Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)

Project Overview

Project Info

Let's Dub Dual Destinies has been on hiatus since 2018 but we're back to finish the rest of the game!

Our previous work from 2015-2018 can be found here (earlier episodes aren't on-par quality wise with later episodes):

This time we're being fan-funded and starting right where we left off: finishing the last 8 episodes of case 3, but this time it's in glorious HD thanks to the Steam port! Fans have been begging us for years to bring it back and we're returning with a brand new cast that YOU could be a part of. Several of these characters return in other Ace Attorney material, so in a few cases, we're looking for long-term commitment which would lead to you being cast in future Let's Dub Ace Attorney episodes too.

General info:

What is a "Let's Dub"?:

A "Let's Dub" is a form of video that involves a combination of character ad -libbing, commentary, and voice dubbing. If familiar with the term "Let's Play", one could say a "Let's Dub" is a combination of a let's play and a fan dub.

About the Let's Dub Project:
We're a group of voice actors who have dubbed over 400 episodes of various series for Youtube ranging from Ace Attorney, to Doki Doki Literature Club, to VA-11 Hall-A.

If you'd like to support us beyond just your auditions, send us a donation here:


Good luck!

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  • Full Speed Ahead!

    We've gotten so many auditions in the last 2 days, thank you so much everyone! I hope I've been providing adequate feedback to those who want it. Looking forward to seeing more these next several months. Just a reminder, if you'd like to support this series, check us out over on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/letsdubproject

    You can also subscribe to us on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj87rh1qxUIJUb9pXVb81Ew

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Phoenix Wright
Deferred: Agreed Amount

  • NOTE: Potential long-term commitment role.

  • LINE COUNT: Not large for these 8 episodes, but huge in future cases and series.

  • The Ace Attorney series’ main protagonist. For the remaining episodes in this case, he will be mostly relegated to the Extra tier, as he pops in/out on occasion and leaves the focus on Athena and Apollo this time. However, we are looking for a VA to make a long-term commitment and be a part of our future Dual Destinies cases and future Ace Attorney dubs where he will be in the Featured tier quite often.

    The old VA for the role was quite popular with fans and will be helping with decision-making on who his replacement will be. You can see his performance throughout the episode:

    You can copy his performance but I am completely open to something new and any stand-outs will be heavily considered. We’re not *just* looking for someone who can play the role of this energetic, yet snarky main protagonist personality we built together over the years. Part of the appeal of the previous VAs’ performance was that he was great at ad-libbing, so our ideal person will be comfortable with it as well.

    Voice pitch: Mid to mid-high. American. Phoenix was never a baritone in my head.

    Personality: As energetic as a 90s superhero but as snarky and clever as a 2020s one - that’s the personality we built for our previous Phoenix. The game’s Phoenix tries to put on a serious face most times but comes across as more of a goofy person who is a bit insecure in his most vulnerable moments. However, he finds a way to laugh it off when it’s finally over.

    You can go based on these traits or give us something totally new. I’m open to options. For the following lines, insert some clever ad-libs around your delivery if you can think of any. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • animation/character
  • Give me some incidentals: “OBJECTION!” “HOLD IT!” TAKE THAT!” …and a running gag from our previous episodes “TURBO LAWYER POWER!”

  • An embarrassed noise followed by internal monologue: “Nnghn! (Did the judge take smart pills during the last recess?)”

  • Serious and wistful: "It's only natural for living creatures to fight to protect their own lives. But what makes us human is that we fight for others. But who do you fight for? How hard must you fight...? That's the true measure of what human life is worth."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Athena Cykes
Deferred: Agreed Amount

NOTE: Potential long-term commitment role. 

LINE COUNT: Very large for these 8 episodes. Less-so in future cases and series but still prominent.

Athena Cykes is a defense attorney working under Phoenix Wright at the Wright Anything Agency. She is a specialist in analytical psychology, which she studied in Europe. She has highly sensitive hearing and has the special ability to pick up subtle emotions from witnesses' voices, which she can then examine using a program called the "Mood Matrix". The Mood Matrix is linked to her AI partner Widget, who hangs around her neck and changes color with her emotions.

Previous VA reference:


I’m not married to the previous take whatsoever and am completely open to all interpretations here - the video is just a reference to a performance we liked a lot before.

Voice pitch: Mid to mid-low. American, Female.

Personality: While she’s only a fledgling defense attorney, Athena is incredibly smart and uses analytics as her way of identifying inconsistencies in testimonies. She has strong emotions which can lead to recklessness, but she’s Type A, well-spoken and intelligent. She will carry the bulk of the lines in this case and be a prominent figure in future Dual Destinies cases. Feel free to throw any ad-libs you like into the following lines as well, as we embrace those for our main characters. The voice of Athena will also be the robot voice for Widget.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • american
  • Give me some incidentals: “OBJECTION!” “HOLD IT!” TAKE THAT!” ….give me these in Widget voice, too.

  • (proving to the court that a covered statue looks like Phoenix Wright) "Apollo, tie me up into a new pose! Wait, you're not into this kind of stuff, are you?"

  • It's just, I thought that if my special ability could help defend innocent people... ...then I had to do everything in my power to bring it to the courtroom! That's when I really started hitting the books hard!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Apollo Justice
Deferred: Agreed Amount

NOTE: Potential long-term commitment role.

LINE COUNT: Medium for these 8 episodes. Bigger in the future. We might end up re-dubbing AJ: AA or dubbing Spirit of Justice in the Future and his line count will be a lot bigger then.

Apollo Justice is a defense attorney who has operated in the United States and Khura'in. He started off working for Gavin Law Offices, but after his first trial, he was taken under the wing of Phoenix Wright at the Wright Anything Agency. Apollo Justice is largely characterized by his seriousness and desire to build his self-confidence. He deals with the bizarre situations that are thrown at him by being somewhat sarcastic and critical toward others, including some of his clients. This often puts him at odds with people like Klavier and the Wrights, who often tease him and make him wonder if he is being taken seriously. He frequently makes puns out of his own name and practices shouting for hours at night, calling it his "Chords of Steel", which sometimes makes his voice raspy. While mostly to "improve" his voice in court, these exercises also function to both psyche himself up and make himself feel better. Apollo often uses the phrase "I'm fine!" as a way of psyching or cheering himself up, with his friend Clay Terran also developing this habit.

Voice pitch: Mid-high. American male. He’s on the younger side.

Old voice reference here:https://youtu.be/z-vvb0ZBGyA?si=oS4a-yo2nYxp7IW3

Personality: A fledgeling defense attorney who is serious and well spoken, but has a penchant for yelling really loud to psyche himself up. He has the ability to perceive small movements in people to see if they’re lying. He has issues with his boss and coworkers not taking him seriously.

We value ad-libs as fanservice, particularly on the main characters so work some ad-libs into these lines if you can think of any.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american
  • animation/character
  • Give me some incidentals: “OBJECTION!” “HOLD IT!” TAKE THAT!” “I’M APOLLO JUSTICE AND I’M FINE!”

  • Then it must be one big bird! And not the yellow, friendly type either!

  • Who would have imagined me here, at a Gavinner's concert...watching Prosecutor Gavin "rock". To be honest...he was pretty cool. And I am pretty envious. Not that I would ever admit that to Trucy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Juniper Woods
Deferred: Agreed Amount

LINE COUNT: Medium for these 8 episodes. Returns in a later Dual Destinies case but won't be back long-term.

Juniper Woods is a childhood friend of Athena Cykes. A third-year student and the student council president at the Themis Legal Academy, she is studying to be a judge. A somewhat meek and quiet girl, Woods has a habit of going into coughing fits when stressed.

Voice pitch: High. American female…I’m not opposed to trying out country accents.

Previous voice reference: https://youtu.be/XJ3GRUIxkT4?si=7Ki05Cp6dmfoCC3i&t=588

Personality: She’s very shy and soft-spoken and tends to break out into coughing fits when emotionally heightened.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • american
  • female young adult
  • american (midwest)
  • My grandma says, "Eat lots of peppers and they'll ignite your passion." Oh, but I should figure out which to grow: green peppers or yellow peppers. Or maybe I should go with hot-as-the-sun red peppers instead...

  • (Swooning) Apollo is... just like the sun -- strong and bright and warm. Just talking about him makes me feel like a leaf undergoing photosynthesis.

  • “Thena…*cough cough*”...Apollo. Help me! *cough*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hugh O'Conner
Deferred: Agreed Amount

LINE COUNT: Medium for these 8 episodes. Does not return after this case.

Hugh O'Conner is a cool-headed and snobbish third-year student at Themis Legal Academy, where he is studying to become a defense attorney. He is often seen reading through "Zen and the Art of Mastering the Bar Exam: Civil Law - Corporate Law - Criminal Law". He was considered a genius by many of his fellow students, since he was deemed a perfectionist by his perfect scores. O'Conner is also considered an ace of the school's archery club and normally carries a bow around with him.

Voice pitch: Mid.Young American male.

Previous voice reference: https://youtu.be/2IHQGC7qJ5A?si=HSlgGepf7Jntpfjc&t=344

Personality: Very snobby and sure of himself. Secretly, he’s not all that and will crack at a certain point.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • "Heh...a seven year break. Seven years...I've just one thing to say. There are two kinds of seven year breaks: the ordinary one you mouth-breathers take...and the genius kind people like me take."

  • "I will now demonstrate the very moment of genius that transcended even perfection!"

  • "No, I was going to confess...that I'm not a genius and I'm really 25 years old."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Robin Newman
Deferred: Agreed Amount

LINE COUNT: We've gone through her testimony already in the series so she doesn't have a lot of lines remaining. However, I'd still consider the count to be Medium. Does not return after this case.

WARNING: Do not audition for this role if you hate yelling. Most of Newman’s lines will be yelling.

Robin Newman is a loud and hot-headed individual who studied at Themis Legal Academy to become a prosecutor. Newman was a top student at the school and was a member of the school's fine arts club.

Voice pitch: As androgynous as possible. Newman has 2 different personalities. The male version is loud, intense and yells a lot with a mid-low pitch. The female one is the opposite - bubbly and high pitched.

Previous voice references:
Male: https://youtu.be/evvZoE6jbrk?si=_m05G9LbNut_CnAf&t=464

Female: https://youtu.be/evvZoE6jbrk?si=EbKVrHNORaGaiNX0&t=1628

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • animation/character
  • androgynous

  • Male: “NOOOO! That’s not it! ART’S GOTTA BE SINCERE MAAAAAN!”

  • Female: “Eh heh heh..nope it’s for real! I’m a girl…body and soul. And if you don’t believe me, I’ll give you a P-E-E-K…” (The last word is spelled out with letters, not read as “peek”...she does this often)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aristotle Means
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Line count: Light for a few episodes but heavier once his testimony comes around. Does not return for future entries.

Aristotle Means was a teacher at Themis Legal Academy known for his belief that "the end justifies the means". As well as teaching the school's attorney course, Means was a formidable defense attorney in his own right.

Means is the main antagonist of this case and has 2 personalities.

Personality 1: The knowledgeable professor. He speaks like he’s doing a lecture - slowly and with enunciation. There's a point made about how boring his lectures are. Lower pitch, American or British male.

Old voice reference: https://youtu.be/XJ3GRUIxkT4?si=WDQ3xPjoo5TapEVG&t=239

Personality 2: A mix of a drill instructor and a professional wrestler (see “Sergeant Slaughter” and “Ultimate Warrior”).Still lower pitch.

Voice reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF4ZTcuhixc

  • (Personality 1) " Ah yes. You must be the young lady Mr. Wright was telling me about."

  • (Personality 1) " I am Aristotle Means - a professor at this hallowed hall of learning. My philosophy is that the ends justify the means.""

  • (Personality 2) "Staff?! This is the spear of a great legal warrior! You have earned yourself lavatory cleaning duties until you graduate!""

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Simon Blackquill
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Line Count: High. Returns for trials throughout the other 2 Dual Destinies cases as well as a case in Spirit of Justice we might do in the far future.

Simon Blackquill is a prosecutor who was convicted in the aftermath of the UR-1 Incident. Seven years later, he was called to serve as a prosecutor despite serving his murder sentence. Blackquill is known for his use of psychological manipulation in court, as well as his pet hawk Taka, to intimidate others and bend them to his will. His conviction and tactics in court earned him the nickname of the "Twisted Samurai".

Voice: Deep and slower-paced. American Male.

Personality: Comically dark and gloomy. Threatens others in court with violence on a regular basis.

Old voice reference: https://youtu.be/evvZoE6jbrk?si=aoEQ6QJrQ23dhcOP&t=436

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • Give me incidentals: "OBJECTION!" "HOLD IT!" "SILENCE!"

  • "......Hmph. ......Enough jabbering. Get on with it, already."

  • “Never in the history of this planet has their been a finer specimen of the masculine spirit.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Trucy Wright
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Line Count: Light. She's mostly an extra but she does appear in the other Dual Destinies cases. If we ever redo Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney or do Spirit of Justice she'll be in those too.

Trucy Wright (born Trucy Enigmar) is a professional stage magician at the Wright Anything Agency who has also served as an investigative partner for the lawyers in the agency. She was born into the Gramarye family of magicians, her biological father being Zak Gramarye and her grandfather being Magnifi Gramarye. Phoenix Wright adopted her shortly after her father's disappearance. Her famous magic trick involves giant bloomers. She calls it her "magic panties" trick.

Voice: High pitched, bubbly. American teenager.

Personality: She’s a young magician and showman and her lines contain a lot of energy.

Old voice reference: https://youtu.be/Fx-QKiod-GU?si=yQW9eV691Btsrs3k&t=41

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • "Everyone's got an opinion, and they just talk and talk and nothing gets decided."

  • "Oh hey! An attorney badge? My Daddy has one of those too. Here, give that to me a second. Now if I do this... and this... ta da!"

  • "A lot of people come just to see my panties, you know!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Klavier Gavin
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Line count: Relatively light. Will return if we end up re-dubbing Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.

Klavier Gavin is a prosecutor and the younger brother of Apollo Justice's former mentor, Kristoph Gavin. He was also the lead vocalist and guitarist of his own rock band, the Gavinners, before they disbanded so he could continue practicing law full time.

Voice: Mid. Faux German accent. I don’t think he actually speaks German but he thinks the accent is cool so he uses it.

Personality: Big time, music loving German rocker prosecutor.

  • "I know what you're thinking: "You're out of your league, rock-boy." True, my debut single, "13 Years Hard Time For Love", went platinum overnight... ...but that's just a hobby to me compared to this, ja?"

  • "Your tactics are outdated. Trying to shake the witness by objecting to trifles? Surely you haven't forgotten the fatal wound your master suffered seven years ago? Phoenix Wright... was it?"

  • “Ach tung, baby! Let’s rock!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Myriam Scuttlebutt
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Line count: At this point, relatively light. She still has a few scenes, but her big moments are past us by now. Does not return for other entries.

Myriam Scuttlebutt is a suspicious student at Themis Legal Academy who sneaks around collecting information while obscuring her features under a cardboard box. She is a senior in the judge course at the academy, as well as the only member of the newspaper club.

Pitch: Mid-high. Snake-like. 

Personality: Sneaky and secretive. 

Old voice reference: https://youtu.be/m_BFNGmukV8?si=9OMvfbd6lnRKFHei&t=853

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • american
  • animation/character
  • "Kahk-kahk! This disguise is how I get my scoops!"

  • “Sss, sss, sss…you really want to see my script that bad?”

  • (accidentally deleteing her records) “Oh no, my photos! Stop! Cancel! Abort!”


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