Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)

SebbnFlow for Phoenix Wright

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Phoenix Wright
Deferred: Agreed Amount

  • NOTE: Potential long-term commitment role.

  • LINE COUNT: Not large for these 8 episodes, but huge in future cases and series.

  • The Ace Attorney series’ main protagonist. For the remaining episodes in this case, he will be mostly relegated to the Extra tier, as he pops in/out on occasion and leaves the focus on Athena and Apollo this time. However, we are looking for a VA to make a long-term commitment and be a part of our future Dual Destinies cases and future Ace Attorney dubs where he will be in the Featured tier quite often.

    The old VA for the role was quite popular with fans and will be helping with decision-making on who his replacement will be. You can see his performance throughout the episode:

    You can copy his performance but I am completely open to something new and any stand-outs will be heavily considered. We’re not *just* looking for someone who can play the role of this energetic, yet snarky main protagonist personality we built together over the years. Part of the appeal of the previous VAs’ performance was that he was great at ad-libbing, so our ideal person will be comfortable with it as well.

    Voice pitch: Mid to mid-high. American. Phoenix was never a baritone in my head.

    Personality: As energetic as a 90s superhero but as snarky and clever as a 2020s one - that’s the personality we built for our previous Phoenix. The game’s Phoenix tries to put on a serious face most times but comes across as more of a goofy person who is a bit insecure in his most vulnerable moments. However, he finds a way to laugh it off when it’s finally over.

    You can go based on these traits or give us something totally new. I’m open to options. For the following lines, insert some clever ad-libs around your delivery if you can think of any. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • animation/character
  • Give me some incidentals: “OBJECTION!” “HOLD IT!” TAKE THAT!” …and a running gag from our previous episodes “TURBO LAWYER POWER!”

  • An embarrassed noise followed by internal monologue: “Nnghn! (Did the judge take smart pills during the last recess?)”

  • Serious and wistful: "It's only natural for living creatures to fight to protect their own lives. But what makes us human is that we fight for others. But who do you fight for? How hard must you fight...? That's the true measure of what human life is worth."

Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)

Thanks for the audition! Are you open to feedback?


    Yeah, for sure!


      It’s not bad at all. The voice works. The delivery is a bit rushed, especially on the last line.


        Fair enough, I wasn’t sure how to go about with the pacing there. I’ll keep that in mind.

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