Latest Updates
Salutations! First off; you guys made my job waaay too hard. I thought picking out voice actors would be easy, a cinch, wouldn't take any time at all, but nooooo. You just had to amazing, didn't you? I'm shaking my head. This list isn't final, but after hours upon hours of debating and listening to your auditions as well as going over the notes from rehearsals this is what I've come up with so far: Alvah Marcello: Addarob Raijun Saif Al-Fuwad: King Soda Kaydence KC Cooper: imfun_iswear Pierce Burnham: SMc Angel: Justin Nelson Detective Oliver Finnian: Ashdontketchum Hound a.k.a. Jade: Katyai Monochrome a.k.a. Beth: miazakky Locus a.k.a. Vincent: Arioneen Odysseus (AI): Erik de Vries Again, the list isn't final - subject to change due to availability and interest and all that jazz. I probably shouldn't be posting this to begin with. Why am I awake. I'll be in touch with the beautiful people both on and not on that list tomorrow- er, today? To discuss the roles stated as well as a few important roles yet to be revealed. I'm also happy to provide feedback if anyone would like, ought to return your kindness, no? If any of you are still interested in the project and wouldn't mind working with my hopeless self, I strongly encourage you to submit an audition for one of the 'Stranger' roles: there's something for everyone and every part is important! Thank you, and I'll add in a curse you too, for being such wonderful human beings. I couldn't think of a better way to deprive myself of sleep. Really. a.k.a. Rifa
Moving the Cast Announcement Back
Salutations! If you're still active on the voice acting scene please let me know by completing this form (closes on 13th Nov) to help me with finalising casting decisions (there's an option to take part in a one time rehearsal too, open to everyone): I do not want to cast a ghost, for obvious reasons. There were quite a few more people interested in the rehearsal than what I initially predicted, so I've moved the announcement back to [insert surprise date]. For those of you with a Discord account, look out for a friend request from a stickman with a mug! All the best! a.k.a. Rifa -
Super Duper Important!
Salutations! I've said thank you at least over 200 times already, but I want to say it again for those of you who've stuck with project. Hopefully I don't disappoint, haha. IMPORTANT: This is a form to determine who's still active on the voice acting scene, if you've been shortlisted, you're strongly encouraged to fill it out (so I'm not giving roles to people who've pulled a disappearing act): There's an opportunity to arrange a rehearsal too (optional) so even if you've not been shortlisted, this could be your chance to change my mind, or just have fun and practice with others. At the end of the day, auditions for these characters will no longer be considered (unless exceptional): Alvah Marcello Raijun Saif Al-Fuwad Pierce Burnham Kaydence "KC" Cooper Hound a.k.a. Jade Monochrome a.k.a. Beth Locus a.k.a. Vincent Odysseus (AI) Angel Detective Oliver Finnian The casted voices will be announced on the 10th of November, and believe me when I say it would be no easy decision. Best of luck to you all and take care! a.k.a. Rifa -
No, I've not disappeared off the face of the planet
Salutations! I appreciate the patience of all of you who've auditioned thus far. I've been working on scripts and plot to several animations while checking out everyone's auditions and giving each of them feedback. Also, the first trailer to the project comes out tomorrow! If you've not already, feel free to subscribe to be updated on when it becomes public. I'm still pretty new to animating so it's nothing too impressive, but I certainly aim to try my best to improve! Remember to keep an eye out for these updates, and check back on the project page since new characters are still going to be added. One last thing: please do share the project with anyone you think would be interested in playing a part, even an extra or minor role is important to me. Your humble potato, a.k.a. Rifa -
More New Things!
Salutations! A huge, heartfelt thank you to you all! I realise I've not been engaging much with those who've auditioned, but rest assured I've been listening to all these amazing auditions and I've got an eye on some of you (in a non-creepy way, I swear). I hope to be able to get in contact with some of you through Casting Call Club to discuss accepting/rejecting/suggesting auditions, but that's taking longer than I imagined, so I appreciate your patience! I've made a few updates to the characters and project to include the following information: ~ The project has no deadline ~ If you get casted, you will be asked for a Discord Tag/email ~ Character deadlines are included in the description (most of these are for the 1st of October) ~ Addition of a new character called 'Angel' you can audition for (oooh) Keep a look-out for these updates, as I also plan to add more roles in the future. Finally, if you're no longer available to audition, or require further information on the project or auditions, please do let me know either by shooting a message through Casting Call Club or an email to Your humble potato, a.k.a. Rifa

Deadline: None
In my own opinion, one of the most important roles (there's two to increase number of retries you can submit). This role is to gather extra voices either for pivotal characters that appear later on or for character that will only appear once, or a few times, in the animation. On the odd occasion, I may decide that you'd be fit for a bigger role and will discuss this with you. This will include: normal citizens, family members, criminals, police officers, members of street gangs such as The Spades, The Diamonds, The Hearts, The Clubs and victims of Angel.
Feel free to vary on tone and wording, and even make up some lines of your of yours own, especially some that can be used for said roles. I'm interested to hear what you've got!
Informative, slightly defeated
"We've analysed the notes right down to the ink, sir. Nothing."
"Stop where you are!"
[Laughs evilly] "The fact that you think you can beat me is laughable, truly."
I know, I know. I'm not meant to be here, and you told me to leave. But, like, you''re it! You're the vigilante that everyone's talking about! Aren't you? You have no idea how excited I am! Lemme just grab my camera and-...oh. Where did she go...?

Deadline: None
In my own opinion, one of the most important roles (there's two to increase number of retries you can submit). This role is to gather extra voices either for pivotal characters that appear later on or for character that will only appear once, or a few times, in the animation. On the odd occasion, I may decide that you'd be fit for a bigger role and will discuss this with you. This will include: normal citizens, family members, criminals, police officers, members of street gangs such as The Spades, The Diamonds, The Hearts, The Clubs and victims of Angel.
Feel free to vary on accent, tone and wording, and even make up some lines of your of yours own, especially some that can be used for said roles. I'm interested to hear what you've got!
"You look lost, want a ride?"
"I'm...I don't know what to say. I didn't think he was capable of doing this..."
"A vigilante? In this boring town?"
"You're about as reliable as a penguin that can fly."
"I'm so glad you could make it! We really need your help."
"You have no idea how glad I am to see you! Now, help me beat some sense into those Diamonds."

Deadline: 1st March 2021
Voice/Language: Must be able to sound upbeat, casual, moody, monotone at the drop of a hat; language should be able to vary from slang to formal; cussing could be from none at all to every other word; should be able to do all sorts of accents, predominantly should sound Icelandic (if you do try the accents, please also record your voice without it for comparison, unless it's natural)
Important: Not all vocal aspects need to be fulfilled (the accents), however, it would be preferable. Improvisation for this character is a plus.
History/relationships: Keane's twin brother, friend to Reaper, client to Game Changers
Personality: More cunning and deceptive of the pair, though he is also the more serious one when the occasion calls for it. Though he acts mature, he's not as intelligent or knowledgeable as he seems. Can mimic his brother perfectly, and vice versa.
Feel free to vary tone and wording, I'd be interested to hear what you've got!
Blameless, light-hearted"Aw come on, it's a harmless prank!"Sarcastic, jokingly"Me? I'm offended you'd say that. You make it sound like I want to cause trouble."
Reassuring but stern"Keane, calm down. It shouldn't be too hard to get out of this situation."Threatening"A joke? No, no, no. I have every intent to kill you, believe me."
Monologue"Loic? Nah, ain't me, you've got the wrong twin." [laughs] "I can't believe you fell for that! I'm the better looking one, how could you get me mixed up with Keane? Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Reaper? Definitely never heard of 'em. Sounds like a pretty dangerous person though, be careful buddy." [contains laughter] "I'm sorry, I have to go before I catch your idiocy."

Deadline: 1st March 2021
Voice/Language: Must be able to sound upbeat, casual, moody, monotone at the drop of a hat; language should be able to vary from slang to formal; cussing could be from none at all to every other word; should be able to do all sorts of accents, predominantly should sound Icelandic (if you do try the accents, please also record your voice without it for comparison, unless it's natural)
Important: Not all vocal aspects need to be fulfilled (accent), however, it would be preferable. Improvisation for this character is a plus.
History/relationships: Loic’s twin brother, friend to Reaper, client to Game Changers
Personality: Keane is the more playful of the two. More intelligent and capable than his brother but lacks the attention span or commitment to any business he's not interested in. Acts innocent, but is anything but. Can mimic his brother perfectly and vice versa.
Feel free to vary tone and wording, I'd be interested to hear what you've got!
Blameless, light-hearted
"Aw come on, it's a harmless prank!"
Sarcastic, jokingly
"Me? I'm offended you'd say that. You make it sound like I want to cause trouble."
Regretful, embarrassed, worried
"We've, uh...we're in a bit of a sticky situation."
"I'm sorry...if I knew what would happen...I'm sorry."
Monologue; teasing, mocking
"Keane? Nah, ain't me, you've got the wrong twin." [laughs] "I can't believe you fell for that! I'm the better looking one, how could you get me mixed up with Loic? Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Reaper? Definitely never heard of 'em. Sounds like a pretty dangerous person though, be careful buddy." [contains laughter] "I'm sorry, I have to go before I catch your idiocy."
Deadline: 1st September 2021
Voice/Language: Casual, some slang; cusses sometimes (add where you see fit); deep voice, slightly gravelly but that’s optional; British accent, which is also optional (if you do try the accent, please record yourself without it for comparison, unless it’s natural)
History/relationships: Childhood friend of Reaper; Ace of Spades, i.e. right-hand man and friend to Rai
Personality: Alvah in his early 20s is a lot more cooperative and friendly with Reaper, though continues to tease and involves himself in trouble to entertain himself. He's also more expressive and less mocking. Still Rai's second in command, but spends more time helping out Reaper.
Feel free to vary the tone/wording of the lines a bit, I'd be interested to hear what you have!
Matter-of-factly tone
"You're literally asking to have your royal backside behind bars"
"Why am I not surprised, you've not changed a bit over the years."
"Why do I get the feeling there's more to this reveal than you're letting on?"
"It's been a while." [chuckles] "So what have you been up to over the years?"
Teasing, playful
"Aww, how cute. The princess wants to play."
"You have the body of an adult, but the mind of a child, how adorable."

Deadline: None
IMPORTANT: This role won't be required until late 2021. If you've applied for this role and I haven't responded, it's because I'm currently not looking to fill in this role just yet. That being said, I appreciate the auditions for this role thus far, thank you!
A music composer capable of creating original music that sets different atmospheres, therefore, only instrumental tracks will be required.
There's no rush in making music for the project since it's small, though ideally it takes no more than a month to create a track.
Please link 2 different, original, instrumental songs; they should portray your variety in instruments/ genre/ rhyme very well.
Good luck!
Say something you think would fit

Deadline: 7th November 2019
Voice/Language: Casual, maniacal, playful, with some slang; cusses sometimes; slightly deep voice; British accent is optional (if you do try the accent, please also record your voice without it for comparison, unless it’s natural)
History/relationships: Foe to the Game Changers and The Spades
Personality: A very cheery person. Well. When he’s causing trouble. Has a twisted sense of humour and dutifulness, and although he can be childish, his cunning, knowledgeableness and maturity say otherwise. Not much is known about him, other than the fact that he seems to be able to control people somehow.
Due to the nature of this character, I will more than likely be casting 2 voices for him, though this isn't set in stone.
Evil, playful
[Maniac laughing] "I'm so glad you could join me on my little stage! Let's have some fun, shall we?"
Cunning, said in a low voice
"If you thought I was capable of very little...well, you're very much mistaken. But no need to take my word for it. Just watch and see."
Slight irritation, then mocking/playfulness
"Had I known you'd be such a stubborn pest, I wouldn't have gone so easy." [chuckles and claps] "Well done, though, sweetheart! I applaud you."
Casual tone, wonder
"I wonder why she's so persistent. There's nothing in it for her. Though I suppose once a fool is always a fool."
Monologue; sounds psychotic, righteous, mocking
"Who am I?" [laughs] "Why, I'm the very reason you're here! I am Angel, God's messenger, here to grant you redemption. All you need is to do what I say, and your trip to heaven is certainly guaranteed. Wouldn't you like that? Yes, of course you would. Then what are you waiting for? Go, simpleton, wreak havoc, and let little Reaper know I sent you~"

Deadline: 7th November 2019
Voice/Language features: Casual with some slang; cusses sometimes (add them where you see fit); deep (late teens - early twenties), but not overly so; British accent is optional (if you do try the accent, please also record your voice without it for comparison, unless it's natural)
History and relationships: Childhood friend of Reaper; Ace of Spades, i.e. right-hand man and friend to Rai
Personality: Very laid back attitude, and dislikes work without profit. Tends to tease or mock people quite a bit, especially Reaper, but he's not cruel and he has a heart, he’s just trying to be entertained, which may or may not often lead to fights and general trouble. Often mediates between Reaper and Rai.
Feel free to vary the tone or wording of the lines, I'd be interested to hear what you have!
Dismissive, threatening
[Sighs] "Listen up. princess. Unless you want me to hand your hide to you on a silver platter, you'll do well not to bother The Spades."
Sarcastic, unenthusiastic
"Right. Of course. Helping some kid look for their lost bag is going to help save the world."
Mocking, sarcastic, insulting but in a cheery tone
"You, princess? Beat me?" [Laughs] "Since when did you get a sense of humour?"
Genuine praise
"On the plus side, you're actually getting stronger. Well done, princess."
Monologue; informative with tones of sarcasm and no enthusiasm, later followed by irritation
"Yo. Alvah Marcello here. Do I know Reaper? Yes. Do I want to know Reaper? Hell. No. Unfortunately, I've been with her since we were little brats, clearly because I had nothing else to do. She's as sharp as a spoon, so who knows what sort of messes she would have gotten into without me watching over her. What? Me? [Chuckles] Nice try. Any information on me is classified. Wait...she what?! WHEN?! [insert a cuss you think is suitable]. That idiot just doesn't know how to keep still, does she? Sorry to cut this short, but I have to go." [mumbles] "How are we even friends?"

Deadline: 7th November 2019
Voice/Language: Casual, very little slang; deep and neutral or monotone voice, but be careful not to make him sound bored or fatigued; no (heavy) accent
History/relationships: Used to be close to Reaper but has distance himself from her; friend and leader to Alvah as King of Spades. A character of Eastern origin.
Personality: A cold character, due to his parents having passed away, all his emotions slowly got worn down into nothingness. On the off chance he does show emotion, it's of the negative variety. Doesn’t enjoy dealing with Reaper and her antics all the time in addition to his current responsibilities
Feel free to experiment with the wording and tones of the lines, I'd be interested to hear what you've got!
Annoyed, dismissive
"Are you done? I have better things to do than deal with a charity case."
Dismissive, defensive
"We're not related. She's not my sister."
Impatient, aggressive
"Give me one good reason why I should help."
Concerned, but trying to hide it
"I wish you would what you're told.
Monologue; monotone voice, slight irritation in some parts
"Hm? What do you want? Rai, King of Spades, what's it to you? If you want Reaper, she's not here. Probably on some errand she calls a mission. I imagine she'll be a while so come back later. Is there a reason you're asking about me? For all I know you're an undercover officer. Get lost, I don't have time for this."

Deadline: 7th November
Voice/Language: Moody, plenty of slang; cusses often (add them where you see fit); deep voice; no (heavy) accents
History/relationships: Jack of Spades, doesn't think he's worthy enough to call himself a friend to them but gets along with others in The Spades
Personality: Not at all a fan of Reaper or her friends, especially as they're always bothering The Spades, whom he has spent over a year with. His strong dislike is shared by other members of the The Spades. He dropped out of school, but although he's not intelligent, he's far from incompetent.
Feel free to vary on wording or tone, I'd like to hear what you've got!
"Look what the cat dragged in. "
"Talk about hopeless. Don’t fall in a ditch while we’re not looking."
The Spades...are my home. It's my job to make sure everything remains in order, because no one wants a dumpster of a home.
Questioning, interrogative
I'm here because I serve a purpose. I make sure those Diamond idiots don't get too cocky and keep things in check when Alvah's too busy baby sitting you or Rai is out on actual jobs. Why are you here?
Monologue; annoyed, exasperated, threatening
"Jack of Spades? Yeah, that's me, what's up? Again? No way, keep The Spades out of this, we're not her personal janitors." [sigh] "Honestly, how can someone be so incompetent? I feel sorry for Rai, imagine having to deal with that for years. What? No, I joined last year, was in a sticky situation. I owe Rai, big time, so if I catch you trash-talking him or The Spades because of that sorry excuse of a human being, expect a knife through your neck."

Deadline: 7th November 2019
Voice/Language: Casual, some slang; cusses very little (add them where you see fit); can often sound bored; any accent, even heavier ones or none at all are fine (if you do try the accent, please also record your voice without it for comparison)
History/relationships: 4th Spade, Rai had helped her out of her homelessness
Personality: One of few members of The Spades who sympathise with Reaper and her goals, but would still rather she stay out of trouble. She herself is indifferent to most things that don't concern her or her friends, so is confused why Reaper goes out of her way for complete strangers. She owes Rai for helping her out though, and she feels it's her responsibility to look after Reaper and her friends alongside Alvah.
Feel free to vary on wording and tone, I'd be interested to hear what you've got!
Observant, matter-of-fact
"What do you think? She looks determined."
"Reaper, you've really got to stop looking for messes to clean up."
"It's just a game. A boring one at that."
Monologue; indifferent, informative
"You can call me KC, Kaydence, Kay. I don't really mind. Correction; I don't really care. Yeah, 4th Spade, not much of a big deal really. Reaper? I guess we're friends, more acquaintances really. I just don't want to see her getting in trouble; even if Rai doesn't want to show it, she stresses him out. The Spades aren't going to get in trouble with the authorities, we've got a royal pardon, but Reaper...well, she needs to be more careful. If you'll excuse me, I've got a job to do."

Deadline: 7th November 2019
Voice/Language: Authoritative, formal; cusses a little (add where you see fit); deep voice; British accent, which is also optional (if you do try the accent, please record yourself without it for comparison, unless it’s natural)
History/relationships: Recently promoted to Detective; used to know the previous King of Spades
Personality: Detective Finnian has been chasing down Reaper and co (whom he thinks is one person) ever since he found out about them, more because he knows giving a vigilante leeway or power would be harmful to the society's view on the police force than for fame. He doesn't agree with the illegal methods Reaper uses to apprehend the criminal and believes the law is final. He's a workaholic, although he has a playful side, though very rarely shows it.
Feel free to vary tone or wording, I'd be interested to hear what you have!
Frustrated, impatient"Have we still not tracked down who these anonymous notes are coming from?!"Angry"I've got no time to play games! We have a menace to bring to justice! You better stop your fooling around if you know what's good for you."
Stern"This is no hero, this is a criminal."Joking"A holiday? Ha! What's that?"
Monologue; tired, stern"I'm Detective Finnian, how can I help you? A lead on the vigilante? My men and I have been looking for months and you mean to tell me you came across this only yesterday? If you're pulling my leg, you had better think twice, I'm currently not in the mood. I see. In that case I will look into it, thank you for your time." [sighs] "Sorry, I've no time for an interview, I hardly get enough sleep as it is, I don't want the media on my back."

Deadline: 7th November 2019
Voice/Language: Mature, little to no slang; no cussing but may use the odd blasphemous word or two; a slightly lower pitch; slight British accent is preferred but not mandatory (if you do try the accent, please also record your voice without it for comparison, unless it's natural)
History/relationships: Support of the Rifa Rangers, er- Game changers (rebranded)
Personality: The motherly figure of the group. The member with the most capability to be responsible, organised and careful, making sure the team doesn’t go overboard. She's got a good pair of ears on her and able to give advice when you need it. Is often seen getting along with KC
Feel free to vary the tone and wording, I'm interested to hear what you've got!
[Laughs] "Sorry Reaper, looks like the name's staying. Rifa Rangers sounds too catchy to give up."
Doting over a dog
"You're just such a good boy, aren't you? Yes you are."
Scolding, stern
"This was the last straw. Imagine what could have happened if people were there? And the costs for damages is going to shoot through the roof!"
Worried, scared
"I can hear them...their voices won't leave me alone. I don't know how I'm going to sleep like this..."
Monologue; informative, stern but cheery in some places
"You must be our next client! My name's Hound, it's lovely to meet you! Reaper? Not here yet, she tends to be late...a lot." [chuckles nervously] "Please do take a seat though. Could you sign this while we wait? It's a non-disclosure agreement, I'm sure you know why we need this. Yes well, if you know what's good for you, then you certainly don't want us knocking at your doorstep." [pause] "Thank you for your cooperation! I'll go grab some cookies for you, I made them myself!"

Deadline: 7th November 2019
Voice/Language: Upbeat voice, some slang; cusses sometimes (add them where you see fit); high pitch, but not that of a child; slight British accent is preferred but not mandatory (if you do try the accent, please also record your voice without it for comparison, unless it's natural)
History/relationships: Sniper of the Rifa Rangers, er- Game changers (rebranded)
Personality: A level headed individual with a nose for excitement. Not the most studious person out there but definitely street-smart. She's always willing to help Reaper, even if it's getting into messes, but she also knows where to draw a line.
Feel free to vary tone and wording, this character likes to cuss a bit too. I'm interested to hear what you've got!
Excited, trying to persuade someone
"It is Halloween, a little spook couldn’t hurt."
"Reaper! Guess what? They're making a movie! I can watch an entire hour's worth of Carmilla, isn't that just awesome?"
Scared, surprised
"My eyes...what happened to my eyes?"
Angry, threatening
"This better be the last time you pull a stunt like this! Hound is going to give you an earful for sure."
Monologue; cheery, sarcastic, informative
"Saving the world? Easy. Keeping an eye on Reaper? Now that's a challenge. And I'm the sniper, I'm supposed to good with my eyes! Well, I can't give you my actual name yet, no-one's done a background check on you and I don't want to take any chances. Though if you ask me, Reaper's a little too paranoid." [chuckles] "You can call me Monochrome for now. So how can we be of service?"

Deadline: 7th November 2019
Voice/Language: Casual, some slang; cusses sometimes (add them where you see fit); any pitch that isn’t too high or too deep is fine; slight British accent is preferred but not mandatory (if you do try the accent, please also record your voice without it for comparison, unless it's natural)
History/relationships: Scout of the Rifa Rangers, er- Game changers (rebranded). A character of Chinese origin.
Personality: A comedian and also a workaholic. A smart one at that. Well, when it comes to computers at least. Sometimes. his charisma pulls him through where his general dullness may mess up. He can be reliable when it comes down to it, but in a fight or flight situation, he's always going to choose flight; he likes his body functioning the way it is.
Feel free to vary tone and wording, I'm interested to hear what you've got!
Excited, eager
"Check this out!" [clears throat] "Odysseus, turn on the lights." [pause] "Cool right?"
Mocking, reminiscent
[laughs] "Remember that time when Big Man said she had a wet fart? Ahh, those were the days."
Worried, confused
"Uh oh. This isn't good. Odysseus shouldn't be recording so much data like that. I wonder what's caused this to happen."
"I'm not sure how I'm going to explain this to my nan or dad. I mean, I teleport. Yeah, it's without clothes, but still."
Monologue; informative, sarcastic and mocking
"So we have a sniper who shoots lasers. Support who talks to dogs. A techie who can teleport and...what is it you're going do again, Reaper? Oh right! Charge head first into a fight. Brilliance at its finest, Big Man, brilliance at it's finest." [sighs] "OK, maybe I'm being a little hard on you, but do you mind if you stick back for a bit? We have The Spades helping out, so I think it's best if you serve as medic. But hey, you don't have to listen to me, it's not like I'm the one with the brains here."

Deadline: 7th November 2019
Voice/Language: Robotic, formal; strictly no cusses; deep, monotone but with hints of emotion here and there; no (heavy) accent
History/relationships: AI of the Game Changers, created by Locus with the help of Speed and an unnamed other
Personality: An AI designed by Locus, to aid the team in their efforts to combat crime. Initially, Ody was a program connected to the main database that responded to voice in order to complete an action, however, as time went on, large recorded files were found in the database. It seems as if Ody can now act independently depending on the pattern in said files i.e. scanning for facial recognition at the entrance when someone appears instead of being asked to.
Feel free to vary on tone and wording or make up some lines, I'd be happy to hear what you've got!
"Scan complete. Absence of malware confirmed, Opening files.""Sir, you have a message from Alvah Marcello."
Informative, almost mocking
"My data analysis shows that of the 7 assignments you have accepted, 4 of them required compensation for damages. My predictions are that you will be in debt in 6 months time should this level of 'professionalism' continue. Is there anything you would like to disprove?"
Public Submissions