Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)

BlueBlazer for Apollo Justice

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Apollo Justice
Deferred: Agreed Amount

NOTE: Potential long-term commitment role.

LINE COUNT: Medium for these 8 episodes. Bigger in the future. We might end up re-dubbing AJ: AA or dubbing Spirit of Justice in the Future and his line count will be a lot bigger then.

Apollo Justice is a defense attorney who has operated in the United States and Khura'in. He started off working for Gavin Law Offices, but after his first trial, he was taken under the wing of Phoenix Wright at the Wright Anything Agency. Apollo Justice is largely characterized by his seriousness and desire to build his self-confidence. He deals with the bizarre situations that are thrown at him by being somewhat sarcastic and critical toward others, including some of his clients. This often puts him at odds with people like Klavier and the Wrights, who often tease him and make him wonder if he is being taken seriously. He frequently makes puns out of his own name and practices shouting for hours at night, calling it his "Chords of Steel", which sometimes makes his voice raspy. While mostly to "improve" his voice in court, these exercises also function to both psyche himself up and make himself feel better. Apollo often uses the phrase "I'm fine!" as a way of psyching or cheering himself up, with his friend Clay Terran also developing this habit.

Voice pitch: Mid-high. American male. He’s on the younger side.

Old voice reference here:https://youtu.be/z-vvb0ZBGyA?si=oS4a-yo2nYxp7IW3

Personality: A fledgeling defense attorney who is serious and well spoken, but has a penchant for yelling really loud to psyche himself up. He has the ability to perceive small movements in people to see if they’re lying. He has issues with his boss and coworkers not taking him seriously.

We value ad-libs as fanservice, particularly on the main characters so work some ad-libs into these lines if you can think of any.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american
  • animation/character
  • Give me some incidentals: “OBJECTION!” “HOLD IT!” TAKE THAT!” “I’M APOLLO JUSTICE AND I’M FINE!”

  • Then it must be one big bird! And not the yellow, friendly type either!

  • Who would have imagined me here, at a Gavinner's concert...watching Prosecutor Gavin "rock". To be honest...he was pretty cool. And I am pretty envious. Not that I would ever admit that to Trucy.

Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)

That does sound better! Nice work.

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