The Homestuck Epilogues: A Radio Play

Project Overview

Ah, Homestuck, what would we do without you.

Last year, 3 years after the infamous webcomic Homestuck finished publishing, The Homestuck Epilogues were relased. Breaking away from the usual visual storytelling that Homestuck was known for, The Homestuck Epilogues were released entirely as a pair of novels, detailing the morose lives of the characters we'd grown to know and love. Whilst extremely divisive, The Homestuck Epilogues served as a continuation of one of the greatest works of internet-era fiction, and paved the way for more content still to come.

And since they were written as a combination of both a novel and a play, I figured "hey, why not make a full radio play/audio drama out of this?".

The structure of these 2 light novels lends itself perfectly to an audio drama complete with a fully voice acted cast, sound effects and original music, and whilst we have quite a few people on board already we still have a lot of roles left to fill for those who are interested in joining the crew.

We're looking to publish around 2 youtube videos per week after building up a backlog of videos (1 for each novel), at the end of each week (although this schedule may change) as the content will be 100% audio based. Along with voice acting we're looking to incorporate ambient sound effects and some original music into the production too in order to give it an authentic feel. Each novel is around 30-40 chapters long, with some chapters being extremely short and some being on the longer side, so it's a long-ish form project. The audition deadline is just a placeholder for now, it’s subject to change!

Below are a few guidelines for the project and auditions, be sure to give them a read before auditioning!:

  • You don't need to have read Homestuck or The Homestuck Epilogues to be a part of this project, but it would definitely help! If you haven't read them, you'll probably need to read along with the rest of the group as videos are published so you have an idea of what's going on in order to help with direction etc.

  • Good mic quality is pretty much a must, with as little background noise as possible. We're going to try and make this sound as nice as possible with work going into mixing, sound FX and music, so having a low quality mic for a couple of characters would break the immersion. It doesn't have to be professional quality, just listenable!

  • "Canon" voices (and I use that term very lightly) are completely stupid and don't exist as far as I'm concerned. If you have your own take on a character, whether that's accent, pitch, tone, anything at all, we'd love to hear it! We're planning on being a bit experimental with some of the characters and accents, so just audition with absolutely anything that you think might fit your character!

  • In order to avoid getting overwhelmed like many projects before, we're going to try and keep the cast/crew on the smaller side. This means we're willing to cast the same people in multiple roles, as many as you fit. So if you want to audition for 1 character that's fine, if you want to audition for 8, that's also fine, you can audition for who you like!

  • The Homestuck Epilogues deal with some pretty dark and heavy themes that caused a lot of controversy upon release (content warning for the project involves suicide, substance abuse, implied child abuse, war, genocide, racism, gender dysphoria, depression and many, many more. Basically everything on here). If you audition you must be comfortable with contributing to a project containing very sensitive and heavy topics.

  • The main method of communication will be Discord, so if you're cast then please let me know your Discord tag so I can add you to the server!

Good luck to everyone auditioning, please drop me a message if you have any questions!

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Latest Updates

  • Casting Announcement

    Congrats to everyone who's been cast! It really was such a tough choice to give each role to just 1 person, so thank you so much to everyone who took the time to audition. Discord links will be going out very shortly to those who have been cast so that you can join the server and we can all get started. We've left auditions open for a couple of roles (Jade, Aradia, Meenah) for another week or so to give these ones some more time.
  • Update!

    So auditions “officially” end today as it’s the deadline, but we’re just deliberating on finalising casting choices so we’ll leave them open while we sort that, and get casting info sent out ASAP over the next day! Thanks to everyone who auditioned, there were so many fab auditions for each and every role
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
John Egbert
Role assigned to: Septennial

John is the main character of Homestuck, and appears heavily in both epilogues. Just like the rest of the cast, he starts as a young adult in his mid-early 20's and by the end of the Candy epilogue he's middle aged, rather than the young child we've come to know over the course of Homestuck.

  • JOHN: i guess i’ll just come out and say it.

    JOHN: i completely fucked up your entire life.

    JOHN: i’m not going to pretend like there are two sides here. it’s my bad, totally.

    JOHN: like, not just what happened to our marriage, though it’s also true that that’s completely my fault.

    JOHN: but even before that...

    JOHN: i think i fucked up on just this massive, fundamental level

  • JOHN: my wedding? um...

    JOHN: good i guess?

    JOHN: really good actually.

    JOHN: you should have seen roxy. she was so beautiful in her dress!

    JOHN: i mean, there were some awkward patches, but it was mostly ok.

  • (This scene is John meeting his son for the first time in a long time, so direction would be awkward and a bit tense)

    JOHN: hey harry anderson.

    JOHN: it’s really, really good to see you.

    JOHN: do you wanna go for a drive?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rose Lalonde
Role assigned to: LineOfSight

Rose is another main character. She's wise beyond her years and whilst she lives happily and prosperously in one epilogue, she is plagued by illness and lethargy in another, eventually succumbing to her demons.

  • ROSE: Don’t be ridiculous, Kanaya.

    ROSE: What I would prefer...

    ROSE: to be here, with you.

    ROSE: Really here with you.

    ROSE: For the first time in a long time.

  • ROSE: It was hard on you, wasn’t it?

    ROSE: My illness? Combined with all your duties to the Mother Grub, the pressures of the changing political situation...

    ROSE: With all that on your mind, it can’t have been pleasant to have to come home and take care of me as well.

    ROSE: I can see now that it was all terribly unfair to you.

  • ROSE: The war is just as irrelevant as everything else that’s happened here in the last decade and a half.

    ROSE: At least with a conflict, we have something to DO.

    ROSE: Something to strive for and against. Something to believe in.

    ROSE: I’m thankful for that. But more than anything, John, I’m thankful that I got a chance to be happy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dave Strider
Role assigned to: CapitainLazar

One of the most infamous Homestuck characters, Dave now spends his days hidden away as a hermit with his definitely-not-boyfriend, Karkat. That is, until they decide to run for President of Earth-C in order to combat a tyrannical dictator that used to be their friend.

  • DAVE: its never too late to develop a substance abuse problem

    DAVE: ive been thinking about it for a while and it seems like its time for me to finally get on the wagon of not being on the wagon

  • DAVE: im kind of getting the feeling that... maybe...

    DAVE: theres a level to what were thinking that isnt entirely coming across in words

    DAVE: and since we dont have the right words we arent getting to the right actions either

  • DAVE: dude ok dont pretend you dont spend at least 15% of your day ogling jakes ass on television anyway

    DAVE: in fact youre doing it right now

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jade Harley
Role assigned to: CopperClementine

For most of the epilogues Jade is her usual bubbly self, only a bit more mature than when we last saw her in Homestuck. Eventually she is possessed by Calliope's spirit from another reality, and most of her lines will be voiced by our Calliope VA, but Jade still plays a prominent role.

  • JADE: hey can we focus here?

    JADE: jakes ass isnt the one you two should be talking about right now

  • JADE: see i dont mind at all!

    JADE: i would never try to break up what you two have.... im just trying to make it BETTER!

  • JADE: karkat youre absolutely right

    JADE: and i couldnt agree more with you on issues of consent as everyone whos gotten to know me well enough is perfectly aware


    JADE: im not the one who kissed you silly.....

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jane Crocker
Role assigned to: CrustaceanMother

No longer the sweet girl from Homestuck, Jane very quickly takes a sinister turn as she ruthlessly pursues profit and war over her family and friends as she once did.

  • JANE: Well, Jake, it doesn’t always have to be that way.

    JANE: Putting business first? Ignoring the good things in my life chasing profit? I’m sick of it.

    JANE: I think that I could be... loving. I could be a good wife.

  • JANE: Oh, this is mortifying to admit, but I’ve been thinking that perhaps I’ve been doing the wrong thing with my life.

    JANE: Instead of all this business politicking I’ve been doing, what I’d really like...

    JANE: Is to settle down and raise a family.

    JANE: Does that sound ridiculous?

  • JANE: All right.

    JANE: Jake! Get the president on the phone.

    JANE: It’s clear to me now that it’s past time for the military to strike, and I’ll be giving that man a real piece of my mind until an appropriate counterattack is in motion.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Roxy Lalonde
Role assigned to: KingSpirals

The standout character of the epilogues, Roxy plays a big part in both the Meat and Candy epilogues. Estranged from their husband in one, and coming to terms with their gender identity in the other, Roxy is a complex character in the epilogues, and may be the key to the story that comes after. 

Roxy speaks in "text speak" a lot, saying things like bff and lmao through the epilogues. Feel free to make use of these any way you want in your audition, whether you want to say the full term or just the abbreviation.

I'd prefer to cast a nonbinary VA as Roxy given the content of the meat epilogue (and how much their arcs means to me personally), but feel free to audition regardless of your gender identity, just as long as you're comfortable voicing some pretty deep lines when it comes to gender and sexuality.

  • ROXY: it means that everyones rly good friends harry anderson

    ROXY: just a dumb fancy word for bffs

    ROXY: its a big hard word for grownups tho so feel free to un-know it now sweetie

  • (This is Roxy giving a speech at one of their best friend's funerals, the tone is extremely sombre/upsetting)

    ROXY: theres no words to describe how i felt about dirk strider

    ROXY: and even tho he left a note that had hella words in it

    ROXY: they might as well have been sayin nothing

    ROXY: which is just like dirk i guess

    ROXY: to leave us with a load of bullshit and no idea why he did what he did

  • (This scene has Roxy meeting their estranged husband for the first time in years, it's extremely tense as both characters are very on edge, but still clearly have feelings for each other)

    ROXY: i like my life!!!

    ROXY: i mean it aint perf and i got my share of fuckups n mistakes in there but you dont get to tell me its fucked up

    ROXY: or that it isnt real or somethin

    ROXY: its mine!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
(Vriska) Serket
Role assigned to: LineOfSight

The queen of discourse herself, Vriska (now going by (Vriska) to avoid confusion with the OTHER Vriska) plays something of a minor role in the epilogues, only appearing near the end of the Candy route as she finds her way into this timeline. Nonetheless she's her usual, brash, self, and is ready to fuck shit up to get her way.

  • (VRISKA): You 8etter fucking listen up, Makara.

    (VRISKA): I don’t know what you may have thought... THIS was. Whatever the fuck it was that just happened here.

    (VRISKA): 8ut let me clue you in.

    (VRISKA): It was NOTHING.

  • (VRISKA): Wow. You know what?

    (VRISKA): You’re RIGHT.

    (VRISKA): Man, that is SUCH a good attitude?

    (VRISKA): Why didn’t I say that??

    (VRISKA): I used to say shit like that.

  • VRISKA: What the F8CK are you t8lking a8out?

    VRISKA: Where am I????????

    VRISKA: I c8n’t 8e here! I h8ve to go 8ACK!!!!!!!!

    VRISKA: I need to see what happened!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Terezi Pyrope
Role assigned to: KingSpirals

99% of Terezi's scenes in both epilogues are with John, as she remains his anchor to canon and reality, eventually resulting in their hookup during Meat. She's wandering the vast emptiness of space all alone in an attempt to find both her best friend, and herself. Her dialogue is a pain to read if you're not used to it, but that's Terezi for you.







  • (This is probably the most emotionally charged scene in the entire epilogues, as Terezi's love interest dies in her arms just after they think they've both made it to safety, she's in tears throughout this scene, but mainly angry at him for daring to die without confessing his love to her)


    TEREZI: 1LL *M4K3* TH3M B3L13V3 1T



    TEREZI: 1 FORB1D 1T!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Meenah Peixes
Role assigned to: CopperClementine

Probably the only character who hasn't significantly changed since the epilogues, Meenah's ready to join Karkat's revolution against Jane. She doesn't care what it's for actually, just as long as she gets to be on the front line messing shit up.

  • MEENAH: now thats what im TALKIN about

    MEENAH: yeah i could use a new seacond in command

  • MEENAH: yeah dude just point me at where the actions at i dont even give a fuck

    MEENAH: water the orders boss

  • MEENAH: ok for one thing genius

    MEENAH: im dead

    MEENAH: i wont even last on your planet ill just like

    MEENAH: fade away or some shit

    MEENAH: i dont know what happens to ghosts in real places actually but ima guess it goes somefin like that

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gamzee Makara
Role assigned to: CapitainLazar

Oh god. Unfortunately Gamzee's in this so we have to cast him, as much as I wish I didn't. He's been "redeemed" but is still the same old juggalo he always was. Enjoy.

  • GAMZEE: ShUt tHe fUcK Up.

    GAMZEE: I’M GeTtInG ReAl aT A MoThErFuCkEr rIgHt nOw.

    GAMZEE: I BeEn rEdEeMeD Yo. I SaId mY SoRrIeS AnD ReDeEmEd tHe sHiT OuT Of mYsElF, dIdN’T YoU SeE?

  • GAMZEE: i dOn’t kNoW, bAbE.

    GAMZEE: ThIs iS AlL StArTiNg tO SoUnD A LiTtLe...

    GAMZEE: xEnOpHoBiC? :o(

  • GAMZEE: AnD yOu’Ve BeEn MoRe Of A hElP tO mE tHaN aNyBoDy. MoRe ThAn AnYtHiNg.

    GAMZEE: yOu KnOw WiTh ThE NiGhTmArEs I cAn’T sLeEp WiThOuT hOlDiNg On To A mOtHeRfUcKeR!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aradia Megido
Role assigned to: CopperClementine

As inscrutable as ever, Aradia finds her way into the Candy timeline along with Sollux. She has little to no interest in choosing sides, as she mainly just wants to see what's happening as reality and canon crumble around her. She's her usual creepily friendly self, other than that!

  • ARADIA: what makes him so dangerous

    ARADIA: i mean

    ARADIA: what exactly is it he can do which is more destructive than what i was seeing just before i came here?

  • ARADIA: ah yes the prince

    ARADIA: i still have no idea who he is

    ARADIA: not that i doubt you really

    ARADIA: we had a prince who was a huge jerk who destroyed everything he touched

  • ARADIA: i mean i think i understand what i was seeing

    ARADIA: when i watched as everything broke apart

    ARADIA: and got swallowed up by the black hole

    ARADIA: which is where i ended up too

    ARADIA: that black hole...

    ARADIA: thats basically you, right?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sollux Captor
Role assigned to: Septennial

Sollux's appearance is little more than a cameo in the homestuck epilogues. He's tagging along with Aradia but doesn't have much to say, same as always.

  • SOLLUX: well yeah

    SOLLUX: that’s what happens when s0me0ne 0pens a d00r t0 a t0tally dark encl0sure.

    SOLLUX: fuck, i can’t believe y0u’re still this stupid.

    SOLLUX: 0h wait i can.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TGVelvet

Another character who appears mainly just as a cameo (in just one chapter, I believe), Davepetasprite is their usual bizarre self, and actually ends up dealing the killing blow to Lord English, dragging him into the Candy Black Hole. They're a bit creepy and sarcastic, but very friendly and an excellent fighter.

  • DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < dude i cant believe you dont recognize me

    DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < its me davesprite

    DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < and also nepeta?

  • DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i know it looks pawful right now but we can do it

    DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < in fact were literally the only ones who can do it

    DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < after all

    DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < it is our destiny

  • DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < im afuraid to say that you look like total shit my dude

    DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < you should stay here while we wind this bitch down


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